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  1. #61
    Community Member Nestorious's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Actually Im finding this pretty comical...

    I state how I felt about a run without identifying a person(s) and then being raked for it? Only to have ppl attempt to chastise and correct me directly? Sorry but I have been around enough to laugh in your general direction.

    Let me reiterate - Gambler I hold you in high regards actually (and still do). You're a hella player and I give ya props. Let me digress a min though and ask how does 1 of 2 clerics burn through over 1600 sp in the first round? for ANY reason? I dont think I need to explain it but I can if needed. As to the pots/consumables, well, heck, didnt know you were watching ME that closely instead of the party. In actuality 60 heals and 50+ Mass scrolls magically disapeared out of my inv after that run then. Thank you for pointing out "I need to keep my wits about me", I'll write that one down.

    As to the "man with the star"... Cleav, may I ask were you watching my bars as well maybe when you coulda been doin the dps you just mentioned? Or are you simply jumping on a bandwagon of something you werent actually watching? WOW, I guess I am pretty behind the curve since I try to concentrate on my role in a quest instead of everyone else's actions. I can only DREAM to be that great of a player but for now I will just try to keep up with healing (I've been told I do fairly well at it)
    Now sir, if you want to get into symantics since you have spoken up I will do the same. After your remark of I'll "consider" it, I said to forget it. Those are the words used. I did take the invite because, honestly, I was capping the toon and was hunting xp and loot - simple as that.
    As to bold faced lies? Anyone in the party can remember you asking that - simply grow some balls, I have no reason to lie and never had a need to in the game. Own your words.
    I could simply continue the banter specifically as to what I see as your inadequacies during the run but I'm growing bored with it all now.

    Bandy, we go way back bud and I will always be there for ya but dont lay your sympathy/disappointment this way. I've always been straight and you know I will live up to mistakes I make. I didnt make this personal, the fragile ego did. I wash my hands of it now, simple as that.
    QTip Jones (20 Cleric) Nestorious 2.0 (20 Fvs) Eulogist Delivered (11 Rngr)

  2. #62
    Community Member bandyman1's Avatar
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    We do go way back Satch; I don't believe you didn't use any consumables if needed. I've been on way too many runs with you clericing to believe that nonsense.

    By the same token though, I've been on far too many VoD runs with Cleave ( both those he led, and those he didn't ) to believe that he needed directions from the party.

    It pains me to say it Satch; But PuG quality is way down on argo. Both high and low-mid levels from what I've seen. To the point that if it ain't guild/channel, I either solo, or I don't run it .
    Now bringing the sexy back to AoK!!!
    Ashamed officer of : My Little PWNY
    Proud officer of :Archmagi

  3. #63
    Community Member Tabun's Avatar
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    Mar 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by bandyman1 View Post
    We do go way back Satch; I don't believe you didn't use any consumables if needed. I've been on way too many runs with you clericing to believe that nonsense.

    By the same token though, I've been on far too many VoD runs with Cleave ( both those he led, and those he didn't ) to believe that he needed directions from the party.

    It pains me to say it Satch; But PuG quality is way down on argo. Both high and low-mid levels from what I've seen. To the point that if it ain't guild/channel, I either solo, or I don't run it .
    I have quested with you ........ wipe!

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