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  1. #21
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    i've got a +1 longsword of lesser undead bane i want to sell for 20 million gold or will trade for 10 bloodstones.

    seriously all the weapons for 500k gold or 2 million people are freaking crazy, and you are keeping good weapons from being used by good players. not everyone has 500k gold barely 2 weeks into the new server. 100-200k outta be the ceiling right now, but its not and sadly, MOST of us can't afford that. half a million for a portable hole? lol. alot of ya'll keep forgetting this server is not 3 years old.

  2. #22
    Community Member ShotByBothSides's Avatar
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    Prices are still on the whole greedy and unrealistic. Just don't buy folks and they will soon change.
    I, and others I have talked to, are quite happy to put items on the AH at very affordable prices and I am still making enough to fund the healing wands I need

  3. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by Aerendil View Post
    Given the nice new Sharn Syndicate weapons available around level 4-6, I can't see many players needing the AH for pre-10 gear unless they're keen on an adamantite or transmuter, ghost touch, or a holy / pure good weapon.

    I know I had a look at handwraps lastnight and had a laugh at the 13950175 various +1 handwraps up there. Pure silliness.

    So yes, stick with House D's weapon broker and house K's armour broker IMO.

    In other news, it's interesting to see PUGs for VoN already on this server.
    Provided they know about and/or buy the adventure pack.

    Some people may not want to spend their points on the adventure pack. I know I would not have if KK hadn't mentioned it to me.

    As for the rest of the issue, I agree with KK, the prices on the AH are way out of control. Someone listed a +1 frost longsword for 180,000 gold.

    Please get real people. Without that Syndicate quest, my players lvl 4 and down, would still be using the weapon from the Island. I think I have 1k p to my name total between 7 people.
    Hands you a Cupcake One of Many of the O'Rum Ferretus's

  4. #24
    Community Member BattleCircle's Avatar
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    Just out of curiosity, do those sweet little nicked weapons come in the two handed variety? cuz I sure didn't get any on my list... dammit

  5. #25
    Community Member Ephemeral's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BattleCircle View Post
    Just out of curiosity, do those sweet little nicked weapons come in the two handed variety? cuz I sure didn't get any on my list... dammit
    Yes, there is a greatsword available
    Current toons on Cannith: Case (Ftr 9/Rgr 6/Mnk 2)

  6. #26
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    As long as Congress doesn't step in, the Cannith AH will develop well. There are still lots of new characters coming aboard as Korthos is full almost constantly. I'd guess that the bulk of characters are still in the 4th - 7/8th level range. Everyone on the leading edge of the bell curve is encountering what all "new technologies" encounter - simple supply and demand of the "best" stuff not being readily available yet. Give it about another 3-4 weeks and there'll be pages of higher level gear. Checked last night and there were 11 pages of +1 heavy armor, alone - some priced ridiculously high but everyone with a brain trying to price to compete.

  7. #27
    Community Member Ephemeral's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ivid View Post
    As long as Congress doesn't step in, the Cannith AH will develop well. There are still lots of new characters coming aboard as Korthos is full almost constantly. I'd guess that the bulk of characters are still in the 4th - 7/8th level range. Everyone on the leading edge of the bell curve is encountering what all "new technologies" encounter - simple supply and demand of the "best" stuff not being readily available yet. Give it about another 3-4 weeks and there'll be pages of higher level gear. Checked last night and there were 11 pages of +1 heavy armor, alone - some priced ridiculously high but everyone with a brain trying to price to compete.
    I'd agree with your comment about the leading edge, except that what is happening is that a bunch of clowns who don't understand the current monetary supply on cannith are putting up items at 10m gold starting bids. Sorry, but anyone who spends that kind of gold on a server which opened 3 weeks ago and where there is not a huge money supply yet is an idiot (if they can even afford it, I seriously doubt there are many people that have 10m gold cash in hand atm).

    Whats worse is that at the higher levels, good weapons are scarce and the fact that many of them are tied up on the AH means that completing high level content is harder than it should be.

    Amongst the people I group with, we know who the main culprits are, and I for one will not be going out of my way to help them just as they by their actions are harming high level play on cannith. What goes around comes around, and on cannith there is only a smallish group of people playing at 15+ so reputation is key.
    Current toons on Cannith: Case (Ftr 9/Rgr 6/Mnk 2)

  8. #28
    Community Member magnvix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ephemeral View Post
    I'd agree with your comment about the leading edge, except that what is happening is that a bunch of clowns who don't understand the current monetary supply on cannith are putting up items at 10m gold starting bids. Sorry, but anyone who spends that kind of gold on a server which opened 3 weeks ago and where there is not a huge money supply yet is an idiot (if they can even afford it, I seriously doubt there are many people that have 10m gold cash in hand atm).

    Whats worse is that at the higher levels, good weapons are scarce and the fact that many of them are tied up on the AH means that completing high level content is harder than it should be.

    Amongst the people I group with, we know who the main culprits are, and I for one will not be going out of my way to help them just as they by their actions are harming high level play on cannith. What goes around comes around, and on cannith there is only a smallish group of people playing at 15+ so reputation is key.
    Good eye, and I agree with this. It adds nothing to the server nor should they expect for someone to pay that much. As someone said earlier in this thread or another, if it is actually worth 10million gold, they wouldn't be selling it

  9. #29
    Community Member Dacian_Falx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cupcake View Post
    Provided they know about and/or buy the adventure pack.

    Some people may not want to spend their points on the adventure pack. I know I would not have if KK hadn't mentioned it to me.

    ... Without that Syndicate quest ...
    Enlighten a newbie... what pack and what is this Syndicate quest? Because the AH prices are utterly and truly ********. I've been trying to buy a short sword for my off hand for 5 days now, and just when I finally gave up, a masterwork short-sword dropped for me in a quest.

    PS how do you deal with the **** oozes breaking your weapons all the time :|

  10. #30
    Community Member Nestorious's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dacian_Falx View Post
    Enlighten a newbie... what pack and what is this Syndicate quest? Because the AH prices are utterly and truly ********. I've been trying to buy a short sword for my off hand for 5 days now, and just when I finally gave up, a masterwork short-sword dropped for me in a quest.

    PS how do you deal with the **** oozes breaking your weapons all the time :|
    Get a club...

    Kinda confused here but if you sound content withthe masterwork s/s what are you actually looking at that is "retardedly overpriced" on the AH?

    I cant say that I frequent the AH much but coming up from lvl 1 just like everyone else I made due with what I pulled (and no, I didnt trade or was given hardly anything). Short story, if you rely on the AH to supplement your gear, something is amiss..

  11. #31
    Community Member KoboldKiller's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dacian_Falx View Post
    Enlighten a newbie... what pack and what is this Syndicate quest? Because the AH prices are utterly and truly ********. I've been trying to buy a short sword for my off hand for 5 days now, and just when I finally gave up, a masterwork short-sword dropped for me in a quest.

    PS how do you deal with the **** oozes breaking your weapons all the time :|

    The Sharn Syndicate is a chain quest in the marketplace.

    As fro Oozes there is a club the drops from a rare spawn in the Quest Durk's Got a Secret that is minor ooze bane and takes zero damage from them.
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  12. #32
    Community Member Dacian_Falx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nestorious View Post
    Get a club...

    Kinda confused here but if you sound content withthe masterwork s/s what are you actually looking at that is "retardedly overpriced" on the AH?

    I cant say that I frequent the AH much but coming up from lvl 1 just like everyone else I made due with what I pulled (and no, I didnt trade or was given hardly anything). Short story, if you rely on the AH to supplement your gear, something is amiss..
    Perhaps I didn't word it right. I spent 5 days looking for a enhanced short sword in order to dual wield without a penalty for using 2 rapiers. After 5 days, I managed to get a drop from a chest.

    "Making Due" is fine for some people, but for people like me, who want the most out of their character as possible, I would want rapier/SS as a drow. I didn't get any SS drops, I didn't get any SS quest reward choices. Heck, I didn't even get any Rapier choices (outside of Korthos), but it's a good thing that the Ember Rapier is so good.

    I did manage to buy a suit of +1 Full Plate from the AH at a reasonable cost, but it might have been pure luck (50ish PP).

    I'll have to check out this House D and K as well.


  13. #33
    Founder noob's Avatar
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    You do realize, that a free market will even itself out, if its too much, dont pay for it. Its that simple. If nobody buys it, then the prices will go down, if people DO buy it, the prices will stay the same, or go up, either way it reflects the way the economy should be. Its just like real life, if nobody interferes with the market then it works flawlessly.

  14. #34
    Community Member ShotByBothSides's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dacian_Falx View Post

    I did manage to buy a suit of +1 Full Plate from the AH at a reasonable cost, but it might have been pure luck (50ish PP).
    I suspect it may have been one of my auctions. I am still putting up lower level stuff at "competitive" prices

    Looking at some of the prices on the AH, I wonder if any of these items are selling at all. Who has 300k plat to spend on anything right now?

    Unless of course we are looking at plat arriving from elswhere, which does interfere with the natural market forces that should apply.

  15. #35
    Community Member lazlow's Avatar
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    Default hmm

    Quote Originally Posted by Dacian_Falx View Post
    Perhaps I didn't word it right. I spent 5 days looking for a enhanced short sword in order to dual wield without a penalty for using 2 rapiers. After 5 days, I managed to get a drop from a chest.

    "Making Due" is fine for some people, but for people like me, who want the most out of their character as possible, I would want rapier/SS as a drow. I didn't get any SS drops, I didn't get any SS quest reward choices. Heck, I didn't even get any Rapier choices (outside of Korthos), but it's a good thing that the Ember Rapier is so good.

    I did manage to buy a suit of +1 Full Plate from the AH at a reasonable cost, but it might have been pure luck (50ish PP).

    I'll have to check out this House D and K as well.


    Just a thought, i would hold off buying anything like that at your level you should without problem be able to loot all necessary weapons at your level. Wait until your 2nd or 3rd toon before buying that lowbie garbage from AH save yer loot for healing/buff/resist pots. just a bit of advice anything below min.level 4 is a waste to buy lest it be something really special and im having a hard time thinking of anything.


  16. #36
    Community Member Ephemeral's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by noob View Post
    You do realize, that a free market will even itself out, if its too much, dont pay for it. Its that simple. If nobody buys it, then the prices will go down, if people DO buy it, the prices will stay the same, or go up, either way it reflects the way the economy should be. Its just like real life, if nobody interferes with the market then it works flawlessly.
    A couple of things:

    i. when items are on the AH, they are out of circulation from the server. this means that every high end weapon or item that you see being continually priced at stupidly high prices is basically not being used. Over time, there will be more and more of these so some being tied up is less of an issue, but at the moment my suspicion is that top-end raids are being hampered by lack of access to some of this gear

    ii. stupidly high prices indicate an immature and greedy mindset on the part of the person putting up the item. if i know who these people are, i will be going out of my way not to group with them, simply because that level of greed indicates to me a basic lack of trustworthiness. I'm not saying here that everyone should put items onto the AH at stupidly low prices, but rather that clearly nonsensical bids should be frowned upon. Its not the maximum buy-out price I object to, but rather the minimum starting price oftentimes. No weapon on Cannith today is worth a starting bid of 200k plat imo, but you see several being put on with minimums of 500k+ plat
    Current toons on Cannith: Case (Ftr 9/Rgr 6/Mnk 2)

  17. #37
    Community Member Dacian_Falx's Avatar
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    As much as that is sound advice, and normally anyone should be able to follow it, I suspect I might be running on some bad luck.

    I am level 4 now. I have purchased the +1 Full Plate from the AH, and only in the last couple days have I upgraded my weapons from Korthos (drops: Masterwork Shortsword the other day and +1 Rapier last night). Everything else in my slots are still from Korthos.

    I suppose some of this might have been my fault as I did every quest on Korthos at every difficulty level (yes, even completed 750 slayer). I suspect the other thing is that being a paladin with access to all martial weapons leaves a lot of interpretation on what comes up in chests and quest rewards.

    I don't want to drag this off topic too much, just that the AH would be better served to keep the +1/+2 basic weapons and armors at low prices in order to keep the newbies in the game. Most people aren't as stubborn as me

  18. #38
    Founder Dex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by noob View Post
    You do realize, that a free market will even itself out, if its too much, dont pay for it. Its that simple. If nobody buys it, then the prices will go down, if people DO buy it, the prices will stay the same, or go up, either way it reflects the way the economy should be. Its just like real life, if nobody interferes with the market then it works flawlessly.
    My sentiment exactly. While these things sit on the auction house for 3 days at a time, their real value just depreciates as there are more high level items available on the server over time, and they gimp themselves in the long run. I've had some luck getting good stuff off the marketplace vendors and reselling it on the auction house for a bit more (double at most). Just hate to see a +5 stat item go to waste!

    I've been out a few years but, I am not seeing the good weps we used to in House D vendors, am I missing something?

    The best thing to do if you are running low-bies is to get in with a good guild. In any decent guild your higher level players will regularly donate lesser gear to the fng's. It's a good pay it forward kind of deal.

    I've seen a few things I could afford but didn't buy on principle because they were over priced. I went all the way to level 10 with my pair of nicked shortswords from Sharn. Of course it took my 14 tries, not to mention 28 tries to get a muckbane.
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  19. #39
    Community Member Varr's Avatar
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    if it makes you feel better, my 8/1 favored soul/monk improved two weapon fighting toon on the new server is still just using the crappy starter minor flamming handwraps. Haven't bumped into a better set yet, nor a nice short sword pair I will evolve to and haven't really missed the better stuff yet.

    My vast fortune is up to 8 res scrolls and 50 restore scrolls. Varr will be beating the heck out of xc tonight though so that might change.

    I have pulled some nice stuff already to give it away......muck doom, lev 4 shock/p good heavy mace, lev 4 keen pure good scimmy, lev 2 acid greatsword, lev 2 flaming a sword........

    The ah has been a fun watch so far.
    Last edited by Varr; 09-22-2009 at 11:31 AM.
    Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.

  20. #40
    Community Member Revord's Avatar
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    I actually managed to pull a couple of +1 Kamas off the ah the other day for my monk. Got them for 1000 gp each. They list at 2k. This is the part where the ah becomes an asset instead of a liability. As I said in a previous post, you get more out of selling from the ah at 50% or less the worth than from the vendors. Even if you cant sell something through the ah, and have to go via vendor, you still come out ahead in the end. It just makes better financial sense in my opinion to buy and sell that way. Gratz to those who give their stuff away, but there is money to be made by those willing to do the necessary things to make it.

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