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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Help: Identical notebooks but different performance

    Hi -- My partner and I both have identical gaming laptops that were relatively spiffy back in August 2007. Our Asus G1S notebooks have been able to run most PC games at high levels of quality. Recently, we started playing DDO and encountered some problems.

    On my system (which is running Windows 7) the game performs well with no performance problems. On her system (which is running Vista), the game regularly stutters and chokes.

    Both systems have the most recent video drivers installed. The firewalls on both systems are turned off.

    From searching the net, it appears that most people running DDO under Vista with an nvidia 8600m gt graphics card are having no problems. But her system is regularly choking. Direct X is up to date, the drivers are up to date, and we've mercilessly eliminated any extraneous startup programs and services.

    How can we fix this problem? At this point, we have a few theories. (A) Vista itself could be responsible for the performance issues. (B) Her system just needs to be wiped completely with a full operating system reinstall. (C) Well, there is no C. We really just have two theories.

    Please help us! We'd love to upgrade to new gaming systems, but that just isn't possible at this point. How can we make this work for both of us?


  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Have you tried to mess with the video options in-game and the video card options as well, to try and find a happy medium for both applications. There are a few things that can be turned off like Shadows for environment/stencils, foliage density, and a few other misc options in adv. video options in-game that help.

    As far as the system itself I run on a Vista OP laptop myself and don't have any major if minor difficulty at all running. I had to adjust my video card setting and then in-game knocked off a few useless video options that I stated above, and it runs flawlessly. Now on the vista laptop is it 32 or 64 bit OP? It mite have a issue as far as clocking speeds. Allso another issue mite be your "virtual memory paging file" you mite need to check that and see if you can increase its capacity.

    Let me know specs also on comps for a bit more in depth help.

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