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Thread: Visible Cloaks

  1. #1
    Community Member Paul57103's Avatar
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    Talking Visible Cloaks

    I am new to the Forums and just wanted to post quick and didnt have time to search for this, but is there any talk of making cloaks visible, like armor and helms? I would love for my characters, rogues and wizards especially to be able to show their cloaks, Not much for gameplay just because I enjoy it when my characters look cool. Anyways, I hope this happens eventually, I think it would make the customization of your character that much more enjoyable to everyone.

    Eronius Dragonfire-Human Pal8/Ftr3-Argonessen
    Jaedron-Drow Rog3/Wiz4-Argonessen
    Squinty McGuillicutty-Dwarf Clr5/Ftr1-Argonessen

  2. #2
    Founder & Hero
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    yeah it would be cool but fluff like this should be way down the list after more races, classes, content.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  3. #3
    Community Member Paul57103's Avatar
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    I agree that more races and classes are very important and I understand this would be fluff, but one of the reasons that I play MMO's is being able to customize and add to my character's appearance. I have seen this bit of fluff used in LOTRO as well as CoH for capes. Probably not too difficult to do, so why not just throw it in there with the next patch? Just my opinion, hopefully if its intriguing to others someone will take notice.
    Eronius Dragonfire-Human Pal8/Ftr3-Argonessen
    Jaedron-Drow Rog3/Wiz4-Argonessen
    Squinty McGuillicutty-Dwarf Clr5/Ftr1-Argonessen

  4. #4
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Honestly, at this point if they were added - I'd be afraid they'd look like hell and I'd just wind up /showcloak off-ing them.
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  5. #5
    Community Member Mercules's Avatar
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    We already have people running around in look alike helms and armor, with look alike greensteel weapons. Do we really need a bunch of look alike cloaks? In addition cloaks always clip in every game I have seen them in and thus look horrible anyway. Why bother?
    "Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment."
    -Barry LePatner

  6. #6
    Community Member Paul57103's Avatar
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    It was just a suggestion to add to character look and also add a different customization to a game. In my opinion, CoH and CoV capes look fantastic and the LOTRO cloaks looked great. With the spectrum of colors and random generators, I am sure that things would look fine. Instead of shooting things down how about looking to the positive. Thats just my outlook though I guess.
    Eronius Dragonfire-Human Pal8/Ftr3-Argonessen
    Jaedron-Drow Rog3/Wiz4-Argonessen
    Squinty McGuillicutty-Dwarf Clr5/Ftr1-Argonessen

  7. #7
    Community Member Mercules's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paul57103 View Post
    It was just a suggestion to add to character look and also add a different customization to a game. In my opinion, CoH and CoV capes look fantastic and the LOTRO cloaks looked great. With the spectrum of colors and random generators, I am sure that things would look fine. Instead of shooting things down how about looking to the positive. Thats just my outlook though I guess.
    Trust me, you are not the first person to ask for this, and this is not the first, "cloaks" thread. While I like CoH/CoV capes I also know they have a different engine than DDO and had to add in certain physics engines to make them work. There is a lot of coding involved in those capes. Even so they look like **** when you start moving around. I love my cape coming out my navel when I run backwards.

    Aside from that if you look at a growing trend you will see many high level characters all in the same armor, with the same helm. Until they give us a way to customize our look and/or stop making "THE item" you need to wear people are all going to run around looking very much the same. I don't see the point in giving them another cool graphic if they will all be wearing the same item again. Not so much a slam on your idea as a slam at how everyone looks the same, just like certain other games. (WoW, EQ)
    "Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment."
    -Barry LePatner

  8. #8
    Community Member barecm's Avatar
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    Cloaks, cloaks with color options, guild cloaks etc... all have been asked for since 2006. Just so you know... housing, guild houses, druids, fixing ranged combat, mounts are just a few of the other over asked for, never delivered items....regardless of what was said at one point that we should have had over a year ago.

  9. #9
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paul57103 View Post
    I am new to the Forums...
    Run...RUN!!!! It's too late for me, but it's not for you... they won't be happy until they've sucked your soul from your lifeless corpse... get out, I say!!!!

    Welcome to the forums
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  10. #10
    Community Member gamblerjoe's Avatar
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    id like to see the cloaks. its really too bad that the devs have so much on their plates with this flailing game. id actually really like to see guild cloaks like other MMOs have done.
    <I Do Haste Potions>
    Quote Originally Posted by Patience View Post
    gamblerjoe is right

  11. #11
    Community Member Mercules's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by barecm View Post
    Cloaks, cloaks with color options, guild cloaks etc... all have been asked for since 2006. Just so you know... housing, guild houses, druids, fixing ranged combat, mounts are just a few of the other over asked for, never delivered items....regardless of what was said at one point that we should have had over a year ago.
    I think you meant, "...we believe we are entitled to for no particularly valid reason."
    "Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment."
    -Barry LePatner

  12. #12
    Community Member CaptainCrunch's Avatar
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    What about boots?

  13. #13
    Community Member Yurtrus's Avatar
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    total waste of dev's time. There are more important things to fix. Once the game is balanced ( hahahah, can you believe I said that ) and fine tuned to the point where content is coming out regularly cause everything else is running fine and fixed. Maybe at that point it would be nice of turbine to start tossing in these silly requests to make the public happy and make the game as corny as the rest of the mmo's out there.

    I can't believe I even posted on this thread.. silly

  14. #14
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    Yes! Please Display Cloaks!

  15. #15
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    You know it's funny...

    In my experience the people who ask for "fluff" items to be added into the game are the ones that are going to be with the game for the longest term. Those that typically flame/rant that these requests are a waste of developement time are those that burn through content and just want more and end up quitting.

    Whats funny here is it seems to be somewhat backwards; I'm seeing long term people here complaining that it is a waste of time.

    Cloaks would be awesome and I agree that LOTRO has some of the best cloaks out there; Turbine has the code... they just need to implement it for this game.

    This is just like dances or more emotes. Long Term gamers tend to enjoy the "little" things like this while the hurry up and quit gamers don't care (they have other games they need to get to; so why bother dancing in a tavern and shooting the **** with your friends?).

    Someone else posted that boots would be nice too; and I agree with that post too!

  16. #16
    Community Member Mercules's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wyllie View Post
    You know it's funny...

    In my experience the people who ask for "fluff" items to be added into the game are the ones that are going to be with the game for the longest term. Those that typically flame/rant that these requests are a waste of developement time are those that burn through content and just want more and end up quitting.

    Whats funny here is it seems to be somewhat backwards; I'm seeing long term people here complaining that it is a waste of time.

    Cloaks would be awesome and I agree that LOTRO has some of the best cloaks out there; Turbine has the code... they just need to implement it for this game.

    This is just like dances or more emotes. Long Term gamers tend to enjoy the "little" things like this while the hurry up and quit gamers don't care (they have other games they need to get to; so why bother dancing in a tavern and shooting the **** with your friends?).

    Someone else posted that boots would be nice too; and I agree with that post too!
    Sorry... this "Long Term Player" has played all those other games too and HATES having everything display. I like my character to look nice and have gone to the extremes of buying several sets of expensive armor to find "better looking" armor for my characters. Being able to NOT show my helmet was a fantastic addition to the game so I could avoid stupid looking gear.

    In EQII I hated how my character looked in the beginning with all the mismatched armor pieces of various colors. I would get a new item add it in and go, "Blech!" as it would clash with everything else. Dyes help with that a bit, but still. Towards the end my armor started to look better but sadly I looked just like everyone else in my armor crafted by a guildy.

    In DDO we get VERY random items so finding that +4 Str item that fits a certain slot for a certain level is hard enough. Finding a +4 Str item that fits a certain slot for a certain level and matches my boots is going to be ridiculous.

    My friend was mentioning that EQII now has "Appearance Slots". What these do is offer a location where you can place a piece of equipment that you like the look of and that is what will appear on your character model. What you have equipped normally is what you get your actual stats from, but you can pick pieces of gear that fit the look you want.

    If DDO added something similar I would happily support adding more visuals to the game as long as they didn't slow down public instances even more than they already are.
    "Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment."
    -Barry LePatner

  17. #17
    Community Member vectner's Avatar
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    I would love to see my cloak. It was always cool in NWN2. I like the idea of boots too. Lime Green boots of speed FTW!

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