Someones Got it. Heres your chance to turn a Profit on it. You wont be able to play the character so might as well get it over with and sell it. Ha Ha. Jokes over.
I'm Offering 100k Plat for the Name. Plat will be Paid On the Thelanis Server, So if you have an Alt there, you just made a bunch of money for being a jerk.
Hopefully I can get some folks from the other servers to kick in so that we can cover all the servers.
In order to validate the transfer I will log into game with you and you will then provide me a keyword I will provide you via a PM.
If your Home server is
Thelanis, Contact Impaqt
Sarlona, Contact Mockduck (Or me if you are too ashamed to contact him directly)
Khyber, Contact Arkat
Arrgonessen, Contact Mhykke
Ghallanda, Contact Dragon.Star