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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Looking for a build

    I am new to DDO and have looked over many of the builds here and elsewhere on the internet and am having trouble finding a build.

    I plan to create two characters.

    1. An Elf who has ranger and bard classes [in no specific order]. Is a bow-specialist and is primarily a support character.
    2. A human or elf with the rogue class somewhere. I aim for it to be a powerful dex-melee specialist [maybe dual-wield?] that utilizes DPS skills.

    I would greatly appreciate someone pointing me in the right direction. I have looked over many builds and can't find one to my specs and due to my inexperience I am not sure, if even I found some builds, which ones would be right for the type of character I aim for.

  2. #2
    Community Member Thanimal's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Radavauk View Post
    I am new to DDO and have looked over many of the builds here and elsewhere on the internet and am having trouble finding a build.

    I plan to create two characters.

    1. An Elf who has ranger and bard classes [in no specific order]. Is a bow-specialist and is primarily a support character.
    2. A human or elf with the rogue class somewhere. I aim for it to be a powerful dex-melee specialist [maybe dual-wield?] that utilizes DPS skills.

    I would greatly appreciate someone pointing me in the right direction. I have looked over many builds and can't find one to my specs and due to my inexperience I am not sure, if even I found some builds, which ones would be right for the type of character I aim for.
    Build #1 is going to be very hard to find because ranged is generally regarded as pretty weak in DDO. (A few argue it's not weak, but not enough for there to be a lot of build plans floating around.)

    Build #2 is quite good and there are many variants on it. Halfling is actually the clear "best" race for it, but Human and elf are passable as well. The Rogue 13/Ranger 6/Monk 1 plan is probably the most ubiquitous right now. Search for a build called The Ravager and also a 13/6/1 by Impaqt.

  3. #3
    Community Member spifflove's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Default 28 point ranger bard

    Id wait for 32 points but here you are:

    28 pt elf
    Ranger 2/bard 18

    str 16 + level ups
    dex 16
    con 12
    intel 08
    w: 08
    Char 14

    1) weapon focus pierce
    3) Power attack
    6) improved two weapon fighting

    enhancements: warchanter

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