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    Community Member Thanimal's Avatar
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    Jun 2006

    Default The Hammer -- DPS Kensai Monk

    NOTE: If interested in unarmed DPS builds, please also consider The Holy Hammer, a build that plays similarly but offers different advantages and disadvantages. It also appears to be the new high water mark for DPS against 100% Fort (taking that title from this build).

    EDIT 2009/09/09: Incorporated some feedback re feat selection from Dark-Star and A_O.

    Inspired by the observations of cforce, Goldeneye, zealous, and others, this build is aimed at taking advantage of the significant improvements to unarmed damage that come with the new Greensteel rings.
    Some calcs by cforce seem to indicate this build beats both the Monster and the Archon against high fort, while also having better AC, similar saves/Evasion, decent UMD, and situational tanking ability. Against lower Fort, its DPS remains "good," but does not match the very top builds.
    I'm hoping Monkey_Archer and/or gfunk can do some calcs on this build, too, to confirm my claims.

    Warnings and caveats
    - I have not made this and I won't be (since I don't meet the criteria of the next few bullets).
    - This build is a pure power-gamer build. More so than any other build I can think of, it really only reaches its full potential with specific high-end equipment.
    - This build requires pretty solid twitch skills, to pound through 8 ki strikes efficiently. With Kensai II, you really want every single attack to be a ki strike.
    - This build has "only" 19 critical levels: 12 Fighter/6 Monk/1 Rogue. None of Fighter 13, Monk 7, or Rogue 2 is terribly impressive. I went with Rogue 2 mainly for the skills (and +1 DEX is handy for the build as well). Monk 7 is certainly a viable option, too. Fighter 13 seems to bring almost literally nothing (+4 hit points?)
    - It's possible that all I've "shown" here is that unarmed has the potential to be amazing, and that some completely different unarmed build will prove better. But so far this is the best direction I can find.
    - This is even longer than my usual build posts. Strap in!


    Warforged Lawful Neutral Fighter 12/Monk 6/Rogue 2

    I'm going to start what I hope becomes a tradition, and list my equipment as the first thing after the basic class breakdown, because the numbers after this depend on it. Anywhere where you have to swap out of this configuration for optimal performance, I use gray to highlight the fact that it's a different "mode."

    Weapons: Holy Handwraps of Greater <whatever> Bane
    Ring 1: (crafted) +6 CON, exceptional WIS +1, Holy Burst
    Ring 2: (crafted) +6 CHA, exceptional STR +1, Acid (or your choice of element) Burst
    Helm: Minos Hat.
    Goggles: (crafted) +6 charisma skills, Raise Dead clickie, random Disrupt on hit
    Necklace: (crafted) +45 hit points, +5 protection, +6 CON skills, Heavy Fort, 2 Stoneskins
    Docent: (DT) +6 DEX, +5 resistance, +4 Insight
    Gloves: Seven-fingered gloves (+5 UMD)
    Bracers: Chaosgarde (+2 Dodge)
    Boots: Madstone Boots
    Trinket: Head (Mod Fort, +2 luck) (swaps to Bloodstone for all-out DPS mode)
    Cloak: (crafted) +6 WIS, +3 exceptional Will save, Blindness Ward, Concordant Opposition, +10 Haggle.
    Belt: Belt of Brute Strength (+6 STR, GFL)

    +4 Tome on every stat except INT, though only +3 WIS, +2 CON, +1 DEX, and +1 INT are actually required.

    OK! If that list hasn't sent you away laughing, then this build may be for you!

    STR 16 [10 points] + 6 item + 5 bumps + 1 exc + 2 Fighter enh + 4 Tome + 8 surge = 42 (+2 Rage +4 double Madstone = 48)
    DEX 16 [10 points] + 6 item + 1 Rogue enh + 3 Wind Stance + 4 Tome = 30
    WIS 11 [5 points] + 6 item + 1 exc + 2 Monk enh + 4 Tome = 24
    CON 12 [2 points] + 6 item + 4 Tome -2 Wind Stance = 20
    INT 13 [5 points] + 1 Tome = 14
    CHA 6 [0 points] + 6 item + 4 Tome = 16

    (Note that WF CON I/II and Fighter STR III don't fit due to extreme action point needs. So those are not included above.)


    Master feat list: Toughness, TWF, iTWF, gTWF, 2 x Focus/Spec, Dodge, PA, CE, iCrit, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Luck of Heroes, Quickdraw, Stunning Blow.

    Note that the level sequence is mainly dictated by maximizing the skills (at level 20), since we want several skills that only one of our classes has as a class skill (Concentration, UMD, and Intimidate).

    1. Rogue 1. TWF.
    2. Monk 1. MBF: Dodge
    3. Fighter 1. Stunning Blow. FBF: Toughness
    4. Fighter 2. FBF: Focus: Bludgeoning
    5. Monk 2. MBF: Iron Will
    6. Fighter 3. Lightning Reflexes
    7. Fighter 4. FBF: Spec: Bludgeoning
    8. Monk 3.
    9. Fighter 5. iTWF [+1 DEX Tome required by here]
    10. Fighter 6. FBF: Improved Critical Bludgeoning
    11. Monk 4.
    12. Fighter 7. Power Attack
    13. Fighter 8. FBF: gTWF
    14. Monk 5.
    15. Fighter 9. Luck of Heroes
    16. Fighter 10. FBF: Greater Focus: Bludgeoning
    17. Fighter 11.
    18. Fighter 12. Quickdraw, FBF: Greater Spec: Bludgeoning
    19. Monk 6. MBF: CE
    20. Rogue 2.

    Key skill values:
    Concentration: 23 ranks + 7 CON + 6 necklace + 2 luck + 4 GH = 42
    Intimidate: 23 ranks + 3 CHA + 6 goggles + 2 luck + 4 GH = 38 [Tank mode: +15 intim hat = 53]
    (Intimidate is purely for trash, will use DPS+Hate if ever called upon to tank bosses.)
    UMD: 23 ranks + 3 CHA + 6 goggles + 5 gloves + 2 luck + 4 GH = 43

    Getting the most possible ranks of the "off" skills (Jump and Balance) is actual fairly complicated, so here's details that I would normally leave out as "obvious." I show TOTAL ranks after leveling to that level. Rep to anyone who identifies an error! Importantly, I assume +1 INT Tome before leveling to 2. One thing to especially watch for is NOT upping UMD at 15-19, to allow the final Rogue level to be used optimally.

    1. Rogue. Concentration: 2; UMD: 4; Intimidate: 4; Jump: 4; Balance: 4; Spot: 4; Open Lock: 4; Haggle: 4; Repair: 4
    2. Monk. Conc: 5; UMD: 5; Bal: 5
    3. Fighter. UMD: 6; Intim: 6
    4. Fighter. UMD: 7; Intim: 7; Jump: 5
    5. Monk. Conc: 8; UMD: 8; Bal: 6
    6. Fighter. UMD: 9; Intim: 9
    7. Fighter. UMD: 10; Intim: 10; Jump: 6
    8. Monk. Conc: 11; UMD: 11; Bal: 7
    9. Fighter. UMD: 12; Intim: 12
    10. Fighter. UMD: 13; Intim: 13; Jump: 7
    11. Monk. Conc: 14; UMD: 14; Bal: 8
    12. Fighter. UMD: 15; Intim: 15
    13. Fighter. UMD: 16; Intim: 16; Jump: 8
    14. Monk. Conc: 17; UMD: 17; Bal: 9
    15. Fighter. Intim: 18, Jump: 10
    16. Fighter. Intim: 19, Jump: 13
    17. Fighter. Intim: 20, Jump: 16
    18. Fighter. Intim: 21, Jump: 19
    19. MOnk. Conc: 22; Bal: 10
    20. Rogue. Conc: 23; UMD: 23; Intim: 23

    Final Ranks: COnc: 23; UMD: 23; Intim: 23; Jump: 19; Bal: 10; 4 of various random things from level 1


    Enhancements are TIGHT. The following ended up being my priorities; yours may differ:

    (in no particular order)
    3: Wind II
    3: Sun II
    3: Mountain II
    3: Ocean II [+3 Tome required for final tier]
    6: Monk WIS II
    2: Monk Improved Recovery I
    10: Fighter Haste Boost IV
    3: Fighter Toughness II
    6: Fighter STR II
    6: Fighter Attack Boost III (prereq to Kensai)
    6: Fighter Critical Accuracy III (prereq to Kensai)
    6: Fighter Kensai II
    2: Kensai Unarmed Mastery II
    1: Fighter Unarmed Specialization I
    1: Rogue Sneak Attack Training I
    2: Rogue DEX I
    2: WF Healer's Friend I
    1: WF Brute Fighting I (not necessarily always on, but adds a lot of versatility)
    3: WF Toughness II
    6: WF Power Attack III
    3: Fighter Strategy (Stunning Blow) II
    2: WF Tactics I

    10 base
    9 DT Docent
    1 alchemical
    10 dex
    7 wis
    2 centered
    1 Dodge feat
    2 Dodge (Chaosgarde)
    4 Insight
    5 Protection

    Standard Buffs
    4 Shield Wand UMDed
    3 Barkskin
    1 Haste
    59 self-buff

    Raid Buffs
    +5 Paladin
    +2 Ranger
    +4 Bard song
    +2 Recitation

    (-2 Rage ==> 70 theoretically possible in full DPS mode)

    Tank mode
    5 CE
    +1 WIS from exc WIS+3 kama swapped in
    +1 DEX from exc DEX+2 kama swapped in
    +3 Dodge Chittering Ring swapped in

    Fighter 12: 8/4/4
    Monk 6: 5/5/5
    Rogue 2: 0/3/0
    Resist: 5/5/5
    Stats: 5/10/7
    GH: 4/4/4
    luck: 2/2/2
    exceptional: 0/0/3
    feats: 1/3/3
    30/36/33 normally

    Wind stance
    Wind itself: 3/3/3
    DEX change: 0/-2/0
    WIS change: 0/0/1
    33/37/37 tanking a caster

    The "new" feat set helps quite a bit to make saves pretty solid. Note that Rage adds to Fort save, too.

    20 base
    120 Fighter
    48 Monk
    12 Rogue
    100 CON
    45 necklace
    20 hat
    22 Toughness feat
    40 Toughness enhancements
    10 Draconic
    30 GFL

    Fully Raged
    60 more from CON

    Always could use more, but this seems fine with better-than-expected-for-a-DPS defenses.

    Now get psyched to punch and kick some stuff!
    Last edited by Thanimal; 04-28-2010 at 04:21 PM. Reason: Changed enhancements for stunning blow help

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