So I am an officer and a leader in my guild on Sarlona.. Sacred Flame Guardians. We've been around for years, right? We've never been -that- big.. We've never been that small. A mix of hard core players and casual gamers. A group of cool people who enjoy playing with each other and are here for the fun of the game..
I'm asked to handle a complaint by one of my guild by a non-guildie. No problem. Comes with the turf, right? Guildie sums up the issue as: Non-guildie was not communicating. Didn't use voice. Didn't use text. Guildie ends up kicking the person out of the group because of this before the quest began.
I log in my officer and send a few tells the individual which, I'll cut and paste below.. Removing the name to protect everybody but myself. I've replaced character names with 'Guildie' and 'Non-guildie'
(Tell): You tell NONGUILDIE, '*knocks* Hey. Somebody said you'd wanted to speak to an officer in SFG, GUIDLIE's guild?'
(Tell): NONGUILDIE tells you, 'already sent a notice out'
(Tell): You tell NONGUILDIE, 'S'alright. So I'm correct in understand you don't want to speak to a guild leader of his then? *yawn* If not, I'm going to go do some a lot more constructive.

(Tell): You tell NONGUILDIE, 'Or maybe just going back to bed.. Cuz this typing is by the looks of things too difficult for me to handle'
(Tell): NONGUILDIE tells you, 'your only going to do the predictable, but thats why im bypassing you anyways.. ur guild sucks a** from what I just saw, it will not be missed I guess'
My reply that was missed by the individual because promptly logged out afterward follows:
(Tell): You tell Non-Guildie, 'M'kay. Please enjoy your time at DDO. I refuse to lower myself to the whining level and approach you seem to want to take.'
(You'll just have to take my word on it that it was my actual response, I guess.)
So.. How would you have handled this situation? First off... Let me say that I'm fully behind my guildie in the removing of the guy who doesn't respond when he was addressed by voice or text. Communication is key to DDO. Besides.. It was his party. He had the star and formed the group.
So how would you have handled the Whining player who seems to think he/she can try to the rep of a long standing guild? Or even the fact that he thinks that one word from somebody is enough to basically cause a guild so much grief that it'll eventually have to collapse? (My understanding of his 'will not be missed' comment.)
Or is just not me in thinking that SOMEBODY needs to have a brief check in with reality?