Frustrated at not having a real druid:
Ranger 18/monk 2
18 + level ups
1) Least dragon mark
m1) weapon finesse
m2) dodge
3) mobility
6) SA
9) ic pierce
12) Lesser dragon mark
15) Greater dragon mark
18) Maximize
Frustrated at not having a real druid:
Ranger 18/monk 2
18 + level ups
1) Least dragon mark
m1) weapon finesse
m2) dodge
3) mobility
6) SA
9) ic pierce
12) Lesser dragon mark
15) Greater dragon mark
18) Maximize
Last edited by spifflove; 08-28-2009 at 10:38 AM.
Why exactly do you think that resembles a druid? Monk? I dont get it. Rangers already get Evasion.
a 13Cleric/7Wizard would be closer to what a druid is.
I dont see how you can compare it to a druid either I also think a wizard/cleric would come closer druids dont get evasion. but thanks for sharing you build
Beware the Sleepeater
Interesting take. Using a high-wis/ high sp ranger for a replacement of a Druid - interesting I'll give you that. However: you will be sadly disappointing with those melee-capabilities.
Check out my: My Index of Builds / My Capped Characters on Khyber: Krythan II / Velkro Sorcerer / Krythen 13/6/1 Rogue
Need Some XP? / AFK for a bit: School. / See WF Body Feat Appearances
Or a Bard/Ranger with a Super high CHR and UMD Skill. THat might work out better. That way you can emulate some of the Druids high end Healing spells with Scrolls.
No Matter how many Spell points/Dragonmarks you have on a Ranger, you'll never cast Mass Cures..
Actually not a bad idea. Splash one level of rogue [bard cant mix with monk] and pick up UMD for the ability to mass heal and summon earth elementals. But Charisma would come at a cost of melee and peeps might bet angry if you just stand around as a melee build. Or you could be a arcane archer:
06 [cant move but at least negatives dont show up on bow str]
1) Weapon focus ranged
m1) toughness
3) point blank shot
6) mental toughness
9) Maximize
12) Least dragonmark
15) Lesser dragonmark
18) Greater dragonmark
I would probably just splash the rogue level and drop ic pierce, leaving the stats the same.
i cant really say anything negative about any of anyones logic. what i can say is shame of DDO for not just giving us druid. considering the ammount of difficulty they have doing anything right, im not sure how they would handle shapeshifting. resist natures lure is an easy one, but i dont think there are any fay in the game. venom immunity would be nice. i cant even guess what they would do for a thousand faces.
since it is currently possible to make a paladin of vulkoor or the lord of blades, i have to assume that they would not place any restrictions on wf druids. hmm, i think my next pnp character will be a paladin of Hextor...
now that u got me thinking about it, here are some cool druid spells.
faerie fire (1st lvl): outlines subject with light, canceling blur concealment, and the like. (as far as i know the only classes that get this spell are druids and shugenjas.)
entangle (1st lvl): plants entangle everyone in 40-ft radius. (basicly web for druids. rangers get this spell too, so if they wanted it in the game we would have it allready.)
barkskin (2nd lvl): we all know what this spell does, but the note here is that druids get it at lvl 3.
dominate animal (3rd lvl): if u know what dominate person does, u can guess what this spell does.
call lightning (3rd lvl calls down lightning bolts (3d6 per bolt) from sky. in a video game it would be a simple DOT. also harry would take every bit of it
command plants (4th lvl): another charm spell. this game has horrid wilting but no plant creatures. lame.
flame strike (4th lvl): we've all seen this spell, mostly on the recieving end. being 4th lvl for druids is pretty neat.
reincarnate (4th lvl): brings subject back in a random body. (roll on a table for new race.) hahahahaha could u imagine!!!
call lightning storm (5th lvl): as call lightning but 5d6 per bolt.
wall of fire (5th lvl): thats right, druids get firewall, they just gotta wait a little longer for it and spend 5 more sp.
control weather (7th lvl): this is that annoying spell we have to deal with in sos. it obviously has a lot more options (and flavor) in pnp.
sunbeam (7th lvl): beam blinds and deals 4d6 damage. (1 beam/3 lvls, max 6. reflex for half and to negate blindness. double damage to stuff weak against light. 1d6/lvl against undead, fungi, mold and oozes. destroys undead weak against light on a failed save.)
finger of death (8th lvl): druids arent left out of the "fort save or die" loop.
shambler (9th lvl): summons 1d4+2 shambling mounds to fight for you. give me shambling mounds or give me death!
summon natures ally (1st-9th lvl): never bothered to cast these spells on my ranger. i know in pnp this subschool is much much better than the summon monster subschool.
they get all kinds of staples too, such as resist, pro, ss, fom, ts, cure spells and heal (1 lvl higher than a cleric except clw,) remove this, neutralize that, owlbears wisdurance type spells (single and mass,) all the naturey type spells... well u get the idea.
for someone whos never played one extensively in pnp i love this class. i hereby make this promise, if they add druid to the game, i will stop saying mean things about turbine, the mods and the devs.
As a dot this could become overpowered. If the dot was not allowed to stack then it would be fine. Otherwise you've got multiple druids spamming call lightning and call lightning storm, for anywhere from 8d6 (one druid) or possibly 96d6 (12 druids). Granted this is all based on how it's implemented. I would think it best be implemented as an aura type effect. You cast call lightning or storm and it lats so long per class level, during this time you can click the spell to reign down the lightning bolts.
I'm guessing the reason druid has not been implemented is due to summoning and wild shape. Trying to keep a balance between these abilities and the abilities of others while not gimping the druid is going to be tough. The summon spells a druid casts can be augmented and are usually spent to summon multiple monsters instead of the DDO interpretation of only one. Wild shape is going to be the toughest of all. Do we allow all gear to be used in wild shape? I would say yes, but this is going to allow for some extremely powerful caster and tank builds. If not allowed to use all gear in wild shape then the base increase for wild shaping needs to be changed.
Don't forget about shape change (lv 9) as polymorph but HD up to your CL and gain all abilities of the creature except for (SP) and spells.
Last edited by mithralgolem; 02-23-2010 at 06:55 PM.
I agree about the probable reason for it's unavailability at the moment, but I'll add that quite a few new spells would need to be implemented as well.
The druid's spell list would be awfully small if only the spells that are in game right now were given. So while wild shape would need to be implemented, so would a bunch of new spells.
Personally, I don't even care about the wild shape. I just want the spell list.
Then I'll make a (rogue 1 / monk 2 / druid 17) solo machine and call it a day.
Last edited by Calebro; 02-23-2010 at 07:15 PM.
Don't forget that Druids get animal companions as well. I don't think summoning would cut it considering a Druid should be able to use both at the same time. It doesn't seem the games AI is ready for animal companions just yet.
It came up in conversation last night during gaming and someone mentioned that the reason that we didn't have druids was because the shapechanging ability messed with something. I'm not technically inclined at all, but I can see how that would possibly cause problems. I think it would be cool to play a druid as well!
And Wizards are supposed to get "Summon Familiar" as well. Sorcs could cast it from a scroll, etc... So no animal companion is no deal breaker.
They could implement Druids, just without wildshape. Everything is in to handle that much, except the wildshape. Just implement a number of spells from the Druid spell list that hasn't been. I can see most people running them as Dex-based Scimmy builds, Elf most likely (Druids got Scimitar as a weapon). Me, if they'd give us Quarterstaffs as a double weapon, I'd be using a staff THF Druid.
I'm lvl 9 on a planned 17cleric/2ranger/1barbarian elf dual scimitar build which is my take on the Druid.
The rage takes the place of the animal form.
Nice spell list
but some spells need for druid
mass, poison
Remove poison
Mass, Remove poison
Summon insects 1-3 damage on single target for 8 sec on single target 3-8 ticks 1 pr sec
Mass summon insects same as above but pr target
Berry can give out berry that restore sp after shring
Summon Dryad can casting allot spells against your enemy but can turn against you.