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Thread: 201 Error

  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default 201 Error

    When I install the game I get the error that the install is missing the game sound data, if I ignore this the game installs and I can go to the login screen and all. But when I try to log in the game crashes and says I have the 201 error... what should I do?

    (I downloaded the high-res version)

  2. #2
    Customer Service Representative Mirthgar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Unfortunatley if there was corruption of the download that would lead to the 201 error in the install. You may need to re-download the installation files and reinstall with a non-corrupted download.

    To help prevent file-corruption though there are some steps to take:

    1. Run a full antivirus and antispyware scan to make sure nothings running that shouldn't
    2. Double check with your ISP and make sure they haven't "capped" your downloading or are otherwise limiting your downloads
    3. Run defrag/scandisk etc on the drive your downloading to
    4. Try temporarily disabling your antivirus scanners active scan features while downloading so that it's not scanning the files as they're being downloaded (after running the scan in step 1 first though!)
    5. Make sure you don't have any other high-use internet apps running like filesharing clients or torrents etc. and maybe try downloading while under a temporary clean boot in extreme cases. (Also disable any kind of "Download Accellerator" software you're running as well)
    6. Since TDM (Turbine Download Manager) downloads the game in segments it may be an option to try as well (download link)

    NOTE: The Customer Support forums are best for Player-to-Player help, for more direct and official support, please submit a ticket to the appropriate team via the form here.

    After contacting support, log into your email webpage to add and to their "safe senders" list and your contacts list/address book. Be sure to check Spam/Junk Mail folders as well since most email providers do not let external email programs or cell phones download mail flagged this way.

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    There is a sticky for this error.

    To summarise, start the Turbine Download Manager if its not allready running. (Dont start the D&D game).
    Just above the big "play" button is a little arrow. This is a drop down menu.
    Choose the "Validate and Repair" option.
    It will ask if you are sure because it may take some time.
    Press "Yes".
    Go make food, watch a film or do some chores for the next few hours.
    It will scan your entire install and re download anything it thinks is foobar.

    If this fails.
    Re-Install. (Maybe from a different source than what youve used allready).
    If you dont want to download over 4GB of data yet again then deinstall and find something else to play that you know works. This is an old and common problem with turbine delivered games (go see the lotr forums), so its a shame its not been fixed by now.

  4. #4
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Zhalix View Post
    (I downloaded the high-res version)
    In other words, he didn't use TDM. I am actually in the same boat. I've tried downloading all three: TDM never actually started downloading, just kept saying it "Download Pending," and Standard/Hi-res both tell me certain files are corrupt and won't transfer (I've done both Express and then Repair, but they both consistently get errors with files).

    I've tried Mirthgar's list (not #6 though), so I may want to retry downloading via TDM again.

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