With the new EDs and the good charisma sorcs can achieve, they can preform some wizard tasks in epic hards.
But then again, wizards can now blast for 6k-15k damage AoE.
I honestly don't think there's much room to compare between those two classes, even if they cast the same spells.
It's a matter of play style and nothing more.
Personally I was aiming to build an EE ready sorc with all the casters PL, but I stopped the second I TRed into a wizard because I remembered how fun it is. Sure, a bazooka will kill everything, but it's way more fun to kill them with an army knife.
I prefer Crowd control over direct damage, so i play wizards. I've never been a huge fan of evokers, any newbie can play a direct damage character.
6 months... I believe this counts as a thread necro? ^^
I can honestly say I dislike playing wizards as they are now. I'm looking forward to the changes we can see on Lamannia right now, as those will get me to try one out in earnest (tasty tasty lich shroud...)
What I do enjoy is playing a sorcerer and being capable of nuking the overloving **** out of everything in my immediate vicinity. It's nothing if not satisfying, and I can probably end up with 3600-3800 SP by level 25, possibly more if I pony up the cost for a stat tome. that's worth it enough to me.
Last edited by Halia; 07-08-2013 at 05:21 AM.