Just wanted to post a lil goodbye note here on Argo for those that know me and who ran with me.
I've not played in a few months, I moved back to the UK in February and I've had a lot to deal with. That coupled with the excruciating wait for MOD9 just put dampers on my enjoyment of the game.
When I first got here my computer blew up...who knew Scottish electricity was different from Floridian electricity!
Then I started a job with Fire & Rescue here in Strathclyde, a job that has me working funny hours and a job that requires a fair bit of out of hours training.
Then my dad was in and out of hospital so much that when I got home from work/hospital I just didnt have the energy to log on. He recently passed away.
So I've had a hectic few months, big high's and low's I don't think I've ever felt before.
My sub is up on Monday and I've no real urge to buy another month let alone 6.
To all in OSD, I apologise for leaving you in the lurch. I did try logging on a few months back, but I should've tried again. Anyone out there in Argoland looking for a patient guild you wont find any better than OSD.
S.A; Vorn, Winter and all that (to quote V) beer and bumble crowd; Running with you guys was always fun, never too serious and a **** good laugh.
Opel and 'O'; If ya come to Scotland Opel I'll mebbe take you dancing. Not promising anything, but maybe just once.
Incarnation and Darksun taught me a lot about this game and they are some of my best memories.
I'll prolly be on the next day or so...so if ya see me say hi/bye.
Enjoy MOD9...hopefully it doesn't push out many more old timers.
Wan fur ra road!