I was not here until the beta, so I am afraid I do not understand the differences in the raid loot mechanics. You'll have to forgive me on that.
However, the point of the thread (original post and early posts) could have been interpreted in various ways, many early on did not seem so much concerened about the loot or how it was got, more so about the principle and stances people were taking in the early posts, and some not wanting to be with someone who "could" be a not nice person. A quick scan showed that many was very short and unprecise and could have been read as "selfish" concerns only. If I may quote your own post as an exmaple?
"pm and guild pls.
your loot your choice.
my groups my choice"
Your post, to anyone not reading it with an open enough mindset, sounds on first read like:
Tell me the name and guild of this offender please (I believe what you said, hence why I'm asking for it). Any character that does the same thing (your loot your choice) (including this one). And I'll not let them in or join them.
Granted, that's just one way of reading into it, but in a heated situation like this, many will misread and misunderstand, as many were not forthcoming with the "bits" that they missed out on their post. Hence, I believe (which could be wrong obviously), some charged in screaming bloomin murder as those that want to keep a sharper eye out for such people.
Of course, that's purely my own speculation and understanding, but that's what it reads like going through the thread again. A misunderstanind between people.