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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default Looking for a GOOD Guild

    I have just recently come back to DDO, I played from Closed Beta until a little after GH. Most of my friends have moved on and I need a new guild to play with. I consider myself a very good player, and play often.

    I need a guild who knows what they are doing and raids often, and has good players online often, currently I'm leveling my FvS which I will most likely play as my new main.

    I also like to entertain myself in the pit or CTF and DM, so it would be nice if some people from the guild also enjoy this.

    If there is a guild out there similar to what I'm looking for let me know, But currently I don't think there is.

    you can reach me IG as Vomit (currently 14FvS/2Monk.)

  2. #2
    Community Member Melkor_The_Mighty's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default Welcome back!

    I remember the name from Pvp. You were one of the very few decent casters and never made excuses or ran off at the mouth when you died.

    You used the word GOOD in your post. If by GOOD you mean nice people who work together in a friendly way to accomplish a goal there may be a few GOOD guilds for you. IF by GOOD you mean average or slightly above average skilled players who arent necessarily GOOD people there are a few of those also.

    You had a GOOD temperment from Pvp and were more skilled than most players if you want a suggestion PM and I will give you the name of a few (very few actually) guilds that might mesh with you, and ones that I think you should really really avoid if you disdain players who have nothing better to do than talk about players that have superior skills than them, think their elite but forget that you need skills to be elite, think their barbarian needs a +3 Cha tome more than your FS does, etc etc ad nauseum.

    Anyway, Welcome Back, this server can sorely use a very skilled player.

  3. #3
    Community Member Rindalathar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    I remember you Vibe from back in the Lhazaar days. You were the first player I ever saw who rocked a warforged wizard w/ skill. I'll talk with my guild officers, since I think you'd be a good fit. Welcome back, bro.
    The Leper Squad - Ghallanda

  4. #4
    Community Member Hiletroy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Is this the same Vomit that runs a guild called the FLYING BURRITO BRO's? Seen ya in the Who list, and chuckled when I saw more Burrito Brothers in Ghallanda.

    Welcome back to the game, and any person who is familiar with the Burrito Brothers is a good dude in my book.

    Happy gaming.
    Guild Flunkie - Flying Burrito Brothers (Ghallanda)
    too many others to count

  5. #5
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Melkor_The_Mighty View Post
    I remember the name from Pvp. You were one of the very few decent casters and never made excuses or ran off at the mouth when you died.

    You used the word GOOD in your post. If by GOOD you mean nice people who work together in a friendly way to accomplish a goal there may be a few GOOD guilds for you. IF by GOOD you mean average or slightly above average skilled players who arent necessarily GOOD people there are a few of those also.
    No I just meant skilled, I enjoy people making fun of each other.

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