Keep in mind when reading this that I'm really new. I joined up in July before I even knew there was a Mod 9 we were looking forward to :-)
I'm a huge fan of the spellcasters and I like both aspects; lots of spell points or lots of spells is a tough choice. I've gotten a few different Wizards to level 3 or 4 and the running out of spellpoint thing just bugs me. So I'm experimenting with starting as a sorcerer for the spell points and multiclassing into a wizard for the rest. So far, this has seemed like a great way to get a ton of spell points for my Wizard - like 100 extra points. I just set my Charisma at 13 - just enough to cast the shield and chill touch spells I started with, then set my Intelligence at 17 and balance constitution and strength (so I can hit stuff when it comes after me or if I'm in a small group).
So far this has seemed awesome but I haven't seen this combo mentioned on the boards much. Does anyone see any glaring problems with this build for getting to the end? I feel like it's the best of both worlds.