I am looking for help in designing a TWF halfling for dps. I would like to keep him single classed, although I am not against dual classing I just prefer not to do it. I would like a decent amount of AC, and the ability to use dual rapiers as well as dual khopesh'. HPs of course will need to be a must as he will be on the frontlines. I have a full set of +2 tomes to start him off with, so that will be factored in. I have tried to use the Character Planner and have been unsuccessful at achieving a likable end result. I don't mind grinding to get the items that will be needed. I am asking the DDO community to help me with this and see if I can get a workable archetype to play around with. Thank you for your assistance in this.
Khyber player
Clorkan Toressa
Dhumssa Rhauk
Talbott MacArturr
Lockjaw Sculptorhands
Sharpa Songweaver
Ssrepht Si'surraps