Obscuring Mist is useless. DUration is short and I believe it still obscures Player views as well (On screen, not for the sake of Concealment)
I do carry Magic circle instead of Protection actually.
I;m pretty sure my evoker has Cure light mass and Protection from elements now.. Have to double check my l5 spells.
I will NEVER get rid of holy aura. Its just too good. AOE Blindness + Stacking saving throw bonus? Nothing justifies getting rid of that.
as far as True res.. Again, wont get rid of it. Sorry, but inepics, a Raise dead is near useless and scrolls simply are not reliable enough. If you stay away from Epics and even elites, probably a decent swap, but if you expect to be a top notch healer in Epics. You need true res.
Fireshield is one of many scrolls and wands I carry.. Displacement,... Knock, Blur, Teleport are among the others I carry.