My perception is (no idea if others share the same opinion) that the WDA ceased right about the time the decision was likely made to rebuild the business model into the hybrid VIP/F2P approach.
One possible reason is, Turbine was afraid of the truth and/or pre-releasing their intent. In many ways, it's exactly like a lie by omission. Sure, you don't want to tell business competitors about your plans...but the more important part is that pact with the players. We had a level of trust that progress was being made AND where the game was heading.
Today, with a module 9 release (no, I won't call it DDO:EU) that's likely 7-12 months late largely due to a business model change... I just don't understand how you expect us to be excited that it's finally here.
Restart the WDA - the need for secrecy is over, isn't it?