♣ A Baker's dozen in the Prophets of the New Republic and Fallen Heroes. ♣
Abaigeal(TrBd25), Ailiae(TrDrd2), Ambyre(Rgr25), Amilia(Pl20), Einin(TrRgr25), Emili(TrFgt25), Heathier(TrClc22), Kynah(TrMnk25), Meallach(Brb25), Misbehaven(TrArt22), Myara(Rog22), Rosewood(TrBd25) and Sgail(TrWiz20) little somethings with flavour 'n favour
Hmmm still growing strong even with the fear of poon :P!!
ashlick , bizkit, boobooface, breeewind, breunorson, crystalin, dreamless, drunkenorc, earthborn, elation, elazibeth, firesavant, ftwjust, gabrrielle, hiting, idelisa, inactive,jessamyne, keeblerorc,keighra, killia, layniebug, lmyc, mealltach, nicholete, ravinclaws, sapphiire, tairrdelbach, teenny
Welcome to all the new players!!!!
ashlick , bizkit, boobooface, breeewind, breunorson, crystalin, dreamless, drunkenorc, earthborn, elation, elazibeth, firesavant, ftwjust, gabrrielle, hiting, idelisa, inactive,jessamyne, keeblerorc,keighra, killia, layniebug, lmyc, mealltach, nicholete, ravinclaws, sapphiire, tairrdelbach, teenny
I would like to thank all of the people who showed interest or joined Our Guild.
It would appear that I didnt make it clear enough though That this is a VERY adult language group and we will not be accepting any minors/children/beings under the age of 18 within the guild. Im sorry tothe 15-17 yr old community that is having difficulty finding a guild but I promise that we are not the guild for you.
Best luck in gaming to you all. We are still accepting applications for Our guild. Cant wait to hear from you! ;P
~Badina O'Connor~ *In Bad Company*
Yes, this guild is full of incorrigible scoundrels and foul-mouthed reprobates of all sorts. My kinda people! It's all quite fantabulous, truly.
I have a short term memory so i cant remember to send this to you ingame! lol please fill this out and mail it to my main Badora and we will let you know from there!! Thanks!
can be city/state state or timezone
Its not required to be VIP but what what are the possiblities of going VIP/If your not already?
How long have you been playing?
How often are you online?
How many characters/alts do you have?
Characters/Levels/Possible other guilds
Have you played anyother MMOs?
The Guild comes with a General Warning....
So we must ask...
Do you cuss/swear?
Do you make sexual jokes or commentary?
If someone is to pick-on/ribbing on you can you laugh it off?
The most important thing to remember is that we are all just goofing off and to not take things seriously.
The only time to be serious is during the raids.
We try to focus the raids to the weekends(Saturdays)
We have an active player base of 15-25 people.
A Vent system is up and working.
You can find guild info on MyDDO.com and on Facebook.
If they have anyother questions feel free to ask me.
~Badina O'Connor~ *In Bad Company*
Badora lists me as one of her alts... sigh
If you can't get a hold of her and are looking to join this band of misfits... you can look for me
I'm not as cool as everyone else, so I don't have 5,000,000,000.2 alts. I'm either on Solaniel, or Alyhana. If we've grouped anywhere and I've offended you, well, you probably deserved it! (I've been hanging around F**** to long)
*Edit* Seriously?? It stared out FP0Op???
actually sir I DONT name you as an alt i name you as an ALTERNATE interviewer! but just thought I'd mention that... since your dumb :P hahaha poo on you!
~Badina O'Connor~ *In Bad Company*
Im the Guild leader of IBC aka In Bad Company....
We are young spirited and some young aged but no minors. Mixture of married couples and single male and female players.
Of our regular players we are right around 40-60 m to f. We are fowl mouthed and goofy.
I often tell people we come with a parental warning. We often teach new people gaming tricks and are in-general pretty patient.
We are friends with many other guilds and raid often. Although you will catch us all standing around talking often as well....
we love to socialize and talk ****. We have members spreading all across the contient and have players on around the clock.
Like myself i am often atleast 40 hrs upwards of 70 hrs weekly.
My husband plays as well his is in my Guild. We have alot of real life friends that are also in the guild so as extreme as we are,
we tend to be close nit and loyal. We strongly believe that family comes first and will not look down upon breaks from gaming for family time.
We have a vent system and are on Facebook as well! Look us up there! ~DDO~In Bad Company~ (under the groups)!!
http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=199370&page=2 for the interview to Mail into Badora!! Please and Thank you!
Currently Looking to Fill in about 25 Character Slots so PLEASE feel free to Contact me ASAP!
~Badina O'Connor~ *In Bad Company*
bum bum bum bum lame i know but you love it
~Badina O'Connor~ *In Bad Company*
this is an outrage!!!
not allowing 16 year olds??? u make poor darvec sad
i was in a guild who did this in vent quite often!!! altho it was frowned upon doing so in groups with pugs tho lol
Darvec currently doing a fighter life, might stay there
Mcstun 25 monk
/sarcasm on
Outraged or Not Gysod, me and my potty mouth corrupts my daughter enough for an army of kids and don't need corrupting the youth of DDO on my conscience!! Nah, i could really care less about the corruption of anyone anymore then Sir Poon does but its an adult guild and we have to keep some of our morales(the few remaining that is). Some topics discusses on our vent and guild chat would scar you and we all know that mental scars take alot longer to heal then the physical ones that we deal with our blades.
/sarcasm off
Woot woot you guys I hope you saw it but i was famous today!
Rants of me and how Im evil as per usual!! yay IBC and continuing to uphold my soiled dirty name!
~Badina O'Connor~ *In Bad Company*
Im going away for the weekend hope all is well when i get back!
~Badina O'Connor~ *In Bad Company*
Im back im back i back!! Watch out because here i come
~Badina O'Connor~ *In Bad Company*
Are y'all recruiting lowbies? I just started a couple months ago, and it took a lot of time before I settled on a couple of classes/builds that I like, so both the characters I play are still low level (6th and 7th).
we recruit in all lvl ranges and in all experience feilds! Please refer to the interview questions above and feel free to mail them to me anytime! i will be on later tonight after of course a turkey FEAST!
Happy Thanksgiving and Thanks for showing interest in our guild!
~Badina O'Connor~ *In Bad Company*
We are doing well!! Great new players and interesting old Veterans of the game make for fun nights!!!
ashlick , bizkit, boobooface, breeewind, breunorson, crystalin, dreamless, drunkenorc, earthborn, elation, elazibeth, firesavant, ftwjust, gabrrielle, hiting, idelisa, inactive,jessamyne, keeblerorc,keighra, killia, layniebug, lmyc, mealltach, nicholete, ravinclaws, sapphiire, tairrdelbach, teenny
I had the benefit of logging on a couple nights ago and immediately receiving a tell. I was asked if I wanted to do (whatever it was) and I took a chance - had a really fun time. I was amazed at how well everyone in the guild worked together and was impressed by their mad skills. I'm an amateur at best, so it was a relieving and enjoyable experience.
Moving on! My RL friends and I started DDO during the Beta. Now I think they're all bored of it and never want to play anymore. If I could join you guys that would make DDO fun again for me. The game is dreadfully boring alone and doing groups where people fall off of everything.
The name is Auratik! Email is brenstar@buysam.com and my AIM name is SamplayingGS.
~Badina O'Connor~ *In Bad Company*