As the title suggests, I'm trying to decide what to do with Ferrumrym for levels 17-20. He is currently a dwarven intimitank Pal 12/Fighter 4. Originally I had just figured that I'd go another 2 paladin (lvl 4 spells), and 2 more fighter (extra feat, Str +1 and accept to a PrE) with the intention of taking Defender of Siberys 1 and 2, and probably Kensai 1, but that's going to be really rough AP-wise. Now I thought that perhaps I should take Stalwart Defender 1, and Kensai 1 and 2--that'd give me a boost to my DPS, and some of the defender-y abilities.

Pal 12/Ftr 4
Str 30
Dex 20
Con 24
Int 13
Wis 17
Cha 24

Feats: Power Attack, Skill Focus: Intimidate, Dodge, Combat Expertise, Improved Crit: Slashing, Extend, Toughness, Weapon Focus: Slashing and Improved Trip.

Most necessary tomes, greensteel and raid gear for AC, intimidate, HP, and melee.

[AP costs are taking into account only enhancements that I wouldn't already have]
Kensia AP cost = 11: 4 (base) + 3 (attack boost II) + 3 (Crit Accuracy II) + 1 (weapon mastery I)
Stalwart Defender AP cost = 5: 4 (base) + 1 (AC boost I)
Defender of Siberys II AP cost = 9: 6 (base) + 1 (AC boost I) +1 (focus of good I) + 1 (courage of good I)
Knight of the Chalice II AP cost = 12 : 6 (base) + 3 (energy of the templar II) + 3 (courage of good II)

So, Kensai + DoS = 20 AP, while SD + KotC = 17 AP.

The first set-up nets me: +1 attack, +2 damage, +4 to confirm crits, +1 intimidate, +1 trip, +1 saves vs. magic, +2 turns, +1 LoH/rest, bonus blocking AC, max Dex w/ towers by 2, increased Dex w/ heavy armor by 1, +25% hate, defensive stance II (+3 Str/Con, +2 saves, +3 AC, +100% hate, move at 1/3 speed)

The second set-up nets me: +1 AC, +2 intimidate, max Dex w/ towers increases by 1, bonus AC and DR when blocking, DR 2/- w/ shields, defensive stance (+2 Str/Con, +1 saves, +2 AC, +50 % hate, 1/4 speed), +2 attack vs. evil outsides, +2d6 damage vs. evil outsiders, +3 bonus on saves vs. evil outsiders, censure demons (DC 31ish)

That looks like a tough call to me.

On the one hand I'm looking at consistent attack and damage vs. everything, as well the minor boost to trip, a better stance, extra turns (Divine Might/Righteousness), LoH, and more AC out of heavy armor, while on the other I'm getting a little more intimidate, passive DR, and extra attack and damage vs. the most prolific (currently) enemy type in the end game.

Did I miss anything?

Thoughts? Votes?