Quote Originally Posted by Vivanto View Post
Yeah that was me, since I admit it in public you can now stop your pm war, but whatever.

Sorry for that, but since it was the only single item I needed from that, and it drops for me, hell yeah I will take it. I'm not wasting my time for nothing.
Passed away rolling chances already and only took since it dropped specifically for me. Know what, in 200 runs I've never seen it drop for me at all, not once.

The reason I didn't quick ninja it but left it in chest for a bit was exactly that ppl will realize that I'm aware of what I get not just ignorantly ninjaing. People would've just as noticed me taking it regardless, but would be even more upset if I took it in a heartbeat. Shall I tell you a story about a pure healbot cleric with the tharne goggles? (and no, I was not upset, didn't whine, actually already had the goggles but it's still odd), rest assured that cleric will have way less use of the goggles than I will have for the shield.

Btw how dare you judge my playstyle and claim I won't have any use of it? I use a shield a lot more than you may think, even on twf.

Perhaps I should've stated the same thing on this thread prior to that raid. I was fully expecting a waa whaa thread or something similar.

Again, sorry.
I am with you on this one. Its your loot. Take it even if you only intend on using it situationally. It is more than fair for the person putting something up for a roll to deny the chance to whom they see fit, or even hold a guild/friends only roll. It is their item to do with what they wish. Deal with it, or come crying to the forums.