Note: Taxes on Cannith are due to Cold every Monday. If you can not meet the prerequisite 50% loot and plat tax then you will be required to forfit your wealth and delete your guild.
Best regards
Note: Taxes on Cannith are due to Cold every Monday. If you can not meet the prerequisite 50% loot and plat tax then you will be required to forfit your wealth and delete your guild.
Best regards
Last edited by Athermal; 09-10-2009 at 06:31 PM.
My Guild will be: House Cannith West
Guild Leader: Jorlanna d'Cannith (yes name was alreayd takenwewt!)
Very good. You may report in to Humpemin d'Cannith once the doors to Stormreach open on the 1st.
The Wild Geese Cannith are a group of mature players out for some fun. So far playing style is casual and we do take in the scenery, but also take care of business. We are a blend of European and North American players so theoretically there would be groupings around the clock due to time zones.
We are recruiting all classes.
Temporary Website: http://thewildgeese.gamerdna.com
Requires gamerdna login to apply, will be hosting our own site in the next few days
Guild leader is Jethro Tull the bard.
Officer Patsuriku
Last edited by Kemoc; 09-11-2009 at 10:43 PM.
Kemos, I've posted application. I am looking for mature casual guild. Applied as Silentheart. In game name - Adotlin Silentheart. See you in game.
Thanks for setting up a mature guild that I am sure to enjoy if accepted. Looking forward to many adventures on Cannith. Bebop Boffin lives!