Hi folks. I came back to the game now that it's free. My paladin was pretty diesel when 10 and 12 were the cap and he was serviceable in gianthold. Now I keep reading that if your AC is under 50, it's not worth trying. I'm at 42. However, I don't have great gear. No raid loot at all. I was wondering if I could get some help getting his AC up to respectable numbers. This is my first character and he's only 28 pt buy. I don't expect him to be optimal, just playable.

Here's what I've got:
Str 18 + 2 (tome) + 6 (gear) = 26
Dex 11 + 1 (tome) = 12
Con 14 + 1 (tome) + 6 (gear) = 21
Int 8
Wis 12 + 1 (tome) + 1 (enh) + 6 (gear) = 20
Cha 14 + 1 (tome) +4 (enh) + 5(gear) = 24

Feats: Extend Spell, Power Attack, Focus Slashing, Imp Crit Slashing, MT, Imp MT, Toughness.

HP: 322
SP: 467
AC: 42
Fort: 27
Ref: 21
Will: 23

At level 15, AC is the only thing that I think needs work. I have more SP than I know what to do with (well that's not true, but it's certainly more than I need) and could definitely afford to swap a feat out. Combat Expertise would be great, except that I'm 5 points of int too short and I cast a lot of spells, so CE would get turned off all the time anyway. Is Dodge worth a feat?

As I said, I'm undergeared. Here is where my AC comes from:
10 base
1 dex (this could obviously be improved with some MFP)
13 armor (+5 FP)
7 Shield (Just a +5 heavy)
2 Natural Armor (Invader ring)
3 Deflection (Spectacular Optics)
2 Dodge (Chaosgarde)
4 Misc (Paladin Bulwark)

So yeah, no protection bonus and my armor has room for more dex. I'm sure there's better deflection available. The Titan ring would probably help, but those are pretty rare as far as I know. What other gear should I aim for?

Monk seems really popular but I'd rather avoid it if possible. My wisdom is high, but I don't think I'll be able to get the dex high enough for monk to pay off. As this is my first character, I'd kinda like to keep him pure pally. However if you think monk is the only way to make this guy playable (I hear evasion is necessary) I'm willing to listen.