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Thread: Sarlona Shroud

  1. #21
    Community Member croger1520033's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Healsavant View Post
    I am glad someone noticed this now the next question ask if she died....... wait ill answer...NOPE!
    The reason I didn't die is 2 fold we had an awesome second cleric who knew what he was doing, and I am self sufficient and take very little damage. I know I wasn't the only one laughing that you were out of mana 15 seconds in, thank god we had an experienced player as the second cleric cause having only one cleric is hard on many groups fortunately we were all good enough to make it through with just one cleric.

  2. #22
    Community Member Stormanne's Avatar
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    Hmmm?!? *looking around* Is it? *scratching head* Hmpf, this isn't Khyber, is it?

  3. #23
    Community Member croger1520033's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stormanne View Post
    Hmmm?!? *looking around* Is it? *scratching head* Hmpf, this isn't Khyber, is it?
    we didn't want you guys keeping all the drama to yourselves ...

  4. #24
    Community Member Healsavant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by croger1520033 View Post
    The reason I didn't die is 2 fold we had an awesome second cleric who knew what he was doing, and I am self sufficient and take very little damage. I know I wasn't the only one laughing that you were out of mana 15 seconds in, thank god we had an experienced player as the second cleric cause having only one cleric is hard on many groups fortunately we were all good enough to make it through with just one cleric.
    You truly are a hoot...apparently you have never played a cleric with empower healing, or quicken...of which i had both active at the time,unlike you I only criticize IF I know what I am talking about...IE your ranger.And the 15 sec thing is absolutely ridiculous I dont think if i tried with quicken on and used my most expensive spells i could burn that much in 15 seconds, also a far stretch as other lies you are spouting. So speak not of things you know nothing of. I am sure anyone that plays a cleric that reads this will agree that when mass healing, of which I have all the masses memmed, it does not take long to go through 1590 sp, now ya I know that isnt as high as some, but it was my first build 28 pointer, and does not have a shroud sp item, however I have considered taking a splash of sorc to get some mana bonuses when mod 9 comes out...but i dont need your opinion as you cant even make your character with any useful skills so anyone else that wants to chime their opinion about a splash of sorc go ahead my feelings wont get hurt if ya call me crazy or stupid

  5. #25
    Community Member croger1520033's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Healsavant View Post
    You truly are a hoot...apparently you have never played a cleric with empower healing, or quicken...of which i had both active at the time,unlike you I only criticize IF I know what I am talking about...IE your ranger.And the 15 sec thing is absolutely ridiculous I dont think if i tried with quicken on and used my most expensive spells i could burn that much in 15 seconds, also a far stretch as other lies you are spouting. So speak not of things you know nothing of. I am sure anyone that plays a cleric that reads this will agree that when mass healing, of which I have all the masses memmed, it does not take long to go through 1590 sp, now ya I know that isnt as high as some, but it was my first build 28 pointer, and does not have a shroud sp item, however I have considered taking a splash of sorc to get some mana bonuses when mod 9 comes out...but i dont need your opinion as you cant even make your character with any useful skills so anyone else that wants to chime their opinion about a splash of sorc go ahead my feelings wont get hurt if ya call me crazy or stupid
    Lol, so you are using empower and quicken when healing people that are in on harry huh?? I hope that you are joking, empower healing sure I use it on my cleric, quicken when they are in??? Lol you are kidding right?? Do you just like wasting mana or something?? Quicken isn't necessary when hey are in on harry unless of course you just stand in the blades and heal. Yes I have a cleric, and from what I saw yesterday much better than yours. Speak not of things you do not know my young inexperienced tool. If you continue playing I am sure all the new guys who come in on the f2p accounts can show you how to build an effective character that can heal as a cleric and that can DPS as a ranger. You only have to wait 3 more days for more experienced advice than your own.

    Also I am sitting here in stitches I am laughing so hard, it would be a different story if half the group wasn't telling me you are a moron, and if half the group had not sent tells to me laughing about how bad a cleric you were. That's fine though man I know what I am doing and you telling me things you obviously know nothing about are not going to change that. I would squelch you here as well, but I am unsure how to do it on the forums.

    FYI, think before you speak.
    Last edited by croger1520033; 08-29-2009 at 08:29 PM.

  6. #26
    Community Member adm5893's Avatar
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    Exclamation can we just get along?

    Well then.

    Can we officially call this the end of this thead? I thought I took responsibility for the failure of leadership even though the party ended up successfully completing.

    Consider this topic closed?

    Please and if you two need to take it outside will you do that at recess?

  7. #27
    Founder Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adm5893 View Post
    Well then.

    Can we officially call this the end of this thead? I thought I took responsibility for the failure of leadership even though the party ended up successfully completing.

    Consider this topic closed?

    Please and if you two need to take it outside will you do that at recess?
    Ohh admit it, this is a little fun

    And Khyber always hogs all the drama, we need some too.
    .: Reaper :.
    Kongo - TR | Brolik - Warforged Ranger | Bonemender - Clerimonk | Torqata - Warforged Sorcerer | Fresco - Tempest III UMD | Ognok - Intimi Guard Tank

  8. #28
    Community Member Healsavant's Avatar
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    Default Ya I am done

    he/she has showed everyone that has read the ignorance that he/she posseses, and also that he/she will lie to make someone look bad, and use foul language as was done last night in tells, and name call here in forums like "tool".....either way ya I will call it done, I have no cowardess to back up my some do, and as far as beating sergod...of course u would say that he isnt around anymore He may have had a big mouth like you but he knew what he was doing, and in no way do i nor anyone else reading this believe you beat him down. AND Phlor bro u didnt do anything wrong, you assumed when u invited that the person had the skills, at least some associated with the class taken, but beware there are players that dont know how to build a toon to be effective, and it will only get worse with mod 9 I fear. I wasnt upset about the chests just to make the point i was just amazed that someone wouldnt put anything into pick and disable, I have 88 runs on ranger alone I am only there for larges. Those chests I wouldnt loose any sleep over. And sorry if you feel bad, but dont its not your fault.


  9. #29
    Community Member croger1520033's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Healsavant View Post
    he/she has showed everyone that has read the ignorance that he/she posseses, and also that he/she will lie to make someone look bad, and use foul language as was done last night in tells, and name call here in forums like "tool".....either way ya I will call it done, I have no cowardess to back up my some do, and as far as beating sergod...of course u would say that he isnt around anymore He may have had a big mouth like you but he knew what he was doing, and in no way do i nor anyone else reading this believe you beat him down. AND Phlor bro u didnt do anything wrong, you assumed when u invited that the person had the skills, at least some associated with the class taken, but beware there are players that dont know how to build a toon to be effective, and it will only get worse with mod 9 I fear. I wasnt upset about the chests just to make the point i was just amazed that someone wouldnt put anything into pick and disable, I have 88 runs on ranger alone I am only there for larges. Those chests I wouldnt loose any sleep over. And sorry if you feel bad, but dont its not your fault.


    Lol. Ignorance is bliss. When half the server sends you emails asking for the name and then half of those people saying the same thing, you don't feel bad about anything that person says. Sorry man but, apparently people don't like grouping with you get over yourself man. Where is your proof to back up ANYTHING you have said?? So far the only thing you have proved is that you don't know what you are doing as a cleric, you use quicken when people are in on Harry. Before you start giving out advice to people on how they should be building their characters you should first make sure you understand the mechanics of the game. Since you have failed to show even a basic understanding of that you should refrain from giving any advice.

    When you go as far as sending tells to someone over something that is so trivial and acting like a 12 year old brat, you shouldn't expect anyone to want anything to do with you. And then to go as far as logging in other characters and harassing them shows that you have issues, not only with the understanding of the game but the basics of being an adult. When someone has to squelch several of your characters and then has to contact a gm about the harassment you should know that you have some mental issues. I know you had a gm talk to you yesterday, I know that for a fact. That gm checked my tells and told me not to use profanity, profanity which was in the tells that I got from other people that I showed to you, to illustrate my point about what people on the server think of you (for those who sent me tells I omitted your name from the actual tells). The gm then contacted you and I am sure they told you to put me on ignore and that we avoid each other.

    First thing you should realize is that you are not the best on the server, there is no best on the server, just people who are better at certain things than other people. Second grow up this is just a game, if you seriously think that challenging people to PvP battle when you are wrong makes you right you are seriously diluted. If you want to give me advice on making my character feel free to do so but don't get upset when someone doesn't want your advice and tells you as much. If you feel I need certain skills to be effective you are wrong, and if you want me to take those skills pay my monthly sub fee until I will continue to make characters that stand out and are as effective as yours if not more so. You and I have grouped together 1 time so you do not know the extent of my characters effectiveness, but if you were to ask around instead of being a total jack ass you would find out that my characters tend to be on par with the best on the server. I have been here since release and some snot nosed idiot isn't going to make me change the way I do things.

    If you want people to group with you and stop laughing at you, first grow up, and second realize that you are not the best in the game as you so arrogantly claimed yesterday. As far as proof everyone in the group yesterday saw the tells that I pasted in group chat from you. The first saying that you could beat anyone in group in pvp and that their skills and dps sucks, and the second claiming that you were the #1 player on the server. Both of which were copied from my chat window and pasted in group chat, you can't twist the facts to show that you are innocent here and that I am some jack ass. I put this here because I don't want anyone I know to have to put up with you, and anyone else on this server who can't stand people like you.

  10. #30
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    Wow, that really sucks for the party. Instead of 400 of every type of medium ingredient, now due to your lame build they will only have 398, and no shot at 100s more khyber dragon shards. Way to go in completely wreaking a shroud run.

  11. #31
    Community Member croger1520033's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tinyelvis View Post
    Wow, that really sucks for the party. Instead of 400 of every type of medium ingredient, now due to your lame build they will only have 398, and no shot at 100s more khyber dragon shards. Way to go in completely wreaking a shroud run.
    I know I was looking forward to getting my 100th med devil scale yesterday... my bad.
    Last edited by Tarrant; 08-31-2009 at 10:14 AM.

  12. #32
    Community Member noscarrell's Avatar
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    HEHEHEHE!!!this is so much funnn!!makes our server look like that other server!!hehehe it was like a bad train wreck i just couldnt stop reading it!
    to the leader of group,dont sweat the small stuff dude ya tried and ya even gave a public apology!!kudos my friend!

    Manixium,Supermani,Noturhealer,Mightymani and Seronix.

  13. #33
    Community Member Healsavant's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=croger1520033;2378339]When someone has to squelch several of your characters and then has to contact a gm about the harassment you should know that you have some mental issues. I know you had a gm talk to you yesterday, I know that for a fact.[QUOTE]

    2 lies in 2 sentences, there are lots but ill use these......I only spoke to you on 2 chars....were there more? and I never spoke to a GM so put the crack pipe down and walk away lol thats a fact.

  14. #34
    Community Member soupertc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by croger1520033 View Post
    As far as you are concerned soupertc we have never ever been in the same group before so your knowledge of me is flawed or a lie.
    I was in a Titan group with you before where you got squleched by the group after you dropped cause you compared a new player to someone who should be in the specail olympics. I remember your name so well cause of that fact. So No I have been in a group with ya before.

    I've also had a run in with the person your having this debate with.....I'm not pickin sides....just you reap what ya sow.
    No I don't wear a Concordant Opp item on my Barb...but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. Zixx of the FlatBlade(Barb)

  15. #35
    Community Member croger1520033's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by soupertc View Post
    I was in a Titan group with you before where you got squleched by the group after you dropped cause you compared a new player to someone who should be in the specail olympics. I remember your name so well cause of that fact. So No I have been in a group with ya before.

    I've also had a run in with the person your having this debate with.....I'm not pickin sides....just you reap what ya sow.
    Wow funny thing I have never done anything of the sort, now if you can back that up and show me that it was indeed me. I stand by the fact that I have never grouped with you ever before, and have never said anything about special Olympics. Never would I have a brother who is challenged. Sorry but I think you need to get your facts straight.

    For that matter who are my characters?? If you remember so well.
    Last edited by croger1520033; 08-29-2009 at 11:36 PM.

  16. #36
    Community Member soupertc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by croger1520033 View Post
    Wow funny thing I have never done anything of the sort, now if you can back that up and show me that it was indeed me. I stand by the fact that I have never grouped with you ever before, and have never said anything about special Olympics. Never would I have a brother who is challenged. Sorry but I think you need to get your facts straight.
    I don't need to prove anything....first cause why would I keep evidence like that....I'm not CSI and I'm not a member of a Cold Case File team. I have a great memory though....and knowing is half the battle......YO JOE!!!

    Nueirla is you got a cleric named Brash me ran up a rogue awhile ago that is in out DNG list....few others'll have to wait till my guildies are on and i can get the full DNG list.

    My toons are Toombs,Twombs,Zixx,Raenin,Pusifer,Quiyn,Kunning,Yo well,Ledger and Chelios.....uou already squlched Toombs after you sent me several childish tells about how UBER you are and how we all sucked and were doomed to please feel free to add the others.
    Last edited by soupertc; 08-29-2009 at 11:44 PM.
    No I don't wear a Concordant Opp item on my Barb...but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. Zixx of the FlatBlade(Barb)

  17. #37
    Community Member croger1520033's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by soupertc View Post
    I don't need to prove anything....first cause why would I keep evidence like that....I'm not CSI and I'm not a member of a Cold Case File team. I have a great memory though....and knowing is half the battle......YO JOE!!!

    Nueirla is you got a cleric named Brash me ran up a rogue awhile ago that is in out DNG list....few others'll have to wait till my guildies are on and i can get the full DNG list.

    My toons are Toombs,Twombs,Zixx,Raenin,Pusifer,Quiyn,Kunning,Yo well,Ledger and Chelios.....uou already squlched Toombs after you sent me several childish tells about how UBER you are and how we all sucked and were doomed to please feel free to add the others.
    Well you got one of my characters right, however you got the information why we squelched each other. It was because you were a rude a hole to one of my friends. You ran a Reaver grouped and rolled on an item for one of your friends won it and gave it to your friend. Yes I did send you tells, but it wasn't to say anything about being uber, as most people can tell you I don't brag about characters. What you did was really unfair to the rest of the group, and as you can see we still have never grouped with each other.

  18. #38
    Community Member soupertc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by croger1520033 View Post
    Well you got one of my characters right, however you got the information why we squelched each other. It was because you were a rude a hole to one of my friends. You ran a Reaver grouped and rolled on an item for one of your friends won it and gave it to your friend. Yes I did send you tells, but it wasn't to say anything about being uber, as most people can tell you I don't brag about characters. What you did was really unfair to the rest of the group, and as you can see we still have never grouped with each other.
    lol.....anyone who knows me knows I don't run groups I leave that up to Sam. Nice try though. And I don't have ya squclhed....I don't do that. It doesn't allow me to be entertained.

    and we havn't grouped togehter cause your on our DNG list.....guild wide baby!!!
    Last edited by soupertc; 08-30-2009 at 12:03 AM.
    No I don't wear a Concordant Opp item on my Barb...but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. Zixx of the FlatBlade(Barb)

  19. #39
    Community Member croger1520033's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by soupertc View Post
    lol.....anyone who knows me knows I don't run groups I leave that up to Sam. Nice try though. And I don't have ya squclhed....I don't do that. It doesn't allow me to be entertained.

    and we havn't grouped togehter cause your on our DNG list.....guild wide baby!!!
    Never said you ran the group did I. Just said you gave your friend an extra roll for loot. Reading comprehension FTW.

    Wait earlier you said that we have grouped together. So which is it we grouped together and I did what you said or we haven't grouped together and you are trying to make stuff up to discredit me for your friend?? hmmmmm I know which it is, but don't worry, your post will get deleted soon enough.

  20. #40
    Community Member soupertc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by croger1520033 View Post
    Never said you ran the group did I. Just said you gave your friend an extra roll for loot. Reading comprehension FTW.
    I wonder if in anyway does your power over reading comprehension make you cool? Cause it appears that you think so.....bah to each thier own.
    No I don't wear a Concordant Opp item on my Barb...but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. Zixx of the FlatBlade(Barb)

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