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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Solo friendly 28 point build?

    With dungeon scaling in the game, I want to make a solo friendly melee and I decided i'd like to examine a class i've never played seriously before, paladins.

    Can anyone recommend me a solo friendly paladin build, 28 points? I do not have any tomes or phat loot. I can make a drow. I have no real prefference for race, sword&board/dual wield/two weapons fighting, though I have already played a two weapons fighting character and don't think I want to play another.

    I don't mind a little multiclassing if someone has a good build, but I want my guy to be mostly paladin.
    Last edited by Euthorcize; 09-03-2009 at 05:04 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    I recommend drow, the bonus stats and magic resistance help.

    Here is an example:
    str: 16
    dex: 11
    con: 10
    int: 10
    wis: 11
    cha: 18

    Get a longsword because you can get +1 to hit from paladin enhancements with longsword. Ignore your drow bonus to rapiers.

    Take weapon focus slashing.

    The nice thing about this class/race combo is you have spell resistance and great saves meaning you can beat up casters which are often a problem for other classes/races.

    If you want more dps then get a greatsword or falchion instead.

    Your dex will go up from drow enhancements at higher level, once it gets to 13 you can get dodge.

    Your lay on hands is an instant cast full heal. Get the talent for extra Lay on hands.


  3. #3
    Community Member mutantbee's Avatar
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    Default ?

    You cant use enhancement points to qulify for feats, like dodge. You would need a base (statrting+tomes+level ups) for that. With a starting dex like that, why would you want dodge anyway?

    Not a big fan of those stats either. Weapon focus is a horrible and useless feat on a feat starved Pally. You will hit without it. And longswords suck. Khopesh FTW, or Rapiers/SS on a drow.

    Paladin abilities now really lend themselves to TWF. At least, if you want serious DPS.

    For Pure (Drow), consider

    STR 16
    DEX 16
    CON 12
    INT 10
    WIS 8
    CHA 16

    But you will have a very tough time getting a decent AC without a shield or serious raid gear.

    The Pally capstone is awesome, but you might want to consider a monk splash to get evasion, and a couple of extra feats (like PA and toughness). I would bump up WIS in that case (to help with AC). Maybe from either STR or (GASP!) CON. Dont skimp on CHA since it's raw number is used for Divine Might, which is very nice.

    I'm leveling up an 18 PAL/2 MONK Drow TWF using Khopesh. The dmg numbers on smite with a crit put a big smile on my face.

    Plan carefully, paladins are very tight on AP, especially if you are doing KOTC III.

    Drow SR is helpful at lower levels, but will need to be replaced with an item like everyone else at higher levels.

    Hope that helps.
    Last edited by mutantbee; 09-07-2009 at 02:54 AM.

  4. #4
    Community Member eonfreon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mdonais View Post
    I recommend drow, the bonus stats and magic resistance help.

    Here is an example:
    str: 16
    dex: 11
    con: 10
    int: 10
    wis: 11
    cha: 18

    Get a longsword because you can get +1 to hit from paladin enhancements with longsword. Ignore your drow bonus to rapiers.

    Take weapon focus slashing.

    The nice thing about this class/race combo is you have spell resistance and great saves meaning you can beat up casters which are often a problem for other classes/races.

    If you want more dps then get a greatsword or falchion instead.

    Your dex will go up from drow enhancements at higher level, once it gets to 13 you can get dodge.

    Your lay on hands is an instant cast full heal. Get the talent for extra Lay on hands.

    Do not take weapon focus slash- I think he means Improved Crit:Slash.

    And don't do that!!! If you make a Drow then get Improved Crit: Pierce.

    If you don't have 32 point then make a Drow.
    And DO NOT ignore the drow bonuses to rapiers.

    You cannot use enhancements to qualify for Feats and why would you want Dodge?
    +1 to AC is fine if you have the Feats to burn, but a Pally doesn't.

    Go TWF and use your bonuses for Rapiers.

    Listen to this guy:

    Quote Originally Posted by mutantbee View Post
    You cant use enhancement points to qulify for feats, like dodge. You would need a base (statrting+tomes+level ups) for that. With a starting dex like that, why would you want dodge anyway?

    Not a big fan of those stats either. Weapon focus is a horrible and useless feat on a feat starved Pally. You will hit without it. And longswords suck. Khopesh FTW, or Rapiers/SS on a drow.

    Paladin abilities now really lend themselves to TWF. At least, if you want serious DPS.

    For Pure (Drow), consider

    STR 16
    DEX 16
    CON 12
    INT 10
    WIS 8
    CHA 16

    But you will have a very tough time getting a decent AC without a shield or serious raid gear.

    The Pally capstone is awesome, but you might want to consider a monk splash to get evasion, and a couple of extra feats (like PA and toughness). I would bump up WIS in that case (to help with AC). Maybe from either STR or (GASP!) CON. Dont skimp on CHA since it's raw number is used for Divine Might, which is very nice.

    I'm leveling up an 18 PAL/2 MONK Drow TWF using Khopesh. The dmg numbers on smite with a crit put a big smile on my face.

    Plan carefully, paladins are very tight on AP, especially if you are doing KOTC III.

    Drow SR is helpful at lower levels, but will need to be replaced with an item like everyone else at higher levels.

    Hope that helps.
    He makes a whole lot more sense.
    Last edited by eonfreon; 09-07-2009 at 11:26 AM.

  5. #5
    Founder William_the_Bat's Avatar
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    Wow, way to ignore the OP's desire to have a solo and non-twf build.

    Also, keep in mind he said no tomes, so no 16 dex start and still taking improved or greater two weapon fighting.

    Yes, S&B has issues at end game with lower DPS, but there's no reason not to build an intimitank that can bust out the 2-hander at need.

    str 16
    cha 16
    wis 12 or 14
    dex 12
    whatever is left (there won't be a lot) in con.

    level up points into str

    take khopesh, toughness at 3, tower shield, improved crit: slash, power attack, extend spell, and by the time you reach 18 you'll probably figure out what to do with the last feat.

    Alternately, use rapiers, drop the khopesh feat, change the improve crit to pierce, and add in something else tasty (stunning blow? cleave?) keep in mind you'll have to spend more AP (you won't have any extra) on rapier enhancements to keep up DPS wise.

    A shield is a great friend to a soloer in the level 1-10 range, and still useful later depending on your luck with other AC enhancers.

    Put your skill points into intimidate and use magic device. They are both cross class skills, max them out as best you can. The intimidate is more of a party skill, but if you group even just occasionally, it'll pay off to keep the bad guys from killing less durable characters.

    Some things to help soloing: get some wands! cure wands, lesser restoration wands, resist energy wands, etc etc. They are -way- cheaper than potions in the long run. keep a few potions too for when you need healing fast and you are out of Hands. then get potions for stuff you can't use wands for, specifically barkskin, shield of faith if you don't have a protection item (they don't stack), heroism, and haste. A few jump potions too, they can save you a lot of time. If you don't find a decent ogre power item early, consider heavy use of bulls strength wands. As you level up you'll also be able to pick up remove curse and remove blindness wands, and eventually neutralize poison (until you are high enough level, carry potions for these, nothing sucks like getting blinded when soloing and not having a potion for it!)

    Hope this helps! and good luck!

  6. #6
    Community Member eonfreon's Avatar
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    Good advice William.
    I mostly wanted to make sure he didn't take Weapon Focus or Dodge.

    However, the OP said he had no real preference for S&B, THF, or TWF.
    Just that he's already played a TWF and he thinks he doesn't want to play another.
    Sounds like he wants some advice.
    My advice is take the TWF Feats.

    Sure a S&B is okay. It's often useful to equip a shield, especially at low levels.
    All my characters carry a shield and can get some benefit from it.
    But since anybody can grab a shield, there's no way to "spec" for it.
    My TWFing Paladin will be just as good at S&B as most S&B out there when he pulls out a shield.
    And I'll have higher AC to boot then the build you present due to my higher Dex.

    So my TWF paladin has more dps then this S&B build AND more AC when I need it.
    Since there's no room for CE in this build the AC will quickly become way too low even at Mid-Levels, IMO.
    And then THF is more useful then S&B, but less damage then TWF.
    Since THF on a Paladin is equal to TWf as far as AC goes, then TWF is slightly better.

    Sure a S&B may take Shield Mastery Feats, but that's to Blocking DR, which isn't S&B fighting it's just S&B blocking.

    Your suggestion and stats is fine if that's the way the OP would rather go.

    But why Tower Shield Prof?
    I guess there really isn't any other Feat that's needed more on this type of build you've illustrated, so sure, fit it in.

    Wis of 12 or 14?
    Wisdom is needed to cast spells of course, but start at 10 at the most.
    A 14 is needed to cast the highest level spells, but even a casual player can find a +4 Wis Item too swap in.

    OP, if you rather not have a TWF then maybe do these stat spreads:
    Str 16
    Dex 14
    Con 12
    Int 10
    Wis 10
    Cha 16

    If you want to try for TWf somewhere along the line then:
    Str 16
    Dex 16
    Con 12
    Int 10
    Wis 8
    Cha 16

    The 8 Wis will be a pain for a casual player though, because it'll take longer to find a + 6 Item and you'll need a minimum + 3 Item to cast any spells.
    You can't take ITWF until 6th, so if you do want TWF get a +1 Tome, which is a lot easier to get nowadays due to the Turbine store.

    Play however you like, a S&B Paladin that goes THF when he needs dps more then AC is pretty good too.
    But a TWF Paladin that can go to S&B when more AC is needed is better, IMO.

    However, as I've said a Wis 8 might be quite an annoyance for a more casual player, in which case, go for William's suggestion.
    BUT, no need for a 12 or 14 Wis, IMO.

  7. #7
    Community Member mutantbee's Avatar
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    Hardly ignored his requests. Simply suggested that he rethink TWF. It's that good. The build I suggested has stats amazaingly similar to what you suggested, except for DEX.

    He said he didnt have any tomes. That's fine. Anyone can buy a +1 dex (or any) tome at the turbine store for a few hundred TP. Bam, TWF solved. And you keep your point buys mostly one to one. Agreed on STR of 16 and level ups there. No lower than 14 in any case.

    While I have been tempted many times to make a Sword and Board build, it just doesn't play out well. I had a human SNB pally back when level cap was 10. He rocked. Now he would not. Casters especially rip you a new one since the shield doesnt help and your DPS is sub-par. Yes you can pull out at 2 hander in those cases, but if you go IMP CRIT PIERCE, there are no THF piecers.

    Also, he wants to SOLO. Intimidate? Why? Everything is already attacking him. So when he groups he is semi-useful? Intimidate on a pure Pally is poor. If he wants to intimidate, he should start first level in Fighter, then keep intimidate maxed. Very good point on UMD, even cross-class it can be gotten to a usable level. An 18/2 PAL/FTR is good also. The extra 2 feats would help the cause (like Khopesh). If you absolutely gotta SNB it, Khopesh helps make up for the lower DPS. Also, if you are gonna SNB it, might consider a WF. The CHA and WIS hits HURT, but the extra 3 points in PA help a bit with DPS. The immunities help a soloer a lot also.

    Using a shield at low levels does indeed help, and I would recommend it. However, doesn't mean you need to plan a build around one. The 18 PAL/2 MNK I suggested has way better AC than a low DEX SNB Pally.

    All the advice about wands and pots are EXCELLENT. Strongly agree with all of that. Been there on the blindness without a POT! DOH!

    OP, we need a LOT more info from you to help you out. What do you really enjoy doing?

    Edited after seeing Eon's reply. The only pressing reason for a higher WIS is if you go for the MONK splash to up your AC to useful levels.
    Last edited by mutantbee; 09-07-2009 at 11:39 AM.

  8. #8
    Community Member eonfreon's Avatar
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    Summary: Drow Paladin
    str, dex, con, int, wis, cha

    S&B/TWF: Low S&B dps, more dps with TWF then THF, Same Shield AC but with lower level items needed.

    16, 16, 12, 10, 8, 16

    Eat + 1 Dex Tome by 5th Level or use 1 Level up in Dex, Otherwise All Levels Up in Strength.
    Str = 16 + 4 = 20 OR 16 + 5 = 21 + 6 Item = 27 + 1 Tome = 28
    Dex = 16 + 1 Tome Or Level Up = 17 + 5 Item = 22 + 2 Drow = 24 (but rather unnecessary)

    Toughness, TWF, ITWF, IMP Crit: Pierce, GTWF, PA, Extend

    Higher dps in dps mode.
    Equal or higher AC in AC mode.
    + 2 Reflex Save.

    Needs + 1 Dex Tome or use of a Level Up to Dex.
    20 - 64 less hp then the THF build below.
    Less likely to use a shield and thus less likely to have Grazing Hits/DR Protection.

    S&B/THF: Low S&B dps, more dps with THF but less then TWF, Same Shield AC but with higher level items needed.
    16, 12, 14, 10, 8, 16

    All Levels up in Strength
    Str = 16 + 5 = 21 + 6 Item = 27 + 1 tome = 28
    Dex = 12 + 6 Item = 18 + 2 Drow = 20 (but rather unnecessary).

    Not really sure on Feats so I'll go with William's suggestion with one modification of Slash for Pierce.

    Toughness, Tower Shield Prof, Impr Crit: Pierce, PA, Extend, and 2 More Feats- Khopesh and Imp: Crit Slash for higher dps?
    maybe 2 THF Feats?
    Don't know if the proc rate on Glancing Blows is worth it?

    20 - 64 more hit points depending on number of Toughness Feats which is an option due to hp being the majority of the defense for this build at high levels without a lot of Grinding and/or Guild Help for AC stuff.
    No need to acquire + 1 Tomes
    +1 to Fort Saves.
    2 rather Open Feats that can be used to Customize more.
    Ability to hit more multiple targets with small chances to activate multiple effects in THF mode.
    More likely to be in S&B mode and thus is more apt to have higher Grazing Hits/DR benefits and quicker Shift-Blocking DR accessibility, but at the cost of most to all dps while shield-blocking.

    -2 to AC, -2 to Reflex Saves.
    Lower dps and lower AC potential then the TWF build.
    Recommendation: TWF is actually easier to build for a Drow Paladin.

    Edit: Spelling and fact checking.
    Last edited by eonfreon; 09-07-2009 at 10:10 PM.

  9. #9
    Community Member eonfreon's Avatar
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    My View:
    Since you get points for playing spend it on a + 1 Dex tome if you can't find one by Level 5. Eat it before Level 6.
    Level 6 take ITWF. You can still be mostly S&B, but by 8th-10th level you want to start shifting more to TWF.

    But it depends. Depends on gear. Decent weapons are quicker to attain then decent armor by midlevel. If and When you want to get to Cap and Grind and Raid and Craft, AC will start to lose effectiveness from 10th-16th + Level.
    While Relevant AC is possible with S&B, if you don't include CE you are likely not reducing many if any hits from Bosses or Elite Mobs by 14th Level.

    Off the top of my head the S&B without CE can't get much over 45. Sure he can eventually hit 55 + Ac even 60 with Shroud AC and enough buffs, but without CE, chattering Ring, DT Armor, Mithral etc, all heavy Grindy stuff, AC will likely top at 45 or a bit more maybe with good non-Raid Items.

    35-45 AC is an okay tradeoff at 8th-10 level, if you can get that high. But it will cost you a lot of dps. So jump back and forth depending on the particular conditions.
    By 12th lvl your dps will get a nice boost with GTWF. By now you might even have some nice rapiers and shortswords.

    Paralyzers are great for 75% of the content and 90% of level 12-14 stuff, even Level 15+ Vale Quests. Best AC is stopping them from swinging in the first place. Or just dpsing them to death so much faster with a fire weapon in one hand and a acid weapon in the other.

    Or eventually a + 5 Holy Burst Silver Holy Sword Weapon in each hand.

    Zeal spell comes at 14th level. You should see the attack speed of my TWF Pally with Zeal and Rogue Attack Boost .

    Eventually you'll hopefully find a + 1 Str Tome. If you get this guy leveled up and like him you can spend some of your earned points on a +1 Str Tome after the +1 Dex Tome.

    My View:
    Even though this guy starts with less Tome needs than the TWf build above, he still needs a + 1 Str Tome and as much as a + 2 Dex Tome to be at least competitive in dps and AC potential. The only real advantage is a +1 to HP/Level = 20 Extra hp by Level 20. And a +1 to Fort saves.The THF build may even be better off getting 2 more Toughness Feats for 44 more hp for a total of 64 more by Level 20.

  10. #10
    Community Member eonfreon's Avatar
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    Here's a different S&B/THF Build: a Higher AC build

    16, 10, 14, 12, 8, 16

    Acquire and Eat a +1 Int Tome when you can.

    Include CE in Feat to add +5 to AC for -5 to Hit.

    khopesh, Toughness, CE, Imp Crit: Slash, Tower Shield, PA, Free Feat - Cleave?.

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