I have started to make a 2 monk /14(18) cleric build, but I wonder if it was better to wait for mod9 and choose FS instead. I would like to see the benefits of each version and if FS clearly superior I think I will reroll.

so the build:
race halfling

2 monk/ 18 clr or FS

base stats:
str: 10 (8 ocean stance)
dex 18
con 12
int 9 (+1 tome at lvl 1)
wis 17 (19 ocean stance) level ups here
cha 8

skills: maxed concentration and diplo, some points into jump balance and tumble

feats: TWF, ITWF, GTwF, extend, maximize, empower (at 18: quicken/improved crit/empower healing i will see)
Monk feats: toughness, weapon finesse

As I see:
Favored soul advantages:
-much higher reflex save
-much more spellpoints
-lower cooldowns on spells
-some good class feats
-(weapon enhancement line mostly irrelevant as I will use kamas mostly)

Cleric advantages:
-no need of charisma ( for FS i would start at min 9-10)
-more spell/lvl
-(turn undead is irrelevant for this build as cha will be low anyway)

spell per lvl (5/6/7/8/9) at lvl 18:
Clr: 5/5/4/4/3
FS: 4/3/3/2/1

Actually i have answered my question: FS seems to be a better opion, but maybe i have missed something. checking the current cleric spellist the limited spell selection doesnt seem to be a big problem: there arent too many usefull spells/ lvl.

What do you think? should I wait and reroll to FS?