selling 1 scourge choker
Looking for
Major Mneonic Pots
selling 1 scourge choker
Looking for
Major Mneonic Pots
I heard that if u factor in the fatigues u get net dps loss. Is this true or should I give u my phat loots?
Be descriptive.
Last edited by kahbel; 08-30-2009 at 08:55 PM.
Chelsea, Animate, Reanimate, Violence, KinetikXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Melee it's situational, on a caster it's quite nice.
Guilds: Prophets of the New Republic & Revenents Khyber
Active: Clean 18barb/2ftr Cleen 20arti Kleaner 20monk Darkstaar Dark Knight Psyborg 20sorc Warrwitch 20wiz Roque 19rog/1mnk Killeric 18fvs/2monk AA Duality Helves Angel
Builds: Helves Angel Hurtlocker Dark Knight Riddle of Steel
Man. I've gotta research what I'm trying to buy? Your the worst salesman ever.
Your supposed to tell me I need it and can't live w/o it.
You should have learned this skill from all the 5yr old korean boys by now.
Epic fail.
If and when I learn anything about this item I shall return.
Chelsea, Animate, Reanimate, Violence, KinetikXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
you do know you will be able to get mana pots from the ddo store right?
??* Worth[R]Elf ??* Kittu[R/P]Dwarf ??* Alexo[S]Drow ??* Amida[R]Elf ??* Krsna[R/F]Warforged ??* vainangel[F/W]Human ??* Cundi[FvS]Drow ??* ♪♫.we are sarcastic.♫♪
that is not the point at all
You are taking mana pots as a trade... the value of those items is next to nothing now.
also as a subscriber, we get 500pts a month. only an idiot would never use the store as it is now a game mechanic.
if you see it as an easy button... then I will hope you go for 2500 favor to unlock FvS, my guess is you will use the store.
??* Worth[R]Elf ??* Kittu[R/P]Dwarf ??* Alexo[S]Drow ??* Amida[R]Elf ??* Krsna[R/F]Warforged ??* vainangel[F/W]Human ??* Cundi[FvS]Drow ??* ♪♫.we are sarcastic.♫♪
The Free Companions
Eurytos, Eury, Furytos, Eurytrikos, Durytos, Alternate, Grid, Gridd, Radic, Narayana"I don't set goals, because if I set goals, I set limits for myself."
True, one of my toons has 2230-ish or something. I would not bet on people waiting to get FvS. Many people are talking about the FvS build they are going to start...
I also forgot the new server. Going to get that 2500 on cannith before starting your FvS? What about character slots? Teleport wands?
Last edited by vainangel; 08-31-2009 at 03:40 PM.
??* Worth[R]Elf ??* Kittu[R/P]Dwarf ??* Alexo[S]Drow ??* Amida[R]Elf ??* Krsna[R/F]Warforged ??* vainangel[F/W]Human ??* Cundi[FvS]Drow ??* ♪♫.we are sarcastic.♫♪
??* Worth[R]Elf ??* Kittu[R/P]Dwarf ??* Alexo[S]Drow ??* Amida[R]Elf ??* Krsna[R/F]Warforged ??* vainangel[F/W]Human ??* Cundi[FvS]Drow ??* ♪♫.we are sarcastic.♫♪
were to start... oh wait thats right i have 2 accounts plenty of slots.... 2500 favor... retired ranger is at 2498 or something like that so hmm that will be easy to get if i did want to roll as Flavored Sucker.... cuz they aren't that intresting to me regular casting speed for more sp and fewer spell slots nope i will take a cleric over that still... teleport wand... nah i will go for scrolls from the portable hole or my teleport masks. New server no thanks i will stick to the servers i already play on. so yah no using the easy button will probably be pretty easy for me
Don't argue with the guy Infi, remember, he was the guy who's Sorc did not carry haste........
Side note, PM sent!
I've met and chatted with both Dave Arneson and Gary Gygax.To both of you, I raise a glass in toast and say THANK YOU!
Jaxx - LAVA DIVERS - Khyber
??* Worth[R]Elf ??* Kittu[R/P]Dwarf ??* Alexo[S]Drow ??* Amida[R]Elf ??* Krsna[R/F]Warforged ??* vainangel[F/W]Human ??* Cundi[FvS]Drow ??* ♪♫.we are sarcastic.♫♪
oh **** i forgot about that one.... you have a point let me go read my pm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yah you must not know me I am pretty set when i say things.... I dont have to spend money or free points to succeed in a game its called hard work and dedication.![]()
Chelsea, Animate, Reanimate, Violence, KinetikXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX