Next time you get a lecture, just remember the national average salary of any forum admin is comparable to that of your local McDonald's assistant manger........stating facts must suck.....
Community Member
Proud member of DWAT - Xorian forged, quenched in the blood of butterflies
Arnn, Duana, Gultyrr, Mahd Bardigan, Ahliriana, Arnnette, Conch Fritter, Jwuana, Thayla, Margaritte da Ville
God is good, beer is great and women are crazy.
Well well...
I can't sell you what sides to take but...
You must form a strong opinion about role playing, what it means, how it should be done, and how much you love or hate it.
You should form a strong opinion about Legion (the guild) and find at least one other guild you think is exceptional good or bad in your opinion.
Finding a racial, ethnic or socioeconomic group to disparage is helpful.
Avoid Umber Hulks because they are a drama free guild unless you seek to create new drama by uplifting or attacking them. :P
Actually... I think that is the best strategy for you. Find an entirely new kind of drama to stoke and you will get the interest of the jaded in these here parts. Give us something good and juicy, the forums could use it.
I love roleplaying a zerger and Hate it when people wont let me stay in character forcing me to slow down
I strongly believe Legion is a guild, and that there are other guilds on the server that are good and bad
I am white middleclass and male, i find most of the people I hate and think are stupid are other white middleclass males
Last edited by Jonny_D; 08-28-2009 at 02:16 PM.
Proud member of DWAT - Xorian forged, quenched in the blood of butterflies
Arnn, Duana, Gultyrr, Mahd Bardigan, Ahliriana, Arnnette, Conch Fritter, Jwuana, Thayla, Margaritte da Ville
God is good, beer is great and women are crazy.