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  1. #1
    Community Member KGWiking's Avatar
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    Default Valhalla PD Guild Excited About Mod 9

    Mod 9 offers many things to many people, but in The Valhalla PD Guild we are most excited about the ability to forego the Solo and Normal setting when running quests.

    Rather than run easy quests we strive to run the hardest quests our group can handle.

    Our guild rules are basic:

    1 - Resurrection by spell or ability or approved item only. (We are discussing the cakes) No Rez Shrines.
    2 - No use of the AH and no buying from brokers
    3 - No buying consumable magic (including store items)
    4 - No Twinking (passing gear among your own toons) We allow guildies to trade items as that involve teamwork.
    5 - No PUGGING - (yes, occassionally an Officer will set up an invite to give all exposure to our playstyle)
    6 - No Spoilers or Exploits - that means you don't tell everyone what is about to happen or use cheap tricks
    7 - Open Quests on the Hardest Setting available.

    The most important rule we have though is found in our Mission Statement - to run challenging quests in a PD setting by using teamwork. That means a few things. It means we don't care to typically grind easy quests for easy XP - we go to the more challenging content - Like a group of lower mid level toons running CO6 within our ruleset. We also look for members who put the accomplishment of the guild above their own gaining of XP and gear. So, as an example, if a level 6 player needs a group and a quest, your level 5 welcomes them, and doesn't exclude them because you don't want to lose 10% XP when you can never keep up with the XP in this game. That type of selfish pettiness is candidly is not welcome in our guild.

    If running the most challenging content the group feels they can handle within a restrictive ruleset appeals to you; we may be a good fit for you. If endless grinding of the easiest content over and over again - while never progressing to the content that is more challenging and interesting appeals to you - you probably won't like our guild.

    We realize that if you work as a group, your individual goals will be met by natural course.

    If you wish to run challenging quests in a challenging and cooperative playstyle give any member a tell. See if you think we're a good fit for you, and we'll be happy to have you run with us. Typically, we have members on throughout most of the day and have enough to run a few groups most nights. Of course we welcome more to join.

    I promise you that you won't be in a guild with two or three people grinding Harbor and Market quests when they are level 5 and think that they did something worthy of note.

    No matter what you choose; enjoy the game!

    Last edited by KGWiking; 09-02-2009 at 11:15 AM.
    Play as a TEAM: Together Everyone Accomplishes More

  2. #2
    Community Member Rekea's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Joined the guild last night and ran the beginning island with some great people only had one death which was sad. Looking forward for more.
    Human life is not worthless. It is in fact priceless, so that is why we charge a lot to take it away. - Discworld Assasin Guild

    ValhallaPD Owlswick Jenkins ~ So far So good!

  3. #3
    Community Member KGWiking's Avatar
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    Sep 2007

    Default Thanks for the Plug

    It was a night of some tough quests for our lowbies with the scaling issues but we managed to get through it. Though a few times I saw our Level 1's running for their lives on the Elite quests we ran with the scaling issues.

    We are excited about the increase of activity on the server, and welcome any new players or old hand who want to experience "Hard Core Permadeath Play" to join our guild.

    Valhalla Permadeath Guild Rules in a nutshell:
    You die you delete unless rezzed by spell/ability. No Shrines
    No use of the AH at all
    You may only "sell" to Brokers
    No Buying Consumable Magic from Vendors or Store (wands, pots, scrolls)
    Groups open quests at the hardest setting available NO FARMING EASY QUESTS for CHEAP XP.
    No PUGS, Twinking, Exploits, or Spoilers - we scout and play the game as close to PNP as we can.

    If this sounds interesting to you, I invite you to give our guild a try. We hope it's a good fit for both.

    KG Wiking
    Play as a TEAM: Together Everyone Accomplishes More

  4. #4
    Community Member KGWiking's Avatar
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    Default Many New Members

    We have added thirteen new members in the past two weeks since the opening of Mod 9.

    We are enjoying working with them and seeing some of them rise in level as they run tough quests to obtain their level.

    Our guild is growing and now we have people on most of the day with many times 10 or more members on at peak times.

    Our ruleset is tough and demands teamwork. We also run tough quests on the hardest setting available and do not farm the easy quests for cheap XP.

    Hope to see you in the game.

    Play as a TEAM: Together Everyone Accomplishes More

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Ran a new toon with the Valhalla PD group yesterday. Great officers and great attitude - had a blast running my 3rd level rogue through Tangleroot Gorge and the seven quests there on hard - looking forward to running many more. Highly recommended for those of you looking for a PD guild.

  6. #6
    Community Member KGWiking's Avatar
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    Default Re:

    Quote Originally Posted by Monkeybar View Post
    Ran a new toon with the Valhalla PD group yesterday. Great officers and great attitude - had a blast running my 3rd level rogue through Tangleroot Gorge and the seven quests there on hard - looking forward to running many more. Highly recommended for those of you looking for a PD guild.
    We have had a great influx of new members. Yesterday was a high water mark as we had over twenty people log in with their various toons. We've had groups (full and partial throughout the day).

    Some more noteworthy news:
    A lvl 10 PD Sorc (Raysill) if you play a cannon it's pretty impressive to make it to Lvl 10 without one death.
    Guild now has five in the "Rezzer's Club" which helps when you run the higher content.
    We've started to tag for Von's
    And about half a dozen F2P members are out of their diapers and hitting the mid levels (scaled to PD Standards) of six and up.

    We are starting a new "Tour of Xendrik" for newer players or for those who wish to try out the PD style. We will start on Winter Korthos and run the village and Island on Hard. The same then for the Harbor and Market quests and all chains - one time on hard and then go through the houses.

    We will be only running content at level - so if when we hit Lvl 3 - we go to that level of quests on hard - and not grind for easy XP.

    A note - we had one Daredevil - Gray - who landed in Korthos - did the Island - went with a group of leve 2 and 3 to WW on hard - then with the now group of 3 and 4's Splinterskull on Hard in one day. Nice work. He was a new player to the game and was a GREAT contributor.

    KG Wiking
    Play as a TEAM: Together Everyone Accomplishes More

  7. #7
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    Just wanted to thank KG, just joined the guild and ran through all of Karthos Island and start of the Harbor today. I had a blast and it was a great learning experience.


  8. #8
    Community Member KGWiking's Avatar
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    Default Ty X!!

    I agree it was really cool.

    Our tour also took place with six lvl one adventurers running all of Korthos Village, Island and Explorers on the Hard setting as well as a few quests in the Harbor.

    The night had a bad start as a new adventurer to the game found out that bodies lying dead near chests mean bad news. So, after a quick lesson learned - the hard way - the group went forth without any other problems.

    These six adventurers are all on the cusp of level three. Some in the group felt they wished to join the main body of the guild now that the had their PD feet wet, and so the remants who wish to stay will continue in the Harbor.
    During the quest we discussed areas for new players - while the vets of the game but new to PD all helped. We talked about setting up the task bar, sound and visual settings, how to pull aggro by body, sound, and sight. How to kite, how to kite to tanks, how to block, how to block for archery, and many other tactical manuvers.

    The Current Tour Members are:
    KG Angelicus Pal (2)
    Genrill Rog (2)
    Kyaara Rog (2)
    Xhalek Ftr (2)

    Will remain in the Harbor and will be looking for a Cleric and a caster to round out their ranks.
    Moving into the guid main body are
    Two Veteran Players who wanted to experince PD and will be joining the guild fold in general are:

    Jariximus Mon 2 FS 1 (he ran a few afterwards)
    Ufnine Ran (2)

    At this moment 300 AM EST a third group is moving through Korthos with five members with another guildie acting as the Tour guide.

    So the remnants of the second Tour need a cleric and a caster. If you would like to Tour in a style that makes you use your skills - that teaches tactics and that involves all the members of the party.....look us up.

    Tonight we had 46 adventurers representing over 20 players run in six different groups of 4 to 6 players. We play as a team, we stick together, and you can join a guild where you know who you'll be running with - and whose adventurer's life is as much in your hands as yours is in their hands.

    However, you wish to play...enjoy the game.

    KG Wiking
    Play as a TEAM: Together Everyone Accomplishes More

  9. #9
    Community Member KGWiking's Avatar
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    I agree it was really cool.

    Our tour also took place with six lvl one adventurers running all of Korthos Village, Island and Explorers on the Hard setting as well as a few quests in the Harbor.

    The night had a bad start as a new adventurer to the game found out that bodies lying dead near chests mean bad news. So, after a quick lesson learned - the hard way - the group went forth without any other problems.

    These six adventurers are all on the cusp of level three. Some in the group felt they wished to join the main body of the guild now that the had their PD feet wet, and so the remants who wish to stay will continue in the Harbor.
    During the quest we discussed areas for new players - while the vets of the game but new to PD all helped. We talked about setting up the task bar, sound and visual settings, how to pull aggro by body, sound, and sight. How to kite, how to kite to tanks, how to block, how to block for archery, and many other tactical manuvers.

    The Current Tour Members are:
    KG Angelicus Pal (2)
    Genrill Rog (2)
    Kyaara Rog (2)
    Xhalek Ftr (2)

    Will remain in the Harbor and will be looking for a Cleric and a caster to round out their ranks.
    Moving into the guid main body are
    Two Veteran Players who wanted to experince PD and will be joining the guild fold in general are:

    Jariximus Mon 2 FS 1 (he ran a few afterwards)
    Ufnine Ran (2)

    At this moment 300 AM EST a third group is moving through Korthos with five members.

    So the remnants of the second Tour need a cleric and a caster. If you would like to Tour in a style that makes you use your skills - that teaches tactics and that involves all the members of the party.....look us up.

    Tonight we had 46 adventurers representing over 20 players run in six different groups of 4 to 6 players.

    We play as a team, we stick together, and we know each adventurer's life is in each others' hands.

    KG Wiking
    Play as a TEAM: Together Everyone Accomplishes More

  10. #10
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by KGWiking View Post

    The Current Tour Members are:
    KG Angelicus Pal (2)
    Genrill Rog (2)
    Kyaara Rog (2)
    Xhalek Ftr (2)
    KG xHalek is actually a Ftr(1)/Pal(1). He is going to be a Pally with a splash of fighter. When are we going to meet up next? I am going to be at the Detroit Red Wings Pre-Season Game tonight, but will be home around 11:30 or 12:00 tonight and most of the weekend.

    OBTW, I figured out what my 2nd character is going to be once I get xHalek up a little further. It will be a WF BattleCleric. His name is xRenrick (same issue with Halek), Renrick was taken so I added the x infront of his name. Think all my characters are going to start with x in the PD guild


    Last edited by Halek; 09-25-2009 at 10:13 AM.

  11. #11
    Community Member KGWiking's Avatar
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    Hi X

    Tomorrow night I think is the plan - but come by tonight and make an alt if you like. Hope to see you.

    (PS) I set up a thread on our site for this group.
    Play as a TEAM: Together Everyone Accomplishes More

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by KGWiking View Post
    Hi X

    Tomorrow night I think is the plan - but come by tonight and make an alt if you like. Hope to see you.

    (PS) I set up a thread on our site for this group.

    K...I Just created an account on the Board...Can someone please approve it.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by KGWiking View Post
    Hi X

    Tomorrow night I think is the plan - but come by tonight and make an alt if you like. Hope to see you.

    (PS) I set up a thread on our site for this group.


    Sorry but Friday/Saturday Night is really bad for me in grouping. The morning & afternoons on weekends is better for me. I most likely wont be able to make it on Saturday Night.


  14. #14
    Community Member KGWiking's Avatar
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    Okay...send me times via the guild website pm.

    Play as a TEAM: Together Everyone Accomplishes More

  15. #15
    Community Member daeosx's Avatar
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    I am interested in this type of gameplay. Reminds me a bit of Diablo II hardcore, but more atuned to a true pnp game. I currently have a cleric that I have ran through the village quests and 1 of the snowy island quests. Let me know if I can run with you late thursday night or friday.

  16. #16
    Community Member KGWiking's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by daeosx View Post
    I am interested in this type of gameplay. Reminds me a bit of Diablo II hardcore, but more atuned to a true pnp game. I currently have a cleric that I have ran through the village quests and 1 of the snowy island quests. Let me know if I can run with you late thursday night or friday.
    Sounds good.

    Go to our website and register if you haven't already. Since we have now started daily events and community participation is expected of members registration is required. Make sure you read the rules of the guild - that way it eliminates confusion.

    Then, give any officer or member a tell. Mention that you have registered and read the rules. You should be in a group within a short while.

    We typically have members on from about 8AM EST through 3AM EST. We also have daily chain runs or marquee quests runs posted as well as three dedicated teams, and daily challenges. All of these are posted via email, PM, MOTD and website.

    Link to the site is at the bottom.

    KG Wiking
    Play as a TEAM: Together Everyone Accomplishes More

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