Yesterday i posted a thread about spam emails appearing in my mailbox from an individual using different accounts and i couldnt respond to them as their account was valid, so i assume it was a trial account.
Lo and Behold my thread has been removed, however no words of warning to me, nothing at all. Is this how turbine handles any form or negativity now. Delete the thread and it just all mysteriously goes away? Sorry no it doesnt. So i guess all we are supposed to post about is happy shiny stories about how everything is peaches and nothing is wrong in the DDO world.
To recap, so i can get this deleted too, couple of mates of mine on here received a spam email from someone warning them about someone else who was "doing something with play and items for others". IE sounded plat farmerish and sounded like it was another plat farmer *****ing about it. The character in question was different to the one that mailed me, but same content. I couldnt log a ticket because there was no valid name to log against, and posting here is evidently a bit no no. Guess you cant point out faults, only positive thoughts about this marvelleous game that has absolutely no faults whatsoever and is updated regularly.
On a side note, i was quite impressed with the advance notice of the servers going down the other night. Nothing on launch page and nothing on forums, just the red writing saying servers will be taken down at blah. Im surmising this was scheduled maintenance being we knew nothing about it and being that the last scheduled maintenance were were notified about 3 years in advance.
Please turbine, explain to me where my thread went and why? It was a legitimate complaint about **** in my mailbox from plat farmers. You tell us that its illegal to buy plat, yet you allow them in the game? Bit of an oxymoron there isnt it?