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  1. #21
    Community Member LAWPRE's Avatar
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    Default 2 cents

    As far as how often tomes drop, that depends upon what level U R doing. I do ALOt of <10 quests and have only seen 1 +1 tome. However, some members of my (now former) guild would give me their "excess" tomes all the time. However, they were farming raids and high end content.

    As far as Cha vs Wis. Either can be buffed up quite high and cleric is Wis based. So, if U think of a FvS as a Sorc type, Cha would be essential. However, many classes have a "slealth" stat (one that is not apparently primary but very helpful). This is the case with the Paladin (as Cha is the primary stat 4 Undead Hunter) or the Rogue (as Spot is Wis based and U must notice B4 U can find something). Finally, there are "sneaky" ways 2 play toons. There is 1 guy who makes sure to buff his reflex save and take the Evasion chain. Then, just like a rogue, his monk can ignore trap damage!

  2. #22
    Community Member RTN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Visty View Post
    any vale quest drops them quite regular
    also the reavers refuge quests have them alot
    Any Vale quest on HARD drops them regularly. You can get out there at L12, but a party of L12 characters will probably get chewed up, especially on hard. L14-L16 parties are much more common and better prepared. You won't get L9 spells before then anyway, so that's early enough to get a +2 tome.

    1750 favor, as someone else wrote, is a guaranteed +2 tome of your choice.

  3. #23
    Community Member Uamhas's Avatar
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    1750 gives you a bound tome on the character that achieved the favor.
    Unless you're saying it doesn't bind to character?
    Quote Originally Posted by Beol
    AA is a river with currents both of a profound acceptance of individuality and of a certain love for brutal efficiency.
    xX-----==<<<Yes, I roleplay. Get over it.>>>==-----Xx

  4. #24
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    You don't need to do vale quests on any difficulty for tomes. Just hit rares in the vale itself. I've gotten 4 +1s out of there without even doing serious farming, haven't ransacked a single chest.

  5. #25
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    Favored Souls are complicated chars (and the dual-stat makes it a pain - thus I will opt for some other class over them).

    FS's are Divine spellcasters (not arcane). They get their spells from the cleric spell list, however like a Sorcerer, they can only know a certain number of spells.

    Wisdom is important because it lets you know what level of spells you can know. ex: to cast a lvl 4 spell, you need a wisdom of 14 (like the pure casters who get all their benefits from one stat). However - CHA is what their spell points is based off of (or should be for DDO). In table top, Wisdom determines what lvl of spells you can cast, and how difficult they are to resist, while CHARISMA determines your -EXTRA- spells per day.

    I'm presuming that's how FSs' are in DDO.

    Hope that helps!

  6. #26
    Founder Greylon's Avatar
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    Chr determines max spell level you can cast, Wis determines the DC of the spells you cast.
    Saying that Chr is the most important stat is technically correct, if something drops my chr to 9 I can no longer cast anything and am worthless, if something drops my wisdom to 9 I can still cast heals and buffs, and even drop a bladebarrier even though they will prob save for 1/2 damage it will still kill nonevasive mobs eventually.
    So the compendium is correct in saying Chr is the most important stat but if you plan on doing any offensive casting you will not want it to be your highest stat.

  7. #27
    Community Member Wyrmnax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letrii View Post
    Not counting tome since not guaranteed to have one available.
    A +1 is pretty much granted. Especially by the time you can use lv 8 spells, you will have enough $ to buy one.

    +2s are harder, but still buyable with platinum. So not that bad. Will take some time for a new player in the game because they are fairly expensive.

    +3s and +4s shouldnt be considered granted to anyone who isnt a veteran with plenty of raid acess and friends.
    Editing everything i post, since day 1. Things make much more sense inside my head.

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