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  1. #1
    Community Member Tak's Avatar
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    Wink Solo sins of attrition - 15 min - red alert

    hey... wanted to share that!

    Doubled video speed

    Click HQ (high quality) down of youtube video if u want to see better

    Red alert at 4 min of vidéo...

    Never enough orathon! infinit mana! dam its fun
    Last edited by Tak; 09-09-2009 at 03:54 PM.
    Tukaw (Sorc 16/ pally 2/ rogue 2) + Tukah (Cleric 20)+Tukaa (Bard 19 / Barb 1)+Tukab (Barb 14/ fighter 2)+Tukas (Sorc 20)+Tuka (Pally 16)+Tukaq (Sorc 12/ pally 2/ rogue 2) + Tukal(Wiz11/Rogue3/Ranger6)

  2. #2
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    "I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Agreed! Fun quest.

    Chelsea, Animate, Reanimate, Violence, Kinetik

  4. #4


    It was fun enough to zoom through Sins of Attrition solo that I made it the quest that took my sorcerer to 20. It didn't take too long to get over that last hump.

    Server - Thelanis
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  5. #5
    Founder exarkun's Avatar
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    haha I tried this way for the heck of it and it is a time saver. Miss out on the extra chests but if you only got 10-15mins this the way to go. Much easier then doing one section at a time, nice job.
    Last edited by exarkun; 09-10-2009 at 04:53 AM.
    Saesee Tinn - Ranger 18 | Rouge 1 | Monk 1
    Plo Koon - Wizard 10 | Monk 2| Rouge 1
    Humza - Wizard 20

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by exarkun View Post
    haha I tried this way for the heck of it and it is a time saver. Miss out on the extra chests but if you only got 10-15mins this the way to go. Much easier then doing one section at a time, nice job.
    Should be able to get all chests in under 15mins. Otherwise, not sure why your running it.

    Got larges out of that side chest more than once. Sure beats shroud on a lonely night.

    Boy, Wish I was a caster so I wouldnt have to fight thru 109 mobs.
    Chelsea, Animate, Reanimate, Violence, Kinetik

  7. #7



    looked like fun!
    R e v e n a n t s Renowned

  8. #8
    Founder exarkun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kahbel View Post
    Should be able to get all chests in under 15mins. Otherwise, not sure why your running it.

    Got larges out of that side chest more than once. Sure beats shroud on a lonely night.

    Boy, Wish I was a caster so I wouldnt have to fight thru 109 mobs.
    In the video he just ran right to the end, so I just wanted to try it out (I am a ranger not a caster with 3min haste, Displace and as much mana as I want. The technique would work for the other chests as well but it would take my ranger about 20-25mins to do this with haste pots, scrolls, and a x3 haste shroud clicky. Once you kill the boss you cant go back and get the chests some of the times were under 10mins so not everyone is getting all the chests.Yes, it is a great way to get larges I have goten quite a few myself (only 1 scale so far) It seems larges and smalls drop, no mediums? at least I have yet to pull any.

    Personally, I don't mind so much just running it a little slower there is nothing else to do once your caped so running it in 10mins or 30mins is all the same to me. I just wanted to see if I could do this with my ranger. Its an interesting way of doing this quest I would have never tried this had I not seen him do it. I think i will do this to the end, and then go back clean up the left over mobs, get the other chests, shrine run back and kill boss. This will save me alot of heal scrolls. 3 of 4 new quests are soloable so lots of loot runs to be had. Now Bastion of Power no way would I do this to much time and resources for me, I'll keep sneaking. Invasion is a mix of the 2 for me but I even sneak that the less I have to fight the better.

    BTW if anyone can get a hireling to help with the maze in Genesis that would be 4/4 I tired last night but could not target the switch from below nor would she interact with the bottle from up top with the center maze door open. I am not sure what these things are good for other then having an odd tendency (no matter what class) of shooting crossbows at mobs.
    Last edited by exarkun; 09-10-2009 at 03:10 PM.
    Saesee Tinn - Ranger 18 | Rouge 1 | Monk 1
    Plo Koon - Wizard 10 | Monk 2| Rouge 1
    Humza - Wizard 20

  9. #9
    Community Member DemonMage's Avatar
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    Well, I certainly won't be competing for speed, but decided to try this on my 18th Favored Soul, managed 20 minutes my first try, not too bad. Could shave a few minutes by not stopping to talk, and knowing how to solo it a bit better... maybe bringing my invis clicky would help too.

    Caisha Stormweaver - Some class split dependent upon TR needs - Argonnessen
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  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by DemonMage
    Could shave a few minutes by not stopping to talk, and knowing how to solo it a bit better... maybe bringing my invis clicky would help too.
    As someone who used this quest for leveling a Favored Soul (and the desire to bag Torin's Choker for Superior Potency 6 on the neck), invisibility helps a great deal by keeping you under yellow alert. About 3 clicks should suffice. You attract about half the critters that way.
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  11. #11
    Community Member DemonMage's Avatar
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    Yeah, I'd mailed an invis clicky over to swap with my Torins, but forgot to pull it out of the mail and decided to just go ahead. Will have to see how I can work invis next time I run it.
    Caisha Stormweaver - Some class split dependent upon TR needs - Argonnessen
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  12. #12
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by exarkun View Post
    ...Once you kill the boss you cant go back and get the chests some of the times were under 10mins so not everyone is getting all the chests.Yes, it is a great way to get larges I have goten quite a few myself (only 1 scale so far) It seems larges and smalls drop, no mediums? at least I have yet to pull any.

    Personally, I don't mind so much just running it a little slower there is nothing else to do once your caped so running it in 10mins or 30mins is all the same to me...
    You can go back and loot the chests as long as you have DDoor - just wanted to point this out as I killed the boss, used a Ddoor, then went back to the beginning to pick up a late joiner. We were able to pickup a few more chests, then go back to the end fight to get the 2 chests there.

    I also prefer to run it slower, and just kill everything in the quest. Since the named items (and large ingredients) can drop in any of the 3 optional chests as well as the 2 end chests, it's still a decent loot run.
    "I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674

  13. #13


    it's cool. I'm doing solo of this quest with a non-WF Sorc 20 by killing every mob in the main path and it takes 75 mins in my 2nd try. Killed 181 monsters and re-entered for 5 times (i have no DD and have to reenter to use the first shrine). Is it an achievement?

    For the video of the OP, i wonder why he used CK. afaik, CK has no effect at all. (given he has displacement) timer tracker, completions tracker, search engine, puzzle solver, xp table
    My toons on Argo: Salade TR2 Wiz20, Speedo ESoS Fighter, MangoSalade TR2 Wiz18/Mnk2, EvaHealer Clr18/Mnk2

  14. #14
    Community Member Nuckin's Avatar
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    may be a noob question but what kept giving u all of the bonus hitpoints? kept seeing somethin like false life poppin up on ur hp bar but with very high numbers.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Nuckin
    may be a noob question but what kept giving u all of the bonus hitpoints?
    It is one of the effects when hit while wearing Concordant Opposition. It also comes on the Bracers of Demon Consort as well.
    Server - Thelanis
    Diaries of a True Reincarnate (Wizard, Sorcerer, Melee, Divine, Artificer, Druid)

  16. #16
    Community Member stz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ddoer View Post
    it's cool. I'm doing solo of this quest with a non-WF Sorc 20 by killing every mob in the main path and it takes 75 mins in my 2nd try. Killed 181 monsters and re-entered for 5 times (i have no DD and have to reenter to use the first shrine). Is it an achievement?

    For the video of the OP, i wonder why he used CK. afaik, CK has no effect at all. (given he has displacement)
    concealment and displacement gives 2 separate rolls

  17. #17
    Community Member Nuckin's Avatar
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    thought it was concord but only saw him wearing one item with that on it, unless i couldnt see the others, just seemed to proc a lot

  18. #18
    Community Member Tak's Avatar
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    Default (+30 hp)

    Quote Originally Posted by Nuckin View Post
    may be a noob question but what kept giving u all of the bonus hitpoints? kept seeing somethin like false life poppin up on ur hp bar but with very high numbers.
    tukaw only got concord opp for temp hit point bonus...
    Tukaw (Sorc 16/ pally 2/ rogue 2) + Tukah (Cleric 20)+Tukaa (Bard 19 / Barb 1)+Tukab (Barb 14/ fighter 2)+Tukas (Sorc 20)+Tuka (Pally 16)+Tukaq (Sorc 12/ pally 2/ rogue 2) + Tukal(Wiz11/Rogue3/Ranger6)

  19. #19
    Community Member Stamp3de's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nuckin View Post
    thought it was concord but only saw him wearing one item with that on it, unless i couldnt see the others, just seemed to proc a lot
    It goes off fairly often with 20 orthons attacking u at same time.
    Ultimega - Ultimegus - Uggolla - Intell

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