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Thread: Store hot key

  1. #41
    Community Member
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    This is happening to me as well as has been since mod9. I can confirm what others have said. Basicly, I can add any additional bindings I want, but cant clear ANY of the game's default bindings. Note that this issue has persisted for me through a switch from vista64 to win7-64, with a complete reformat and reinstall of the game. Needless to say, this is not a local issue, but a bug in the game.

    A few important notes:

    - I reinstalled from a mod8 installer I had downloaded some time ago and saved. But did not copy of any of my old keymap files or ini files. Also, I use classic keymapping, not the new one.

    - The keymap file DOES SAVE CORRECTLY ON GAME EXIT. I can clear the annoying bindings, exit the game, and when I open the .keymap its correct

    - The problem certainly occur WHEN THE GAME IS LOADED. Basicly, the game is taking a my correct keymap, and re-inserting all of the removed bindings into it, making an aggregate new keymap.

    - This has ASBOLUTELY NOTHING to do with read/write permissions, or administrative access. I run the game as an administrator, and additionally, as I have said above, the file saves fine, its the LOADING of the keymap that is borked.

    In a nutshell, Im fairly confident that what is happening here is that the game THINKS that my keymap file is an old mod8 one, and stupidly tries to 'update' it to mod9 version for me, when in fact if it would simply leave the **** thing alone we would all be fine.

    Devs this problem is extremely simply to reproduce, I refuse to believe your failing to reproduce it. Worst case, please do exactly what I just did, and I am highly confident the problem will manifest. Remove the game from you PC entirely, then install fresh using the mod8 installer. Once in game, change the binding style to classic (it will default to the new style even with a mod8 installer) and attempt to change the move up key from W to ONLY the up arrow (not both). By this i mean CLEAR the existing binding to W, and then after it shows no binding at all, bind it to UPARROW. Close the game, and reopen the game. You will see that move up is now bound to BOTH W and UPARROW

  2. #42
    Community Member Jacoby's Avatar
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    Here was my experirnce.

    During a lag spike or something I went into mouse look mode. It froze there. I could turn it off by pressing "t" but as soon as I hit my left mouse button to navigate it would stick again. Logging out did not fix but when I alt - F4'd the prblem went away and hasn't come back. This happened the first day of update 1 (MOD10).

  3. #43
    Community Member Cortho's Avatar
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    Default Ditto

    I have this problem also, If I push to talk as I run backwards Iget the ddo store. It resets every Time I log in. I will hit the coin when I want the store please get rid of this shortcut, or make it possible to change it.

  4. #44
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    Default Workaround!!!

    Ok, playing around with my keymapping, I have figured out a workaround.

    For the keys that you want unbound, bind it to two existing keys. So for the DDO store, bind it to 1 and then to 2. Next, bind the 1 and 2 keys back to what they need to be. Viola! DDO store is no longer bound!

    Haven't looked into what is being saved to the keybind file, but I don't really care if this works.

    Tested this with a complete close and re-start of DDO, and the keys remain unbound.

  5. #45


    Quote Originally Posted by Phiinix View Post
    For the keys that you want unbound, bind it to two existing keys. So for the DDO store, bind it to 1 and then to 2. Next, bind the 1 and 2 keys back to what they need to be. Viola! DDO store is no longer bound!
    Not sure I'm following you on this. You mean I need to bind ctrl+s to do something else and then rebind whatever I bound it to?
    Pwesiela - Completionist Arcane Archer; Pia - Silver Flame Assassin; Aes - of the Blue Ajah; Insene - Deathpriest; Enaila - Aiel Bodyguard; Uduk - Dwarven Meatwall; Vitalien -Warder
    Quote Originally Posted by Victorie View Post
    Pwesiela is correct.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pwesiela View Post
    Not sure I'm following you on this. You mean I need to bind ctrl+s to do something else and then rebind whatever I bound it to?
    If I'm reading it correctly, it sounds like this:

    1) Clear out your DDO Store mappings
    2) Map DDO store to something you already use, such as buttons 1 and 2
    3) Then go to whatever you had buttons 1 and 2 mapped to and re-map them as they were. This will cause DDO Store to automatically un-map from buttons 1 and 2.

    Then, somehow, this problem is automagically fixed.

    I'll give it a whirl tonight, why not.

  7. #47
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    My issue wasn't with the DDO Store key binding, but with Auto Run (which joyously binds to Button 4 on my mouse, which I never bound in DDO, which I use for PTT in Vent). Every time I would restart my client, my key bindings would list:

    [   Auto Run   ]    Button 2        R      [reset]
    Which I had done intentionally, making clicking my mousewheel or pressing R do auto run. Problem was, every time I'd log back in, I'd end up with 3 keys bound to Auto Run, with Button 4 as the third, hidden bind. If I just flat out cleared Auto Run, every time I quit and come back on, Button 4 is the only one that is bound to it.

    I tried messing with the key bindings like Phiinix suggested, tried editing the keymap file directly, no go. All I could do was basically map Button 4 to a not-so-important binding. In my case, it was Loot All. No error message for pressing it while not at a chest, so it works fine for me.

    Having it set as a binding to something does prevent it from resetting. If you didn't bind two keys to Loot All, you could bind Ctrl+S to "Loot All" to keep the DDO Store from rebinding on launch.

    The only issue I'm left with when logging in now is it showing Button 1 mapped twice on the "Attack" binding, but that's not causing any problems.
    Something not seem right? Think you found a bug?
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  8. #48
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    The ctrl-S combo is definitely a pain.
    everytime I login with every toon I have to remember to remove the ctrl-S binding.
    I changed the store to a different bind key and guess what... it changed back as soon as I logged out.
    Would appreciate it if DDO would allow the changed binding key to stick.
    The last thing I want is to have the store pop up while I am backpeddling away from an oncoming mob.
    It has gotten me killed on more than one occasion.
    Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
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    Whatthetruck (HC 38/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 111/158)

  9. #49


    Any additional word, oh Dev-ious ones?
    Pwesiela - Completionist Arcane Archer; Pia - Silver Flame Assassin; Aes - of the Blue Ajah; Insene - Deathpriest; Enaila - Aiel Bodyguard; Uduk - Dwarven Meatwall; Vitalien -Warder
    Quote Originally Posted by Victorie View Post
    Pwesiela is correct.

  10. #50
    Founder Siro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pwesiela View Post
    Any additional word, oh Dev-ious ones?
    I would like to know this is as well.

  11. #51
    Community Member SickCat's Avatar
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    Default Me too!

    I suppose I'll plop my experience with this bug in here as well. I play on two different computers...both have the same issue.

    I remap BLOCK to shift+space since I use shift+1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 as alternate hot keys for other abilities. Whenever I restart the game, I have to reset BLOCK to shift+space or instead of using Fist of Light (shift+1) the monk just blocks.

    I want the '`' key for auto-run, but upon login, 'r' is back in there along with '`'. I use 'r' for mouselook on one of the computers.

    On my home machine, I don't want there to be a mouse look button AT I clear it out. But whenever I start the game, the middle mouse button turns on mouse look...even though there's NO key set in the binding. I have to set it specifically to the middle mouse button, and then clear it again.

    The Toggle Auto-Targetting button reverts to shift+g and 'g' even though I clear out 'g'. When I fat-finger the keyboard (this happens a LOT) I accidentally turn off auto-targetting...which I absolutely don't want. I have to clear the bindings and put shift+g in.

    I've reset Interact to 'x' as well as Select Nearest Target to shift+tab...they both work right and STAY right on both computers.

    -Qetsil/SickCat of Thelanis

  12. #52
    Founder Siro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SickCat View Post
    I suppose I'll plop my experience with this bug in here as well. I play on two different computers...both have the same issue.

    I remap BLOCK to shift+space since I use shift+1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 as alternate hot keys for other abilities. Whenever I restart the game, I have to reset BLOCK to shift+space or instead of using Fist of Light (shift+1) the monk just blocks.

    I want the '`' key for auto-run, but upon login, 'r' is back in there along with '`'. I use 'r' for mouselook on one of the computers.

    On my home machine, I don't want there to be a mouse look button AT I clear it out. But whenever I start the game, the middle mouse button turns on mouse look...even though there's NO key set in the binding. I have to set it specifically to the middle mouse button, and then clear it again.

    The Toggle Auto-Targetting button reverts to shift+g and 'g' even though I clear out 'g'. When I fat-finger the keyboard (this happens a LOT) I accidentally turn off auto-targetting...which I absolutely don't want. I have to clear the bindings and put shift+g in.

    I've reset Interact to 'x' as well as Select Nearest Target to shift+tab...they both work right and STAY right on both computers.

    -Qetsil/SickCat of Thelanis
    After a LOT of testing and searching the forums, I found that one can assign those keys that keep reassigning themselves to something like hireling bar 5 to prevent them from being reassigned to their default keys.

    So to prevent shift from being used by itself as block, assign shift by itself to one of those hireling bars, along with g, r, t and middle mouse, etc. It is a workaround, but not a fix. I don't expect to see this fixed any time soon, as it is still not a 'known issue' despite months of being reported as a bug and tacit acknowledgment by a dev.

  13. #53
    Community Member dredre9987's Avatar
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    This is still happening. Keymap file is not saving any of my keymaps when i close the client. I come back on and everything is back to default...

  14. #54
    The Hatchery
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phiinix View Post
    Ok, playing around with my keymapping, I have figured out a workaround.

    For the keys that you want unbound, bind it to two existing keys. So for the DDO store, bind it to 1 and then to 2. Next, bind the 1 and 2 keys back to what they need to be. Viola! DDO store is no longer bound!

    Haven't looked into what is being saved to the keybind file, but I don't really care if this works.

    Tested this with a complete close and re-start of DDO, and the keys remain unbound.
    Thanks Phiinix! This has worked perfectly for me for months now.

    1. Open Options, Key Mapping.
    2. Note 2 keys that you are using. I used W ("Move Forward") and S ("Move Backwards").
    3. Set "DDO Store" to both of those keys: Click "DDO Store" in the Panels section, press W, click "DDO Store" again, press S.
    4. Set those 2 buttons back where they belong: Click "Move Forward" and press W, click "Move Backwards" and press S.
    5. Close the Options window. Close the game. Backup your My Documents\Dungeons and Dragons Online\ddo.keymap file in case this ever stops working.
    6. (optional) Repeat for "MyDDO Browser" or any other default settings you want to remove.

    FYI, this is what that does in my ddo.keymap file (don't know if you can just edit that directly for the same effect):
        WEBSTORE_SHORTCUT_KEY [ Old [ 0 DIK_S ] 0x00000002 ]
        MYDDO_SHORTCUT_KEY [ Old [ 0 DIK_M ] 0x00000002 ]
        DoNothing [ User [ 0 DIK_S ] 0x00000002 ]
        DoNothing [ User [ 0 DIK_M ] 0x00000002 ]
    Author of Info Blue UI Skin (Really wish Turbine would update the skinning interface and enable all the new UI parts.)
    If you don't have an SSD, you should be using DDOPreload (fixes the slow first login issue)

  15. #55
    Community Member donfilibuster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dredre9987 View Post
    This is still happening. Keymap file is not saving any of my keymaps when i close the client. I come back on and everything is back to default...
    The next time you open the game it will try to load the default keys again.
    There's two things to do:

    1. go to the fifth hireling bar and add ctrl-s to it.
    (or some key that you will never use, which will do nothing when pressed)
    do the same for the other default keys you want to remove.

    2. go to the ddo.keymap file and make it read-only so that your new store key isn't erased.
    Last edited by donfilibuster; 02-14-2011 at 04:35 AM.

  16. #56
    The Hatchery
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    Quote Originally Posted by donfilibuster View Post
    The next time you open the game it will try to load the default keys again.
    There's two things to do:

    1. go to the fifth hireling bar and add ctrl-s to it.
    (or some key that you will never use, which will do nothing when pressed)
    do the same for the other default keys you want to remove.

    2. go to the ddo.keymap file and make it read-only so that your new store key isn't erased.
    Why not just follow the steps I posted?
    Author of Info Blue UI Skin (Really wish Turbine would update the skinning interface and enable all the new UI parts.)
    If you don't have an SSD, you should be using DDOPreload (fixes the slow first login issue)

  17. #57
    Community Member donfilibuster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Backley View Post
    Why not just follow the steps I posted?
    Looks good as long as DoNothing gets added to the file.

    Then just make sure the file is set to read-only, because updates can still overwrite them.

  18. #58
    Community Member Anthorin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChaosTheEternal View Post
    My issue wasn't with the DDO Store key binding, but with Auto Run (which joyously binds to Button 4 on my mouse, which I never bound in DDO, which I use for PTT in Vent). Every time I would restart my client, my key bindings would list:

    [   Auto Run   ]    Button 2        R      [reset]
    Which I had done intentionally, making clicking my mousewheel or pressing R do auto run. Problem was, every time I'd log back in, I'd end up with 3 keys bound to Auto Run, with Button 4 as the third, hidden bind. If I just flat out cleared Auto Run, every time I quit and come back on, Button 4 is the only one that is bound to it.

    I tried messing with the key bindings like Phiinix suggested, tried editing the keymap file directly, no go. All I could do was basically map Button 4 to a not-so-important binding. In my case, it was Loot All. No error message for pressing it while not at a chest, so it works fine for me.

    Having it set as a binding to something does prevent it from resetting. If you didn't bind two keys to Loot All, you could bind Ctrl+S to "Loot All" to keep the DDO Store from rebinding on launch.

    The only issue I'm left with when logging in now is it showing Button 1 mapped twice on the "Attack" binding, but that's not causing any problems.

    Me too. Drives me nuts that I cant get rid of this and the autorun keeps coming back regardless of what I do.

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