Last night after playing some DDO I was lying in bed trying to go to sleep and started to think to myself "What would be the best 2 man party to complete most quests in DDO?"
My conclusion was a wf caster and ranger. At first that sounds kind of odd. A caster that can heal himself, sure that makes since, but why a ranger? TWF rangers have great dps and dwarven and wf rangers have plenty of hitpoints, but that's not why I chose that class either. I chose that class really for camouflage and mass camouflage.
Ghoste has shown us how a pure wizard can sneak past all kinds of danger (without camo).
So the idea is to use sneak and crowd control to get around some of the tougher mobs. When a fight can't be avoided (which is actually rarer then you probably think) then the wizard might have to be prepared to throw out some repairs while he/she is nuking or putting up CC.
In most quests sneaking is just for fun. A good caster and a good ranger can duo a lot quests without sneaking. And if they do plan on sneaking then a ranged ranger works out great as well since multishot will reset often when creaping through a quest.
How would you build your two man party???