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  1. #1
    Community Member malaky's Avatar
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    Default Question about HP

    I have a fighter who is currently level 7.... A few days ago, it somehow came up in group how many hit points someone had on their level 16 barbarian (something like 600 or 650...). So all I want to know is, how many HP should a fighter have at level 16? And, how many at level 20?

    A break-down of items that would get you to said total would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
    Quote Originally Posted by Minor_Threat View Post
    exactly, thanks for proving my point, Malarkey.

  2. #2
    Community Member GATORZ's Avatar
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    Default should have

    as many as he needs to stay alive i hope this was helpful

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  3. #3
    Community Member KingOfCheese's Avatar
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    There is no magic number. 400+ is a fair rule for minimum. 500+ is better if you can get it. It kind of depends on whether you multiclass, have evasion, have a high AC, high DR, etc. I've seen some very survivable, effective, high AC fighter builds with less than 400 hp (at level 16).

    The "extras" come from:

    giant hold favor (2nd tier): 10
    greater false life item: 30
    Shroud crafted hp item: 45
    Minos helm: 20 (this is a mod9 change)
    +6 con item
    toughness feat (can be taken multiple times)
    toughness enhancements

    and things that boost CON: exceptional CON item, rage, madstone rage, barbarian rage, scourge choker
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  4. #4
    Community Member Eurytos's Avatar
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    At 20, I'd say at the very least 450-500 for a fighter. 450 only if you have other forms of defense (AC, evasion, etc)

    Here's the breakdown

    20 - Every character gets 20 base hit points
    200 - Fighter Hit Die is d10 * 20 levels = 200 from levels alone
    30 - Greater False Life item, no character should be without one
    10 - You get 10HP as a reward for 150 Agents of Argonessen favor
    22 - Toughness Feat taken once, each time you take the feat you get 22 more
    282 So far we're at 282HP with just the basic must haves

    Next, at level 20 you get 20 additional hit points for every 2 CON you have over 10CON. For example, if you have 20 con, you get 5*20 = 100 HP

    100 Hitpoints from 20CON
    382 Hitpoints

    40 Fighter's toughness IV Enhancement
    20 Minos Legens Helmet (Tapestries from Ochard)
    45 Craft a shroud item with +10, +15 and +20 HP bonuses
    487 Hit Points

    20 Racial Toughness (Warforged or Dwarf can get 40 from racial toughness if they take CON enhancements)

    From there, you can add rage potions, more CON, madstone boots, etc.
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  5. #5
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    With little or no effort you should break 500 hp.

    With just the toughness feat, con item and enhancements to push my con to 30, toughness enhancements, and a false life item I sit at 514 on my ranger/fighter/barbarian dwarf (@ L16).

    As a pure fighter you only need 2 stats, CON and STR. You might give some attention to DEX but don't really need too much since the assumption is that you'll use mithral full plate or similar which will cap any DEX bonus in any case. So, without too much trying you should hit ~30 STR and ~24 CON.

    A Toughness feat and fighter and racial toughness enhancements will boost HP. There is one favor reward of HP. Toss in a false life item of some sort (Greater False Life is 30 hp IIRC).

    020 Heroic Durability (HP bonus for all characters)
    200 10 HP per level x 20 levels for fighters
    140 7HP per level x 20 levels for 24 CON (base CON & +6 CON item)
    010 Favor reward
    022 Toughness feat
    030 Racial toughness enhancement
    040 Fighter toughness enhancement
    030 GFL item
    492 HP and that without putting much effort into it.

    Barbarians, of course, will have more HP due to higher base of 12 (40 more HP at L20). Dwarves and Warforged can have higher starting CON and get additional CON enhancements. With ~30 CON that is another 60 HP putting them >600 with little effort.

    In general terms once you break 400 HP you should be in pretty good shape. You shouldn't look at less than that unless you have spectacular AC -- especially with DDO:EU going live tomorrow and the introduction of grazing blows that will do damage even on misses.
    Last edited by Leyoni; 08-31-2009 at 07:19 PM.

  6. #6
    Community Member malaky's Avatar
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    How many tapestries do you need for a minos legens helm? How rare are tapestries?
    And how many ingredients do you need for a HP crafted item?
    Quote Originally Posted by Minor_Threat View Post
    exactly, thanks for proving my point, Malarkey.

  7. #7
    Community Member KingOfCheese's Avatar
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    20 Tapestries. They aren't rare--they drop in the explorer area chests in the Orchard. They can also often be purchased on the Auction House for not too much cash (although prices have gone up recently).

    The ingredients for the Shroud item depends on what you make. The "cheapest" version of the 45 hit point item will use 1-3 of each small, medium, large item (scale, stone, etc.). The more expensive versions may run up to 6 of certain larges.
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  8. #8
    Community Member Noctus's Avatar
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    If your melee character breaks the 400 HP border you are fine. With more being better. Always.

    If you dont get that many HPyou will run into many problems and die much more often than necessary, and in doing so being a drain on party resources. Sucking mana for necessary rebuffing.
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  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by malaky View Post
    How many tapestries do you need for a minos legens helm? How rare are tapestries?
    20 of them and you can get a stack of 20 on the AH for 10-30K plat depending on the mood of the seller.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    *pokes the patch with a stick* get out there you,
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    We were pretty up front that the twf update was going to be a nerf regardless of lag or not.
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Um, I'm almost afraid to ask, but exactly just what is 'sneak humping'?

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Leyoni View Post
    As a pure fighter you only need 2 stats, CON and STR. You might give some attention to DEX but don't really need too much since the assumption is that you'll use mithral full plate or similar which will cap any DEX bonus in any case. So, without too much trying you should hit ~30 STR and ~24 CON.
    i disagree with this statement. if one wants to build a good fighter, yes str and con. but if one wants to build a great fighter, you need str dex and con. dex is not for AC but for twf feats which tremedously boost the dps of fighters

    OP, start with 14 con will be good. at L20 you will have

    con = 14 + 2 tome + 6 item = 22 con (+6 mod)

    HP = 200 (fighter) + 30 (heroic and draconic durability) + 120 (con) + 20 (minos) + 45 (shroud item) + 30 (greater false life) + 22 (toughness) + 40 (fighter toughness) + 20 (racial toughness) = 527

    this is just unbuffed HP. all decent fighters will be raged and double madstone so that the HP will be ~570. if you are human, you can add 30 more HP. if you are dwarf or WF, add 40 more
    Last edited by Aranticus; 08-31-2009 at 10:43 PM.
    If you want to know why...

  11. #11
    Community Member malaky's Avatar
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    Default Just one more question

    I know what madstone rage is.... But what is "double madstone" and how do you get that? What item(s) do you need, and where do you get them? (Ok... more than ONE question, but all related)
    Quote Originally Posted by Minor_Threat View Post
    exactly, thanks for proving my point, Malarkey.

  12. #12
    Community Member KingOfCheese's Avatar
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    Both "madstones" come from the madstone boots. The "1st" madstone is the rage you get when you activate the clicky on the boots. The "2nd" madstone can occur when you are hit by an enemy--which is pretty much constant when you are in battle. So the madstone boots give you two levels--but the 2nd level only triggers in combat.
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