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Finally catching up on DDO Casts for the last 2 months.
Just listened to this one -- and the shows lately are great -- nice work Jerry & crew.
Now, I do want to disagree with what Jerry said some people will disagree with -- the levelling xp process.
Normal, Hard, and Elite are big deals. Prior to mod9, I would almost 99.9% of the time state ELITE is the way to go for players that have "twitch skills" and relatively good quest knowledge & gear.
Now that I've played through the harbor on Cannith, not so much atm. However, I think the error also lies in the failed dungeon scaling mechanic currently over-powering npcs. My opinion may return back to my original stance once they fix this.
That said, the rule NNN, NNH, NHE, or EEEEEEEENH really depends on the quest and the crew. Each letter represents a run in this code.
Crunching numbers is great, but 25% increase and 50% increase is just one of the benefits. The BASE xp of a quest changes significantly plus the bonus. I'm fairly positive 12% is not the gain difference between N-Constant and E-Constant. The 50% bonus isn't account for in this calculation, nor is the -10% -20% -30% -40% from the base xp for repeated runs. There is more leftover xp on elite than normal after these penalties are applied.
Finally, and I'm not sure this was accounted for either, if you can enter a quest on ELITE first, run the quest down to -50% and then enter on hard and normal, the penalty is REMOVED and the 25% first-time completion bonus for normal and hard is reinstated. This generates far more than a 12% difference.
However, the general view that I believe came from the show was that the group should play the level if their time vs completion is not significantly different. This is the rule of thumb to apply.
If you cannot complete the elite quest within 5-10 mins of a normal run, don't do it. You should really try to keep a normal and elite run (speedily, pre-Dungeon Alerts) within 2-5 mins of completion times. Powerlevelling for experienced players versus new players will vary base on quest knowledge and player capabilities.
Also, (and this is a Chronotrigger secret) if you have two characters of the same level and you are entering a quest on elite multiple times, there is a trade-off available. The quest may be very easy with a caster or fighter barreling through heedlessly. A fast tactic is to log the sorc/wiz of the same level (or group level) in and blaze through the first 6.5 mins killing as fast as possible. Then, log out and relog the character meant for completion. The character can enter and gain full xp by the end of the 13-15 min quest. This works particularly well in quests like Stormcleave, Thrall of the Necromancer, Gwylans, Etc. This also gives an edge to quests that are ridiculously hard at elite (currently) under the new Dungeon Alerts and erroneous Scaling system on the elite setting.
Anyway, I wanted to throw my 2-cent in on the levelling topic. I have always been an elite-only player but at this moment with the Dungeon Scaling it's just not an option for me when I fill a party up to 6 and take them into an elite wipe. Currently, the fastest way to level would be HHHHHHHHHN on most quests if the party is full (5-6 players). Mod 9 (and bugs) have completely changed the previous rules on levelling quickly.