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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Does Turbine offer a server transfer service?

    Sigh, Evidently I created my new char on a super crappy server, that is full of Plat Farmers, so if you don't cheat(buy plat), It's near impossible even to afford low lv equips, so I rather not be stuck with the crappy server for as long as I play DDO.

  2. #2


    Yes, they do, but it's like $15. Unless you've made a lot of progress on that character, you should simply consider changing server, period, rather than trying to transfer your character. For that, simply chose another server at server selection and roll a new character there. I doubt that the transfer is really worth $15 to you, but I could be wrong.
    Evidently I created my new char on a super crappy server, that is full of Plat Farmers, so if you don't cheat(buy plat), It's near impossible even to afford low lv equips
    This puzzles me. Would you mind telling me what server you play on and why you have this impression?, #1 source for DDO information.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    Yes, they do, but it's like $15. Unless you've made a lot of progress on that character, you should simply consider changing server, period, rather than trying to transfer your character. For that, simply chose another server at server selection and roll a new character there. I doubt that the transfer is really worth $15 to you, but I could be wrong.

    This puzzles me. Would you mind telling me what server you play on and why you have this impression?
    Well the problem is, this is my beta sub/char, thus it got 500 free points, so it would suck to scrap this char, and then be out the 500 points(most of which I used to get the Catacombs, and Steam Tunnel quests).

    While this char may not be technically far along, I do have a old char on a trial sub, with tons of amazing equips that I would like to mail this char as well(but they are on sepperate servers atm, so considering I have +3 Mythral Fullplate, +5 Fullpate, 3 elemental weapons, multiple magical throwing knives of X bane, and such, on the trial char, it would probally be in my best interest to move my newer char over to a server I know is good, and where my awesome equips are).

    My new char is on the Argonnessen server, the prices of anything other then pure ****(you know, stuff you generally sell at a npc anyway)are insanely high. You know those elemental X weapons(no other abilities= lv 2) for example, well if you find any priced under 150k, consider yourself lucks. Sigh, It's even worse for other types of equipment, It's real bad, you have no idea.

    PS. Why can't you say c-r-a-p, turbine grow up already, welcome to the real world, that Isn't even a curse, thus shouldn't be filtered.
    Last edited by Gwaelin; 09-10-2009 at 07:29 AM.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Gwaelin View Post
    this is my beta sub/char, thus it got 500 free points
    The points are account-based. Using your character will not deplete or lose your points.

    Just try it right now, and roll a new character on a new server. You'll see that you still have your points available and your dungeons unlocked.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gwaelin View Post
    My new char is on the Argonnessen server, the prices of anything other then pure ****(you know, stuff you generally sell at a npc anyway)are insanely high. You know those elemental X weapons(no other abilities= lv 2) for example, well if you find any priced under 150k, consider yourself lucks. Sigh, It's even worse for other types of equipment, It's real bad, you have no idea.
    Ok, then, all servers other than Cannith will be exactly like that. What you observe is the fact that the server is filled with players that have been around for very, very long and thus have accumulated a lot of platinum pieces. As a result, the prices are very high.

    Cannith will be different because it is around for only ten days so people have had very little time to accumulate money and that server transfers are not allowed to this server at the moment. This saves Cannith from the inflation other servers suffer of., #1 source for DDO information.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    The points are account-based. Using your character will not deplete or lose your points.

    Just try it right now, and roll a new character on a new server. You'll see that you still have your points available and your dungeons unlocked.

    Ok, then, all servers other than Cannith will be exactly like that. What you observe is the fact that the server is filled with players that have been around for very, very long and thus have accumulated a lot of platinum pieces. As a result, the prices are very high.

    Cannith will be different because it is around for only ten days so people have had very little time to accumulate money and that server transfers are not allowed to this server at the moment. This saves Cannith from the inflation other servers suffer of.

    Actually no, that's what plat farmers do to the game, and just so you know, not all the servers are that screwed up (Kyber is pretty good still, and other then standard varying price range fluctuationsis basically unchanged in atleast around 2 years).

    PS. Hm, I'll try creating a new char on another server, to see if I have access to the quests, if I do, awesome yea I'll just remake it then.

    Update: Sweet thanks, it seems to carry everything over correctly(hard to tell on a spanking new char, but my banked TP is the same, and the quests my other char got, aren't showing up in the store, which is what generally happens, after you gain access to such, so I should be good).
    Last edited by Gwaelin; 09-10-2009 at 09:01 AM.

  6. #6
    Community Member Mhykke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gwaelin View Post
    Sigh, Evidently I created my new char on a super crappy server, that is full of Plat Farmers, so if you don't cheat(buy plat), It's near impossible even to afford low lv equips, so I rather not be stuck with the crappy server for as long as I play DDO.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gwaelin View Post
    My new char is on the Argonnessen server....

    Stop trying to sweet talk us.....

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Gwaelin View Post
    Actually no, that's what plat farmers do to the game
    While they certainly contribute, they are not the main cause. The problem is that DDO has little to no moneysink so the prices continue to just grow, and grow., #1 source for DDO information.

  8. #8
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gwaelin View Post
    Actually no, that's what plat farmers do to the game, and just so you know, not all the servers are that screwed up (Kyber is pretty good still, and other then standard varying price range fluctuationsis basically unchanged in atleast around 2 years).....


    Oh, this is rich.

    Come in with newb clothes on and tell the vets how things are, after admitting not knowing that your TDs & unlocks exist on all servers...

    (Although the Khyber reference explains part of it, I guess.)

    Twas good for a morning chuckle, nonetheless.

    /Glances at history, nods before wandering off.
    Last edited by cdbd3rd; 09-10-2009 at 09:03 AM.
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdbd3rd View Post

    Oh, this is rich.

    Come in with newb clothes on and tell the vets how things are, after admitting not knowing that your TDs & unlocks exist on all servers...

    (Although the Khyber reference explains part of it, I guess.)

    Twas good for a morning chuckle, nonetheless.

    New cloths lol hardly, and that's a bad argument, since mod 9 is pretty new. I knew that spent TPs are suppose to be account based(well, non expendable addons anyway), but wierd things are going on, and even if that worked correctly, I could've sworn the points are given to one char, and while spending them may effect the entire account, they're technical on the char, you asign them to(aka, thus deleting the char, would delete the points). Luckily this is a D&D game after all, thus they must've thought of what if people want to reroll the char, so thankfully that Isn't a issue, and if any issues accure, It's a bug.

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