........................................... I <3 22/7
Sassy, Babbette, Migette, Snip, Phatass, Bimbette, Sassette, Wentch, Duelingbanjo, Jaillbait, Sticki *WARNING* ALL PM'S ARE OPEN TO POSTING *WARNING*
When asking for buffs, always ask for the Axer Package
So true.
But still the concept is the same, for some reason as soon as it becomes a game people throw logic and decorum out the window. If I won a car and it was bound to me, you better believe I have a price in mind for you to acquire that tome from me. When I run raids I will typically give stuff out, but at the same time if someone doesn't do the same as me it doesn't bother me. The only thing about raid loot that ****es me off is when you have a group rolling for loot and one of them rolls to get the item just so his friend has better odds of getting it. That is the only thing that is bad form with raid loot imho.
I would assume that if anyone in the group wanted the Tome than they would have given the Wizard in question an offer on it. Since no one apperantly made an offer (or at least one that the wizard valued more than the tome) then he took it.
Let me put it this way...suppose Im on my ranger and I pull a +3 charisma tome. A large bone would be just about worth it to me, so if one was offered I would sure make the trade.
Since the wizzard made no such trade you can assume one of two things. Either no one made any offers...or the wizzard did, in fact, have a use for the tome. In either case I think that everyone is being a little hard on the guy...especially without hearing his side of the story.
Incorrect. People pay real money for items in games all the time, even more now that we have a store and it's legal. Items DO have real-world value.
And regardless, even if it doesn't have real world value, it has game value. Whether that matters to you or not simply depends on your own utility curve.
So who are you to say you CAN'T compare the two, both real world money and virtual money can be meaningful or meaningless, depending on fate.
If you want to know why...
Really?? your serious??
So you think that just because it is a game someone has the right to dictate what another person has to do with something they pay for?? Ok...someone tried that before his name was Hitler, you wanna ask him how that worked out for him?? If it didn't have your name on it why is anyone crying that he tried to get money for it?? If it was unbound and he tried to sell it would you have a problem with it then?? If it was unbound and he said he didn't need it, but he said he was going to use it anyways would you be upset??
So lets say I am running one of the new quests and I pull a +3 unbound tome, and I say I don't really need it, but I use it anyways would you cry then too?? When does it become ok for someone to use something they had the good fortune of getting?? I'll answer it always is ok for someone to use something that drops in their name.
Cry some more these threads keep popping up and all the whiners and children in this game think they have a right to everyone else's loot. Makes you wonder how many of these people live in mommy's basement.
Then again, it makes sense. My Ranger got a 3 CHA tome and rolled it, then my Sorc got a 3 DEX tome in the next run, rolled it... I was furious. I still let those who needed it have it. I even flipped the bird to the Cleric that rolled on the CHA tome because the Bard needed it more. It was my choice to do that with my loot.
I am seeing it again and am baffled by the need for people to read this and defend what is discribed by the author as an obviously greedy and selfish act.
These posts typically describe an action that most people find to be wrong. I say most because the majority of people no matter how or where they are brought up have a similar since of right and wrong, you might call it a
–noun 1. the inner sense of what is right or wrong in one's conduct or motives, impelling one toward right action: to follow the dictates of conscience.
2. the complex of ethical and moral principles that controls or inhibits the actions or thoughts of an individual.
This game at it's Heart is one of community. This one individual who was working with a team to complete the goal got lucky. That is all. He did not do anything extrordinary to get the +3 charisma tome. He just got lucky, but not so lucky for him because he had very little use for the treasured item. Instead of passing on that good luck to a fellow member of the community who he is not in competetion against. He decides not to garnering a bad reputation with the community.
So yes it's his loot yada yada blah blah
Why do some feel the need to defend and rediculously over intelctualize in defense of this action?
Perhaps I am naive. I know I am not the smartest guy on these forums and I have a problem with spelling without a checker for those of you who wish to point those things out.
Pek Pickler - Rogue 10/ Fighter 2
Laviathin - Ranger 14
Georrge Thoroughgood - 9 Fighter / 2 Paladin
Dux Femina Facti - 11 Paladin
Hava Hela'tym - 14 Fighter
Breakindown Alda'tym - 7 fighter/6 rogue/1 wizard
no i do agree if it was unbound then by all means take it even if u didnt need it u can trade/sell later...i would...but it was bound and he said i dont need it...like i said imo DDO Etiquette...and just to clarify i didnt need the tome cause im sure some ppl think i posted this cause i needed it
Trade List: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=238811
Yinyang~~Punchdrunk~~PlanetTerror~~Hobo with a Shotgun~~Deathproof~~Woodstock
The reason being most of us do not believe this one sided tale of greed, and believe that probably the wizard did INDEED have a use for the charisma tome, but offered to let someone buy it first, in case they wanted it more. Generally one-sided tales of woe like this on the forums are a little biased, at best.
Again, if his build could use it, but he offered to LET it be bought first, then his reputation should actually go up. Hard to say without the whole story.
I don't believe ANYONE has defended the wizard taking the tome if he needed it not at all.
Let's refine this example.
- 11 other people helped you have the chance to win it.
- You have little or no use for it, but some of the other 11 people would benefit greatly from it.
- Because you can't profit from it you decide to keep it and park it in your garage.
And be nice to my Beer & Hugs girl.
.: Reaper :.
Kongo - TR | Brolik - Warforged Ranger | Bonemender - Clerimonk | Torqata - Warforged Sorcerer | Fresco - Tempest III UMD | Ognok - Intimi Guard Tank
Agreed - If he had even a slight use for it, it is his and he should take it without question. People are not stipulating this in their defense. They are defending his right to take it even if it is to vendor it for a minimal amount of plat.
I have witnessed plenty of these situations and this is how they go.
+3 charisma tome drops for the fighter.....
there is a pause and you know he is thinking about it....
Fighter - Sorry sorc and bard in the party, this is going to help my intimidate a little so I am going to take it.
Sorc and Bard - Hey don't be sorry man, it's yours take it if you can use it.
These people have class.
Pek Pickler - Rogue 10/ Fighter 2
Laviathin - Ranger 14
Georrge Thoroughgood - 9 Fighter / 2 Paladin
Dux Femina Facti - 11 Paladin
Hava Hela'tym - 14 Fighter
Breakindown Alda'tym - 7 fighter/6 rogue/1 wizard
This thread cracks me up. So peeps are comparing raid loot to real world money now. And if I dont give someone my paycheck i have a double standard.
Heres my deal. I play as a part of a community. If I pull a piece of bound loot from a chest that I am not going to use then I put it up for roll. I dont trade raid loot, I dont put it up for auction. Occasionally I have assigned it to someone directly without a roll for varying reasons.
I do not want to group with peeps that want to sell their raid loot. Period. I do not sell mine. If someone wants a crack at it, I will let them roll. I do not want to raid with peeps that loot things they obviously dont need, but am much more willing to accept the many reasons someone may loot something I dont think they need, than I am someone trying to sell raid loot. The only exception I have to this is if it is advertised clearly either in the lfm or in party chat when the group is formed. IE: group leader stated, "I am offering 2 devil scales if anyone pulls an Icy Rainment and passes it to me."
You ask me if Im going to blacklist him? Prolly not. Simply because I dont keep a running blacklist. But I will prolly remember his name if he does it in a group im in, and from then on out, I wont raid with him if given a choice. If you dont like it, you dont have to raid with me either. I promise I wont send you annoying tells if you simply decline my request with a tell stating, "I dont like your raid loot views and choose not to raid with you."
Please stop comparing this to real world money as its not a valid point on so many levels.
Your loot your choice. Be prepared to be treated like an a$$hat when you act like one.
Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
Member of Roving Guns
Mom david got lucky and won a brand new pony, but I wanted the pony more. David doesn't even know how to ride a pony, and I do therefore I need it more. Mom take the pony away from david and give it to me.
No David he won it fair and square that is how things work. Waaaaaaaaaaaa, but, but, but I needed it more thats not fair he gets to keep it. Fine I am never going to play with david ever again, little boy picks up his ball and runs away. I hate you, I am never going to talk to you again. Waaaaaaaa, boo hoo, sob sob.
Boy grows up and starts playing DDO later in life, I know the tome has your name on it but I need it more so I should get it, what you have the gall to loot your own loot how dare you, fine I am black listing you and never grouping with you again.
Sounds ****ing childish, grow up people.
I guess we can try to look on the bright side of this. He atleast looted it and proly will sell it since he didn't need it,better then letting it sit in the chest.
Aussie, Minimonbon,Rockstarr-Leader of Utopia
Trade List
lol fine, ill grow up. You just dont get it do you. Im not crying, im not whining. I simply explained my point of view is all. You dont like my point of view dont group with me. But please refrain from making assumptions about me like im childish and i need to grow up. You have no idea what you are talking about there. Did I say id blacklist him for looting something I wanted? No. Did I come here and say someone looted something I wanted more than they did? No. You will never find a thread about that with my name as the OP. I simply asked for the name so I can use this discussion to make decisions in the future.
If you think I am being selfish and childish, please refrain from grouping with me. Especially if you have a gimped ranger that cant open locks![]()
Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
Member of Roving Guns
War Trophies ought to be fun for pugs.
Hexxa CLR 25 *TR* * ~Hexanna ~*TR* FVS 25 * Hexecuter CLR 20 *Flexanna RGR/R/M 18/1/1 *TR* * Flexa FTR/R 18/2 TR * Hextravaganz Bard *TR* 18/2 * Hexotic Sorc 13 * Hexquisite Wiz 23 * ~~Quantum Entropy * SARLONA~~ - * and various other scoundrels
Community Member
Sarlona has many wonderful generous people who freely give their raid loot and many people who will run their clerics/casters/bards in raids they need nothing from so others can get raid loot, and if the shizza hits the fan, they will spare no expense to make sure the group completes--I think there is nothing wrong if like minded people want to group together.
Hexxa CLR 25 *TR* * ~Hexanna ~*TR* FVS 25 * Hexecuter CLR 20 *Flexanna RGR/R/M 18/1/1 *TR* * Flexa FTR/R 18/2 TR * Hextravaganz Bard *TR* 18/2 * Hexotic Sorc 13 * Hexquisite Wiz 23 * ~~Quantum Entropy * SARLONA~~ - * and various other scoundrels