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  1. #41
    Founder Giantsbane's Avatar
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    Default Kitty Whipped

    Quote Originally Posted by Aspenor View Post
    now that is what I call *****-whipped!
    Now that's funny. I'd give you +1 rep, but you got so dang much already.

    I solved my wife agro problem when I bought her a computer and SIMS.
    Drink Old Sully's, after a couple pints even Orcs look good!
    Proud member of The order of the Silver Dragons

  2. #42
    Founder Giantsbane's Avatar
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    Default Wizdum

    Quote Originally Posted by spifflove View Post
    You can learn alot about spouses by watching a cat. When you want to pick them up they want to be put down. When you want to be left alone, they purrr and purrr and rub against you. If you dangle a string they go crazy for it. Throw the string at their feet and they don't want to have anything to do with it.

    So all I am saying is, you can play as much ddo as you want, as long as you pretend you don't want to do it! Me I pretend I am so bored when my spouse is gone that I have to play ddo or else surf myspace for hot babes.

    But if you choose ddo over your spouse your genes will be unapologetically weeded out of existence.
    +1 rep for you.
    Drink Old Sully's, after a couple pints even Orcs look good!
    Proud member of The order of the Silver Dragons

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anyria View Post
    Ok, first off ~ Thank you all for the support and positive thoughts!


    It seems as though she just wanted some attention from me, so I gave her some "rough and tumble" attention and all is good once again.

    I guess in the future if I say I need to go take care of the wife then I may be back in a few minutes or it may be see ya tomorrow.

    Either way thanks for your understanding ahead of time!!!

    Happy Raiding!
    Good for you, but if I were you, I would treat the whole event as a warning shot. I know it would be fun to just pretent it never happened, but the fact is, it happened. She may be pacified for the moment, but it will not last if you are both going back to your old patterns.

  4. #44
    Community Member Baranor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GlassCannon View Post
    My wife and I will be together until one of us dies, however. Timing simultaneous accidental or natural death would be nightmarishly difficult. We've been married for over 5 years now and we are still going strong.
    lol dude you havn't even hit the seven year itch yet, my god five whole years.

    sorry just strikes this 20 yr vet as too funny
    looking for a good frog

  5. #45


    It sounds like the OP's wife is not into compromise, and that is pretty critical to any marriage. If someone demands X or leave its a pretty good sign they are either manipulative and unloving or they want an excuse to get out. There are exceptions of course but generally its a bad sign.

    Its important you be with some one who at least tolerates your hobbies and interests. Otherwise what kind of life can you build together? Its not about what is more important. Clearly relationships are, but a relationship that is not good, is not really worth preserving (with an exception for the sake of kids sometimes). Both parties would be be better off with people more compatible.
    Former Host of DDOcast
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    Streaming sometimes on twitch as SigTrent

  6. #46
    Community Member TheJusticar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sigtrent View Post
    It sounds like the OP's wife is not into compromise, and that is pretty critical to any marriage. If someone demands X or leave its a pretty good sign they are either manipulative and unloving or they want an excuse to get out. There are exceptions of course but generally its a bad sign.

    Its important you be with some one who at least tolerates your hobbies and interests. Otherwise what kind of life can you build together? Its not about what is more important. Clearly relationships are, but a relationship that is not good, is not really worth preserving (with an exception for the sake of kids sometimes). Both parties would be be better off with people more compatible.
    May I see your psychology or marriage counselor certificate. K. thx. bai.

  7. #47
    Community Member TheJusticar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by doppleganger View Post
    Good for you, but if I were you, I would treat the whole event as a warning shot. I know it would be fun to just pretent it never happened, but the fact is, it happened. She may be pacified for the moment, but it will not last if you are both going back to your old patterns.
    +1 Rep. /QFT.

    Seriously guys? A video game is more important than your real life? You guys are willing to pass judgment on your partners and other people's partners based on how good he or she tolerates a person playing video games? I can't begin to tell you how completely absurd and sickening that is. You know, relationships are a two-way street. Bluntly saying that if your significant other (who you married) won't tolerate your 2-3 hours of play per night, he or she is not worth it, the I truly hope the other person DOES divorce you because they don't deserve that treatment. if you equate quality of a life long partnership with tolerance of (for all intents and purposes) an addiction, you might want to look into professional help.


  8. #48
    Community Member Tymoriel_Ayreweaver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheJusticar View Post
    May I see your psychology or marriage counselor certificate. K. thx. bai.
    I do not see where SigTrent's post is offensive. I believe he has stated a lot of truth in his comment.
    Quote Originally Posted by cdemeritt View Post
    Someone rolled a 1 on their sarcasm check....

  9. #49
    Community Member Thorboar's Avatar
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    Their are factors that are not known with the ops situation....

    Now if he is playing the game way too much to the point that it affects his personal life such as his relationship with his family, work, etc in a negative could be an addiction which is very extreme. Play time varies person to person and the tolerence of the other spouse can vary person to person. So for instance, one may play 20 hours a week, in one house hold a spouse may consider that normal, while in another the spouse may consider that abusive.

    Now if its just a hobby and he's not abusing his time on the game....and the wife basically says it me or the game....then she could be manipulating and controlling him just for the sake of controlling......there are probadly more serious issues going on in that relationship and it may need help or just ended.

    Then again......he could be yanking our chains.......

    Just my 2cps........

  10. #50
    Founder TheGreatEye's Avatar
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    Bought my wife a laptop and a game sub... problem solved. Granted she is more concerned about what her dresses (robes) look like, than game play or mechanics, but there is no worries about playing late into the night anymore.

  11. #51
    Community Member Craze_Pendragon's Avatar
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    I simply told my wife she was right, I WAS spending too much time playing computer games.

    Then I marched over to hobbytown and dropped 350 bucks on a new RC helicopter, another 125 bucks the next week on some new bats for my old RC car...

    She never mentioned how much time I spent on video games again.
    Craze Pendragon

  12. #52
    Community Member Twerpp's Avatar
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    Well if you are willing to "lose" her over a game she cant have been that great to begin with, at least I hope thats the case. Otherwise thats a little wacky.

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