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Thread: Please Help!

  1. #1
    Community Member Slowbey's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Default Please Help!

    Been trying to log on for 2 days now everything goes smooth until I get to the load screen (the one where the blue bar runs across) once it hits that it shrinks down and closes. The message that pops up is Connection Failed There was a error with this connection. What should I do
    Proud officer in Stormreach Req Co Karavorn lvl 16 Pally // Slowbey lvl 16 Fighter // Galadrade lvl 15 Bard // Kantrip lvl 16 Wizzy // Tonker lvl 16 Barb // Mizzereal lvl 13/2/1 Ranger/Rogue/Barb // Mazzereal lvl 16 Sorc // Calonme lvl 5 Cleric Slomonk lvl 5 Monk

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    May 2006


    This sounds like a firewall/router issue to me... I'm guessing that all stuff up to that point is done across common ports like 80, but by the time you're at the blue bar, it's trying to open other ports to communicate over.

    If you're using a router, simplest test is to unplug your computer from the router and plug it directly into your cable/DSL modem. See if you can connect then... if so, you'll need to open ports on your router or do some other security configuration.

    As far as software firewall, try disabling it (if you have one enabled). Remember that XP and Vista both have built-in software firewalls that are defaulted to on (and often revert back to enabled status after every update).

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