I know a lot of you don't know or remember me because I really haven't been logging in much in the past...what is it now..8 months? I got incredibly bored running the same quests over and over and over and needed a change. I've still popped in from time to time and played on Lamannia a few times as well, but for the most part I've been gone.
In the past, most of the mechanics changes I saw in DDO were expected, understood and even if not universally liked, could be tolerated. I understood why people were upset about losing their (old) batman builds when the change to evasion/armor usage was made, but I understood also the need for the change and why it was in place. That can be said of most of the changes in the past.
But the combination of the horrible customer relations and the mechanics changes for mod 9 made me decide it was time to cancel my account and move on. Yes, I know the current mechanics changes *can* be overcome...but I really just don't care to spend my time playing a game I no longer enjoy...and after playing on Lamannia I can honestly say I do NOT enjoy what the game is turning into.
Yesterday I canceled my DDO account. The sub is good until August 24th, but I doubt I'll be using it as my in-laws will be here in a couple of days and staying through the end of the month.
I'm still playing LotRo and Aion from time to time, and am waiting for SGW to come out also. If anyone decides to give one of these games a whirl, feel free to contact me. Drak, Jules, Uma and Clay know how to reach me outside of DDO.
It's been a pleasure knowing those of you I knew. Thank you for making the 4 years I subscribed to DDO enjoyable and entertaining. If they (Turbine) ever decide to fix the mess they've made of this unique game and actually invest the manpower and consideration it deserves, I'll be back..until then, ciao.
And no, you can't have my stuff.![]()