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  1. #1
    Community Member transtemporal's Avatar
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    Default Cowligula - Halfling Rog19/Mnk1

    Howdy folks.

    I'm pretty much a rogue newb but I play with some pretty excellent rogues and it looks like fun so I thought I'd try my hand at building one. This isn't a mod 9 concept build btw so apologies in advance for the lack of originality. Looking for feedback and suggestions from you salty rogue dogs on anything I've missed or not considered.

    Where'd I get the name? Well, Caligula was a pretty creepy roman dude and halflings are naturally pretty creepy, so its a good match.

    Build goals:
    • Decent DPS through TWF rapier + SA (10d6! ) while maintaining an AC that matters
    • Has enough HP to take a few hits when AC fails
    • Dump aggro in gimp groups with diplo or pick it up in emergencies with intim
    • Rogue skills as standard

    • In the end, I just couldn't do without toughness so I dumped GTWF at 18 for it. If it turns out my ac is good enough to take the heat, I'll swap it out. Many advised swapping ostwf based on current content but I might wait to see how difficult the new content ACs are too hit before I swap it.
    • Why balance on an acrobat? As I understand it, acrobat doesn't make you immune to trip and friends have said the times they die are actually when they get overrun; i.e. marilith, mino's, titan, air ele's in reaver
    • In the end, I just said "screw it" and decided to factor in litany and +3 tomes. "So I say **** that thing! Let's fight it!"
    • Friends have also asked why I didn't factor in the head of good fortune. Basically I've never seen it drop and I don't believe it exists.
    • Ended up going Acrobat over Assassin. May make str-based assassin dude.

    Lawful Neutral Halfling Rog15/Mnk1 (eventually Rog19/Mnk1)

    14 Str (6 item, 3 tome, 1 Litany) = 24 Str
    16 Dex (4 lvl, 2 hlf, 3 rog, 6 item, 3 tome, 1 except (morah's), 1 litany) = 36 Dex
    14 Con (6 item, 3 tome, 1 litany) = 24 Con
    12 Int (6 item, 3 tome, 1 litany) = 22 Int
    14 Wis (6 item, 3 tome, 1 litany) = 24 Wis
    08 Cha (6 item, 3 tome, 1 litany) = 18 Cha

    90 rog
    08 mnk
    112 con
    20 heroic
    30 gfl
    18 toughness
    20 toughness enhancements
    10 favor
    18 minos (20 for mod 9, but 18 for the moment)
    45 shroud
    371 HP

    Armor Class
    10 base
    01 size
    13 dex
    07 wis
    08 armor, bracers
    05 deflect, DT
    03 dodge, DT
    01 alchemical armor ritual
    05 combat expertise
    04 insight
    57 AC (beholder, ac mode)

    01 haste
    02 recitation
    04 ac song
    05 bark spell
    05 pally aura
    04 shield spell
    78 AC (raid buffed, ac mode)

    06 improved uncanny dodge
    02 acrobat showtime
    86 AC (burst, ac mode)

    01/01/01 halfling
    06/12/06 rog 15
    02/02/02 mnk 1
    07/13/07 attributes
    05/05/05 resistance
    01/01/01 resistance ritual
    22/34/22 (beholder)

    04/04/04 GH
    01/01/01 luck
    27/39/27 (situational)

    Attack Profile
    01 halfling
    12 rog15/mnk1
    13 dex
    05 weap
    02 competence, tumbleweed
    -2 TWF
    -5 CE/PA
    +26 first attack, non-sneak

    05 tharnes
    03 sneak attack accuracy 3
    +34 first attack, sneak

    08 morale, bard songs
    02 recitation
    +44 first attack, sneak, raid-buffed

    1st: twf
    2nd (mnk bonus): toughness
    3rd: weap finese
    6th: ostwf
    9th: ce
    11th (rog bonus): improved evasion
    12th: ic: pierce
    14th (rog bonus): crippling strike
    15th: pa
    17th (future, rog bonus): slippery mind
    18th (future): itwf
    20th (future, rog bonus): defensive roll

    00/00/00/00/00/00/04/02/00/00/00/02 halfling
    19/18/18/18/18/19/19/19/18/15/01/00 ranks
    04/06/06/13/04/04/13/13/07/07/13/07 attributes
    03/15/15/15/15/15/15/15/15/15/15/15 item
    00/00/05/05/00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 tools
    00/06/06/00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 shroud int skills item
    00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00/02/02/02 acrobat
    26/45/51/51/37/38/51/49/40/39/31/26 (beholder)

    04 GH
    02 bard song
    01 luck
    03 skillboost II
    10 acrobat showtime (balance, tumble, jump)
    36/55/61/61/47/48/61/59/50/59/51/46 (situational)

    Rog haste boost 2
    Halfling dex 2
    Rog dex 3
    Halfling guile 2
    Halfling cunning 2
    Racial toughness 2
    Skillboost 2
    Sneak attack training 3
    Faster sneaking 1
    Subtle backstabbing 3
    Sneak attack accuracy 3
    Acrobat 2

    Gear Load-out
    Helmet: Minos Legend, Intimi 15
    Goggles: Tharnes
    Necklace: Diplo 15
    Trinket: Bloodstone, Litany
    Cloak: Greensteel int googles, +6 cha cloak
    Belt: Morah's Belt
    Right Ring: Morah's Band
    Gloves: Greensteel hp gloves, Various rog skill 15, seven fingered gloves
    Left Ring: Tumbleweed
    Bracers: Tharnes, Leviks, Armor Bracers (8)
    Body: DT Vestments (resist+5, protection+5, dodge+3)
    Weaponslot 01: radiance rapier, minii rapier
    Weaponslot 02: insight rapier, minii rapier
    Last edited by transtemporal; 08-24-2009 at 04:55 AM. Reason: whoops and now the actual build, heh
    Some toons with Cow in the name, and some without.

  2. #2


    Here I was expecting cow porn.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    *pokes the patch with a stick* get out there you,
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    We were pretty up front that the twf update was going to be a nerf regardless of lag or not.
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Um, I'm almost afraid to ask, but exactly just what is 'sneak humping'?

  3. #3
    Community Member RavenStormclaw's Avatar
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    Jan 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by transtemporal View Post
    Howdy folks.

    I'm pretty much a rogue newb but I play with some pretty excellent rogues and it looks like fun so I thought I'd try my hand at building one. This isn't a mod 9 concept build btw so apologies in advance for the lack of originality. I also don't know how easy +4 tomes will be to acquire so I've only assumed +2s for now. Looking for feedback and suggestions from you salty rogue dogs on anything I've missed or not considered.

    Where'd I get the name? Well, Caligula was a pretty creepy roman dude and halflings are naturally pretty creepy, so its a good match.

    Build goals:
    • Decent DPS through TWF rapier + SA (10d6! ) while maintaining an AC that matters
    • Has enough HP to take a few hits when AC fails
    • Dump aggro in gimp groups with diplo or pick it up in emergencies with intim
    • Rogue skills as standard

    1. Grazing hits - how do you get DR on a halfling outfit-wearing rogue? Symbiont?
    2. HP are a little low. Is there any way I can fit toughness in? Drop ostwf, ce, itwf, gtwf?
    3. Is there a compelling reason to have a second radiance rapier or is it overkill?
    4. Defensive roll - how useful is this? With a reflex of 38 at end game this would seem to be pretty decent damage mitigation. Maybe?
    5. Gear - not absolutely sure what the best combo of gear is. Can't be bother farming icy raiments for an extra 1 point of AC so have assumed DT vestments.
    6. Disciple of Breezes - can this stance be used with TWF rapier? I fear the answer may be no.
    7. The big one - assassin II or acrobat II? I'd love to pick up Asn II (because Asn III sounds so cool) but the prevailing notion seems to be that Acro II is better. Any comments? Apart from the pre-reqs for Asn, would I need to make any build adjustments or is starting int of 12 high enough with an +3 except int shroud rapier?

    Lawful Good Halfling Rog15/Mnk1 (eventually Rog19/Mnk1)

    14 Str (6 item, 2 tome) = 22 Str
    16 Dex (4 lvl, 2 hlf, 3 rog, 6 item, 3 tome) = 34 Dex
    14 Con (6 item, 2 tome) = 22 Con
    12 Int (6 item, 2 tome) = 20 Int
    14 Wis (6 item, 2 tome) = 22 Wis
    08 Cha (6 item, 2 tome) = 16 Cha

    90 rog
    08 mnk
    96 con
    20 heroic
    30 gfl
    10 favor
    18 minos (20 for mod 9, but 18 for the moment)
    45 shroud
    317 HP

    Armor Class
    10 base
    01 size
    12 dex
    06 wis
    08 armor, bracers
    05 deflect, DT
    03 dodge, DT
    02 dodge, chaosguard
    01 alchemical armor ritual
    05 combat expertise
    04 insight
    57 AC (beholder)

    01 haste
    02 recitation
    04 ac song
    05 bark spell
    05 pally aura
    04 shield spell
    78 AC (raid buffed)

    06 improved uncanny dodge
    84 AC (burst)

    01/01/01 halfling
    06/12/06 rog 15
    02/02/02 mnk 1
    06/12/06 attributes
    05/05/05 resistance
    01/01/01 resistance ritual
    21/33/21 (beholder)

    04/04/04 GH
    01/01/01 luck
    26/38/26 (situational)

    1st: twf
    2nd (mnk bonus): weap finese
    3rd: ostwf
    6th: pa
    9th: ce
    11th (rog bonus): improved evasion
    12th: icierce
    14th (rog bonus): crippling strike
    15th: itwf
    17th (future, rog bonus): defensive roll
    18th (future): gtwf
    20th (future, rog bonus): slippery mind

    UMD 19
    Search 18
    DD 18
    OL 18
    Intim 18
    Diplo 19
    Hide 19
    MS 19
    Spot 18
    Jump 15
    Tumble 1

    00/00/00/00/00/00/04/02/00/02/00 halfling
    19/18/18/18/18/19/19/19/18/15/01 ranks
    03/06/06/12/03/03/12/12/02/06/12 attributes
    03/15/15/15/15/15/15/15/15/15/10 item
    00/00/05/05/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 tools
    01/01/01/01/01/01/01/01/01/01/01 luck
    03/03/03/03/03/03/03/03/03/03/03 skillboost II
    00/06/06/00/00/00/00/00/00/00/00 shroud int skills item
    29/49/54/54/40/41/54/52/39/42/27 (beholder)

    04 GH
    02 bard song
    35/55/60/60/46/47/61/58/45/47/33 (situational)

    Rog haste boost 2
    Halfling dex 2
    Rog dex 3
    Halfling guile 4
    Skillboost 2
    Sneak attack training 4
    Disciple of Breezes (will this work with twf rapiers?)
    Faster sneaking 3
    Extra action boost 2
    Subtle backstabbing 4
    Sneak attack accuracy 3
    Halfling Luck 1 (fort)
    Halfling Luck 1 (will)
    WotAsn 2 or WotAcr 2

    Gear Load-out
    Helmet: Minos Legend, Intimi 15
    Goggles: Tharnes
    Necklace: Con+6
    Trinket: Bloodstone, Litany
    Cloak: Greensteel Cloak (), +6 cha cloak
    Right Ring:
    Left Ring: Tumbleweed
    Bracers: Tharnes, Leviks, Chaosguard
    Body: DT Vestments (resist+5, protection+5, dodge+3)
    Weaponslot 01: radiance rapier, minii
    Weaponslot 02: insight rapier, minii
    Not bad however you made same mistake I've made before.... you can't have armor 8 bracers and +2 dodge from chaosguards...... they are both wrist slot.

    Stances won't work with non-monk weapons tried and tested by me more than once.

    Only way I see to mitiagate some glancing blow damage would be golden greeves since they have DR 3.

    They only other then is since you are going finesse build with an endgame Dex of 34 I don't really think you need OTWF early in life it is good but by level 10-12 I would consider switching it out. Heck my first rapeir using rouge never even had it (I mistakenly thought raperis were light weapons since they are fineesable) and I never even noticed the slightly decreased to hit.

  4. #4
    Community Member transtemporal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RavenStormclaw View Post
    Not bad however you made same mistake I've made before.... you can't have armor 8 bracers and +2 dodge from chaosguards...... they are both wrist slot.
    Ah, good catch. Forgot about that. I guess I could drop chaosguard and change align to LN, which mean I could use litany without a penalty. Or keep chaosguard, drop the armor bracers and take the 6 armor bonus from the DT vestments instead. Either way, its a net -2 to AC.

    Quote Originally Posted by RavenStormclaw View Post
    Stances won't work with non-monk weapons tried and tested by me more than once.
    Thanks for the confirm. Still can't bring myself to use kamas.

    Quote Originally Posted by RavenStormclaw View Post
    Only way I see to mitiagate some glancing blow damage would be golden greeves since they have DR 3.
    Just to clarify, its grazing hit dmg I want to mitigate. Just not sure how much of an issue it'll be at the moment.

    Quote Originally Posted by RavenStormclaw View Post
    They only other then is since you are going finesse build with an endgame Dex of 34 I don't really think you need OTWF early in life it is good but by level 10-12 I would consider switching it out. Heck my first rapeir using rouge never even had it (I mistakenly thought raperis were light weapons since they are fineesable) and I never even noticed the slightly decreased to hit.
    Yeah, thats what I would do in current end game but they've said that attack will count for more in mod 9 because of higher ACs. 3/4 bab classes may need all the attack they can get. I *think* this is his attack profile. Not so hot calculating this.

    Attack Profile
    01 halfling
    12 rog15/mnk1
    12 dex
    05 weap
    02 competence, tumbleweed
    +32 first attack, non-sneak

    05 tharnes
    03 sneak attack accuracy 3
    +40 first attack, sneak

    08 morale, bard songs
    02 recitation
    +50 first attack, sneak, raid-buffed

    Is that correct?
    Last edited by transtemporal; 08-20-2009 at 06:30 PM.
    Some toons with Cow in the name, and some without.

  5. #5
    Community Member RavenStormclaw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by transtemporal View Post
    Ah, good catch. Forgot about that. I guess I could drop chaosguard and change align to LN, which mean I could use litany without a penalty. Or keep chaosguard, drop the armor bracers and take the 6 armor bonus from the DT vestments instead. Either way, its a net -2 to AC.

    Thanks for the confirm. Still can't bring myself to use kamas.

    Just to clarify, its grazing hit dmg I want to mitigate. Just not sure how much of an issue it'll be at the moment.

    Yeah, thats what I would do in current end game but they've said that attack will count for more in mod 9 because of higher ACs. 3/4 bab classes may need all the attack they can get. I *think* this is his attack profile. Not so hot calculating this.

    Attack Profile
    01 halfling
    12 rog15/mnk1
    12 dex
    05 weap
    02 competence, tumbleweed
    +32 first attack, non-sneak

    05 tharnes
    03 sneak attack accuracy 3
    +40 first attack, sneak

    08 morale, bard songs
    02 recitation
    +50 first attack, sneak, raid-buffed

    Is that correct?
    With all the calculations I've seen before that seems accurate. Also you are right its grazing hits but the same applies with no armor and no bracers the only two ways you have to mitigate any kind of damage will be dr from something like golden greeve or if you find an outfit with invulnerability property which give dr 5/magic (this actually is probably your best bet).

  6. #6
    Community Member transtemporal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RavenStormclaw View Post
    Also you are right its grazing hits but the same applies with no armor and no bracers the only two ways you have to mitigate any kind of damage will be dr from something like golden greeve or if you find an outfit with invulnerability property which give dr 5/magic (this actually is probably your best bet).
    Man, where is my brain today? Good suggestion. Invulnerability robe at low levels and stoneskin wand, minii at high level. Won't absorb mobs with the big dice weapons, but I can't really think how to get higher than 10 passive DR.
    Some toons with Cow in the name, and some without.

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