Note: Taxes on Cannith are due to Cold every Monday. If you can not meet the prerequisite 50% loot and plat tax then you will be required to forfit your wealth and delete your guild.
Best regards
Note: Taxes on Cannith are due to Cold every Monday. If you can not meet the prerequisite 50% loot and plat tax then you will be required to forfit your wealth and delete your guild.
Best regards
Last edited by Athermal; 09-10-2009 at 06:31 PM.
My Guild will be: House Cannith West
Guild Leader: Jorlanna d'Cannith (yes name was alreayd taken wewt!)
Very good. You may report in to Humpemin d'Cannith once the doors to Stormreach open on the 1st.
The Wild Geese Cannith are a group of mature players out for some fun. So far playing style is casual and we do take in the scenery, but also take care of business. We are a blend of European and North American players so theoretically there would be groupings around the clock due to time zones.
We are recruiting all classes.
Temporary Website: http://thewildgeese.gamerdna.com
Requires gamerdna login to apply, will be hosting our own site in the next few days
Guild leader is Jethro Tull the bard.
Officer Patsuriku
Last edited by Kemoc; 09-11-2009 at 10:43 PM.
Kemos, I've posted application. I am looking for mature casual guild. Applied as Silentheart. In game name - Adotlin Silentheart. See you in game.
Thanks for setting up a mature guild that I am sure to enjoy if accepted. Looking forward to many adventures on Cannith. Bebop Boffin lives!