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  1. #1
    Community Member blahdblahdblahd's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Tempest rogue DPS build

    Can anyone help me with this, I'm planning on making a str. based tempest assassin rogue ranger fighter. The build s levels would be 12/6/2 Can anyone help me with stats and feats. It should be able to disable traps at moderate efficiency, meaning that i should be able to disable as necessay. AC should be moderate but not it is not necessary to sacrifice damage for AC. I should be able to hold myy own with this build and hit about 30 str. and 30 dex with tomes etc.

  2. #2
    Community Member Accelerando's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blahdblahdblahd View Post
    Can anyone help me with this, I'm planning on making a str. based tempest assassin rogue ranger fighter. The build s levels would be 12/6/2 Can anyone help me with stats and feats. It should be able to disable traps at moderate efficiency, meaning that i should be able to disable as necessay. AC should be moderate but not it is not necessary to sacrifice damage for AC. I should be able to hold myy own with this build and hit about 30 str. and 30 dex with tomes etc.
    Expect AC to be garbage, and rely on diplo to shed aggro and this build is easy to make. Want ac? make it monk instead of fighter (I didn't have this option when I made this exact build) So option A go dwarf, option B go halfling. Easy.
    Cache - Katet
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fenrisulven6 View Post
    What a word weasel.

  3. #3
    Community Member Timjc86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blahdblahdblahd View Post
    str. based tempest assassin rogue ranger fighter
    That much multiclassing puts your assassinate DC at a minimum of seven less than pure rogue - don't expect to land assassinate very often. You'll still get the +bonus damage on critical hits, but Acrobat may be more beneficial.

  4. #4


    You're better off going 13/6/1 then 12/6/2. 13 levels of rogue gets you more sneak attack and another bonus feat, much better than an extra level of fighter.

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  5. #5
    Community Member Devastation's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraldor View Post
    You're better off going 13/6/1 then 12/6/2. 13 levels of rogue gets you more sneak attack and another bonus feat, much better than an extra level of fighter.
    This is a build I'm working on, he will have max rogue skills and I went assassin path.... liking it so far but he is only level 3!
    I've gone Rogue on you.

  6. #6
    Community Member Charlemagne2's Avatar
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    Default Many options

    I think that monk gives you alot vs fighter and the ac bonus is great. You can respec from assasin to acrobat at any time. I personally use acrobat and love it! If you want an assasin I would look at more of a full rogue due to DC being low.

    Halfling gets 2 more dex vs dwarf con

    Elf should also be considerd with dex and rapier enhancements for DPS.

    I have done 12/6/2 halfling

    and 13/6/1 Elf

    Its too soo to tell which will come out on top.

  7. #7
    Community Member kingfisher's Avatar
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    check the forums for either the tasmanian devil or the ravager build threads, both are solid and high dps. the t-devil is higher red-named dps and uses a barb splash instead of a fighter, but is light on feats.

    either way forget about assassin in most cases and go with acrobat or no pre at all and maximize the threat reducing enhancements. wota just wont land enough in most content to be worth the investment on a str based rogue mutt like this.

  8. #8
    Community Member Glockduck's Avatar
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    Right now my character is 7/rogue 6/ranger 1/ fighter I went with a strength based halfling. At level 14 my standing AC is 33 +2 for tempest bonus. She has +5 Mith Chain with dex bonus maxed. My final build will be 13/rogue 6/ranger 1/fighter.

    I will warn you up front, the dps these little guys can dish out is pretty amazing. ( TWF/ITWF/OTWF/Imp Crit slash)But subtle backstab is your friend and should always be on. You will still draw aggro if your not paying attention. (You can dish out the damage, you cant take it.)

    Get a shield clicky (or 2 or 3) barkskin pots are a must.

    With rams + rage pots I sit at 28 strength and 24 standing Dex for max armor bonus (good reflex save + evasion really helps as well)

    with a bard + GH + haste I am over +30 to hit duel wielding bursting (+) weapons, it is almost auto hit. The halfling cunning/guile enhancements are the bomb with your sneak attack. These guys are a set of ginsu knives, and seeing (5) sets of damage numbers on a crit per swing is pretty cool. (a +4 flaming burst longsword of pure good base/elemental/burst elemental/good/sneak attack)

    I went tempest/acrobat due to a lower intel (10 base, 15 with +5 item) I did not feel I would be able to pull off the assassin line well enough. With +5 tools and +13 goggles (spot/minute/disable) traps are not a problem, as long as you continue to bump your spot/search/pick/disable every rogue level. If you take (2) levels of fighter, I am afraid you will leave yourself short of skill points. (with a 10 base intel, I only got 2 points for (1) fighter level, and (6) per ranger level. Remember spot/search/disable/pick cost double points as a fighter. Only disable/pick cost double as a ranger class. Not to mention you want enough left over for umd, to be effective)

    Honestly, this is the most fun I have had with a toon. I am confident that you will enjoy your chosen selection, and wish you the best of luck. My only advise is only go 1 level of fighter or monk. And, if you have not created it yet, halfling with bonuses to sneek attack is the way to go.

  9. #9
    Community Member Devastation's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingfisher View Post
    check the forums for either the tasmanian devil or the ravager build threads, both are solid and high dps. the t-devil is higher red-named dps and uses a barb splash instead of a fighter, but is light on feats.

    either way forget about assassin in most cases and go with acrobat or no pre at all and maximize the threat reducing enhancements. wota just wont land enough in most content to be worth the investment on a str based rogue mutt like this.
    I have a human 28 pt pure rogue with a 14 INT and +6 item and he uses Assassinate a lot, have not been to new content and land 1 shot kills 90% of the time....

    Oh and threat reduction huge... need to get the bracers out of VOD for him.... then I will have the 40% and 20% threat reduction..... cuz 40% just not cutting it in the Raids!
    I've gone Rogue on you.

  10. #10
    Community Member D'rin's Avatar
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    Interesting discussion. I have a rogue/ranger/x build in progress. It is str based elf with scimitars. I am still on the fence about barb or fighter. Fighter gets me all the feats I want barb gets me the 10% movement which will stack with acrobat.
    If I am to drop a feat which would you drop?
    Power attack, toughness, or OTWF. I have not leveled it high enough to know if I will hit regularly with power attack on and no OTWF. Figure I am basically at -7 to hit.

  11. #11
    Community Member Timjc86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Devastation View Post
    I have a human 28 pt pure rogue with a 14 INT and +6 item and he uses Assassinate a lot, have not been to new content and land 1 shot kills 90% of the time....

    Oh and threat reduction huge... need to get the bracers out of VOD for him.... then I will have the 40% and 20% threat reduction..... cuz 40% just not cutting it in the Raids!
    You land assassinates frequently because he's a pure rogue with a relatively high intelligence. A strength-based dps build is tight on points to pump intelligence. Moreover, going only 13 rogue levels drops the DC by 7 points. You will NOT be able to reliably land assassinate on a highly multiclassed build.

  12. #12
    Community Member D'rin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timjc86 View Post
    You land assassinates frequently because he's a pure rogue with a relatively high intelligence. A strength-based dps build is tight on points to pump intelligence. Moreover, going only 13 rogue levels drops the DC by 7 points. You will NOT be able to reliably land assassinate on a highly multiclassed build.
    Agreed. If you are going assassinate you can maybe take one level of something but otherwise I would stay pure. Multiclassing with assassin just does not work for the assassinate ability your DC gets to low to quickly.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: tempest rogue DPS build

    When did they start allowing multiple prestige class enhancements to stack? Thought the text said one enhancement at a time.

  14. #14
    Community Member Devastation's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timjc86 View Post
    You land assassinates frequently because he's a pure rogue with a relatively high intelligence. A strength-based dps build is tight on points to pump intelligence. Moreover, going only 13 rogue levels drops the DC by 7 points. You will NOT be able to reliably land assassinate on a highly multiclassed build.
    Thats a good point I forgot Rogue level factored into that.... (Curses....) well enhancements are easy to respec... I'll see how it comes out...
    I've gone Rogue on you.

  15. #15
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    If you want a meaningful ac, go with monk and go halfling. Otherwise dont bother with ac and get some hp. Assassin is not a horrible way to go as you do get some nice bonuses even though you wont be able to assassinate anything to speak of. Getting 2 pre's is not a problem so long as they are from different classes. I have two tempest rogs, neither has a monk level, one is dex the other is str. The dex build doesnt have monk as he is the wrong alignment and there were no monks when I made him. My str build doesnt have monk because I decided to forgo ac in favor of HP.

    My str build is:

    10 rog/6ranger/1 ftr atm

    31 standing str
    twf khop
    fe damage II
    rog haste boost III
    stands at 454 hp but will prolly add tier III to my shroud item soon for another 20 to be at 474. Two levels of human healing amp + Levikks bracers and the finger necklace. Im fairly easy to keep up. Most quests Im right around 500 when raged, a little more if my madstone procs (with my ac it almost always does) The plan is to fill full of guards. She is a monster when it comes to dealing damage. Usually around 39 str in boss fights, hopefully with a +4 tome and +3 from new content I can get her up to 44 in most end fights.

    My dex rog is a little different having around a 22 str most of the time (26 with rage and madstone, but not many double madstone) Full halfling guile line and full sa bonuses. I think the standing ac is around 60 with CE on and no buffs.

    As far as 13/6/1 or 12/6/2 basically the differnce is, 1d6 sa for the 13th rog level and a second class feat. Crippling strike is a must IMO so I take that first usually. So for me it boils down to do I want a fighter class feat or the second rogue class feat. So improved evasion, slippery mind, defensive roll or skill mastery (+1 to all skills). Choice is yours , gl.
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  16. #16
    Community Member Vormaerin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by moondown View Post
    When did they start allowing multiple prestige class enhancements to stack? Thought the text said one enhancement at a time.
    You can only have one prestige enhancement for each class. So he can have Tempest (Ranger) and Assassin (rogue). But not Assassin (rogue) and Thief Acrobat (Rogue).

  17. #17
    Community Member blahdblahdblahd's Avatar
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    Hey guys, sorry for dropping the thread for quite some time but im going to need stats and feats. My decision making skills are terrible and i seem to be a walking gimpmaking factory

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