I wanted to register my card despite being away from home. Is that what your reps are trained to do? Because that seems like it's going to cause widespread credit fraud.
I wanted to register my card despite being away from home. Is that what your reps are trained to do? Because that seems like it's going to cause widespread credit fraud.
Last edited by druidor; 09-11-2009 at 08:37 PM.
also, I had to wait on the phone for nearly an hour, as a long distance call, in order to have the rep ask for my credit card, because of a FRAUD PREVENTION MECHANISM. I'm sorry, but this is the sort of thing that makes people quit a game.
For the issue you were facing, it is normal for an Account Management rep. to ask for your credit card information. The workaround available for your issue requires them to manually enter your billing information.
thanks, i'll be going through a friend back home though.