42 cha = +16 to DC.
19 DC for all spells with heighten = 35
greater spell focus (such as from the epic staff of inner sight) = 37.
+1 wizard past life active feat = 38
42 cha = +16 to DC.
19 DC for all spells with heighten = 35
greater spell focus (such as from the epic staff of inner sight) = 37.
+1 wizard past life active feat = 38
this is exactly what imeant...
38 not 39 :P
unless buffed
in fact my char has spell focus g spell focus enchantment and bard past life thus 41 on that but 38 on every other school
Last edited by Madryoch; 01-08-2011 at 06:13 PM.
Sry but how do u get DC 39 for all spells? WAIT...do u ve spell focus for all schools from staff? O_o
Last edited by ShanxTadeu; 07-19-2011 at 03:32 PM.
Also, they already spelled out how one gets 38DC.
That's how I see it....at least in the truest sense of their form.
OH GEEZ...just noticed......*fumbles frantically for Disruptors*
i must say that playing a Sorc sounds incredibly boring to me. spamming one button until everything dies is exactly why i got away from WoW.
sorcs have spell points. that's it. that's literally it.
Wiz has a buttload of extra feats, more flexibility during dungeons and in build options, and that pretty much makes them infinitely more fun to play than a mobile "artillery platform" spamming Frost Lance all day long. sorcs don't hit that much harder (if at all!) than a wiz, and pure damage is one of the least-valuable things in the game.
the open secret that Sorcs would rather castrate themselves than admit? Wiz has plenty of spell points to do anything that needs to be done -- and they actually can do it all rather than suddenly hit a show-stopper and mumble "uh, i don't have that spell."
noobs play sorcs because they want to spam nukes at every little trash mob. once you get experience under you, though, the ability to finesse a dungeon with a customized spell list allows you to accomplish it faster and more safely.
i'll say it right out: Wizards are better, and they take more skill to play.
Welp, to answer the original post...
...oh wait, the original post was back in August of '09!
~TheHolyDarkness Out~
"A man can remake the entire world, if he has a dream and no facts to cloud his mind."
a sorcerer is an assassin. He goes in and stuff dies. A wizard is the backbone, he's got a spell for anything, and if it's not on em, he can get it at a shrine. (This is wizards that know they're a wizard mind you. I know ive seen some really pathetic no clue wizards in the jungle of kyber)
Sorcerers pound mobs with spell after spell and help melee's out with some quick buffs like displacment. Wizards are basically the cc kings. They get sla cc spells for near nothing, and better numbers for em to work.
Can a wiz be a nuker? Of course not as well as a sorc. Can a sorc be a great ccer? Sure, but no where near as easily as a wizard.
PM's are kinda not included. In the end game they just cast spells and **** dies, and they also throw cc down. (Pale masters are not a pickup class you have to actually have a flippn brain to play one. As again so many wizards have shown they do not in groups.)
And if your a healer, and you feel your calling is to be a sorcerer, please put that in your bio. I'm telling you the people ive been running into in these groups lately. Ive no idea how the hell they got to lv 12, much less gained access to tor. It must have taken them months upon months.
There is no difference. They are the same class. Just like FvS and clerics. Want proof? Look at LFMs. They say, need arcane, or, need divine (or healer). Or they say nothing but the only icons lit are sorc and wiz, or clr and FvS.
Ah ****, you got me! 2 years! Nice necro.
Last edited by Tsuarok; 07-19-2011 at 08:56 PM.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zonbLF-NMZgOriginally Posted by Turbine
Are mere forum members allowed to perform the Cube Summoning Ritual?
sick and tired of bazooka vs. swiss army knife or similar comparisons. Maybe a few years ago yes, but not now.
its more like a sorceror is a bazooka, and a wizard is a poison/paralytic gas launcher.
or, moving away from metaphors, a sorceror can nuke and deal a lot of elemental damage, while a wizard can crowd control and instadeath.
or, more concretely
sorcerors typically get about 3k sp at endgame, wizards usually get about 2k (if you go archmage, 2.5k isnt unreasonable, but most are going pm around now.)
sorcerors have faster casting speeds
sorcerors have 4 spells per level, while wizards have 5
sorcerors may switch out spells once per 3 days, while wizards can do it at any shrine or tavern
wizards can inscribe scrolls to vastly increase their repertoire
sorcerors using savant (also known as: all of them) have vastly increased elemental damage of their chosen element, as well as useful free SLAs to cast
wizards using archmage gain sp and +2 to their main school (usually ench/masshold or necro/wail of the banshee) and +1 to secondary.
wizards using pale master gain self healing, more hp, and +2 to ench or +2 to necro/+1 to everything depending on form (switched at a click, so i count those both). Also, pale masters can chug yugoloth potions with impunity for a further +1 DC boost.
also, if you think 38 is an impressive dc that owns all content... go play more of the content.
Sry for the noob question, but...they ve 38 DC...ok
42 Char +16 bonus to DC but what is ur race?
the initial attribute cap is increased after TR?
How they get 42? i ve a wiz that not TR yet, so 20 (initial) + 5 (additional points) + 6 (enhanc) + 6 ( goggles) + 1 ( dragontouch armor) = 38 +14 bonus to DC n my wiz is lvl 20
Sorc can solo quest faster.
Wiz can CC better.
...that's all I care.
Khyber - Pilchards: Milfeulle (Completionist Sorc), Milreaf/Millefeuille/Mireiyu(20 drone Wiz), Eweca (20 Wiz at life 5)
Sarlona - Black hands & Black feet: Misakamikoto (18/1/1 Ranger at life 3)
Psst...uhmmm hey guys.......sorry to burst your bubble but IT IS STILL 2009........didn't you get the memo.......Turbine nerfed time progression as it was deemed too powerful by the Xorians as it conflicted with chaos.