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  1. #1
    Community Member Sou1Hammer's Avatar
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    Default Clerics low on mana...

    How many have been in a party/quest where you cleric was running low on mana? I was in a group where the cleric was low and was conserving the rest that he had for hp recovery (healing hitpoints). Another member in the party needed some restores cast on him, as did I. The cleric gave us each 1 restore. 1 was enough for me, the other member mentioned needed more and asked for another. The cleric replied that he was saving the rest of him mana for healing hit points and that maybe said member should start carrying pots of restore on him. This member got all bent out of shape because the cleric "refused" to give him another restoration. We weren't all that far from the shrine, so he could have (and did) waited.

    Granted the member in question is a friend of mine, but I had to side with the cleric on this one. Being that my primary toon is a cleric, I know what it's like to run low on mana and have to be choosy as to who get what spell until I can shrine.

    What are your thoughts on the situation? Rep points would be nice as well, but not expected.
    You're going down faster than a fat chick on a greased fire pole. (That's fast!)

    (Sarlona) Thorrynn Earthspyre; Mrgarygygax Lives Through Me; Vicc; Primall Optimus (Khyber) Loskoss

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Restoration scrolls.........

    I see oh so many threads that melees should be more prepeared with various pots etc.... This goes for clerics as well.....

  3. #3

    Default I don't play on Salona but...

    As a cleric, he was doing the correct thing. A wand of lesser restoration wouldbe better. As for what the cleric said, I agree. Either I fix the damage or you don't get healed later. I'd risk it withthe party stat damaged. I have run accoss people who do that and I have answered,"well if you had over a mem pot or wand of less restore, or even of cure, then I will fix it. Otherwise, don't tell me how to use my spell points unless I ask. OR totally do the wrong thing. Ask the party if I am correct in this."
    +The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!

  4. #4
    Community Member shores11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sou1Hammer View Post
    How many have been in a party/quest where you cleric was running low on mana? I was in a group where the cleric was low and was conserving the rest that he had for hp recovery (healing hitpoints). Another member in the party needed some restores cast on him, as did I. The cleric gave us each 1 restore. 1 was enough for me, the other member mentioned needed more and asked for another. The cleric replied that he was saving the rest of him mana for healing hit points and that maybe said member should start carrying pots of restore on him. This member got all bent out of shape because the cleric "refused" to give him another restoration. We weren't all that far from the shrine, so he could have (and did) waited.

    Granted the member in question is a friend of mine, but I had to side with the cleric on this one. Being that my primary toon is a cleric, I know what it's like to run low on mana and have to be choosy as to who get what spell until I can shrine.

    What are your thoughts on the situation? Rep points would be nice as well, but not expected.
    As a cleric myself I understand and agree with this clerics decision. A cleric needs to weight the trend that the party has been playing by and determine what to do with SP especially when getting low on SP.

    One of the things I do as a cleric is not buff quit as much up front as some clerics do. I am a pure healer and have some very noce buffs as well but a lot of the time when you spend so much SP on buffing (some not needed) you miss it when it comes crunch time.

    I am not really understanding the request for rep for asking a question though.
    Fizban - Avatar of Khyber
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  5. #5
    Community Member Lorichie's Avatar
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    If the cleric says take care of yourself, you take care of yourself till the next shrine. I suspect he/she probably had a good reason for saving some mana for emergency healing.

    I have enough clerics that if i ever have to tell the group to be careful, most clerics would have bailed probably before that.

    This cleric probably knew the group better than the group knew itself, but mebbe not.


  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by smatt View Post
    Restoration scrolls.........

    I see oh so many threads that melees should be more prepeared with various pots etc.... This goes for clerics as well.....
    Yes, but there is a backlash from cleric players about they always spending gold to keep others up. My clerics are always prepared, at least try. But I have been in some bad PuGs where I ran out of stuff. Yes, they exist. I would do what the cleric said. However, a wand or scrolls (depending on the spell) would have been better.
    +The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!

  7. #7
    Community Member Lorichie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shores11 View Post

    One of the things I do as a cleric is not buff quit as much up front as some clerics do.
    One of my clerics is almost capped, and will soon join the half dozen others in retirement until next mod, another has just turned four and has a ways to go. So i've played a cleric a time or two. One thing i've learned (and it may only apply for and to me), is i dont give any buffs unless asked, other than a couple mass buffs, or something i know will be needed (true seeing in cabal for example.)

    I tell everyone up front, if you need something let me know, but there's no way i know every persons want/desire at every stage of the quest. It's just not feasible.


  8. #8
    Community Member Dexxaan's Avatar
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    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by Sou1Hammer View Post
    How many have been in a party/quest where you cleric was running low on mana? I was in a group where the cleric was low and was conserving the rest that he had for hp recovery (healing hitpoints). Another member in the party needed some restores cast on him, as did I. The cleric gave us each 1 restore. 1 was enough for me, the other member mentioned needed more and asked for another. The cleric replied that he was saving the rest of him mana for healing hit points and that maybe said member should start carrying pots of restore on him. This member got all bent out of shape because the cleric "refused" to give him another restoration. We weren't all that far from the shrine, so he could have (and did) waited.

    Granted the member in question is a friend of mine, but I had to side with the cleric on this one. Being that my primary toon is a cleric, I know what it's like to run low on mana and have to be choosy as to who get what spell until I can shrine.

    What are your thoughts on the situation? Rep points would be nice as well, but not expected.

    Heres the real problem:

    In most cases Clerics run low on mana due to one of these typical scenarios:

    * Low AC DPS`rs that call themselves "Tanks" that are nothing but High Maintenance Attack Dogs, and by high maintenance I mean Mana Sponges,
    * "I need a restoration" (because I refuse to use a SF Trinket?),
    * Playing Recklessly because they know they have a huge Healing Umbilical Chord.

    It doesn`t help that most Pure Builds and such can`t scroll Heals, Restorations, and other non-potion remedies..... HA! I`ve encountered "Tanks" that don`t even bother carrying a Lesser Restoration or Curse Removal Potion and are joining a VOD run.

    Your problem isn`t Clerics not having enough`s poor build choice / Playstyle.
    "Multi-Classing: If you don't know what you are doing...please don't do it."
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  9. #9
    Founder Garth_of_Sarlona's Avatar
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    Another member in the party needed some restores cast on him
    here is where mistake was made. If someone asks for a spell to be cast on them and I'm on my cleric I usually ignore them. You don't go to a doctor and demand a certain medicine - you describe your symptoms and let the doctor give you what he thinks is best.

    If someone has negative levels then I expect them to say how many (I will use a Greater Restore Scroll, or if there is a shrine coming up, I will let them shrine) - if someone has stat dmg then tell me that (I will cast Heal). If you are exhausted, then say so (I will use Heal, again)

    If someone says 'Need a restore' - then I don't know whether they have neg levels, or whether they have stat damage, or if they're exhausted - so I normally just end up ignoring them


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  10. #10
    Community Member beelzebaba's Avatar
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    Default cheap bastages

    I think a lot of this comes from people being to cheap and over zealous. They want to run quests on elite before their level but will not self heal or medicate in any way and expect the cleric to baby them.

    I mean how many times have u seen a squishy caster or any other class hit the cieling in reaver and not even drink a single pot to stay alive till the cleric can heal them; and then die.

    Anyone that isnt madstone raged should not be asking for anything from a cleric that can be easily bought in a pot. Especially after a fight. Exception would be when the cleric is has so much mana to burn in quests with plenty of shrines.

    Clerics have so much more they can offer to a party, but many are relegated into a healbot mode by the cheapness of the party.

    Just another opinion of course
    Last edited by beelzebaba; 08-12-2009 at 06:05 PM.
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  11. #11
    Community Member Sou1Hammer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shores11 View Post
    I am not really understanding the request for rep for asking a question though.
    The request was a bit of a joke.
    You're going down faster than a fat chick on a greased fire pole. (That's fast!)

    (Sarlona) Thorrynn Earthspyre; Mrgarygygax Lives Through Me; Vicc; Primall Optimus (Khyber) Loskoss

  12. #12
    Community Member Tanka's Avatar
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    Also remember that a Paladin can cast Restore from a scroll. 14 levels of Paladin for no failure, less than that and you're looking at caster level checks to succeed. I keep scrolls of Restoration on Yomero for precisely this reason -- people who are too lazy to farm/put on their SF necklace get told to get a SF necklace, then I might scroll them if they aren't belligerent.

    Anyone with UMD only has to pass a UMD32 check to use those scrolls as well. So if you have UMD, it's worthwhile to carry them.

    If you're feeling particularly silly, there's a certain maul that casts it once per rest.
    Person Æ, Sarlona
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  13. #13
    Founder szaijan's Avatar
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    Good for the Cleric. If players are going to play in such a fashion that the Cleric needs to use scrolls and wand charges to keep them up, then the non-Clerics should provide said scrolls and wands. or carry potions. Self sufficiency is key in pugging. Putting more financial burden on the Cleric is foolhardy, given the dearth of them already in DDO. To me, that's just common sense.

    BTW, I play a melee in PUGs and a Bard who is well taken care of in our static group, so I am in no way biased towards Clerics; I am biased toward making the least popular role in groups (healer) as attractive to perspective Clerics as possible. Support your local healer!
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  14. #14
    Community Member shores11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tanka View Post
    Also remember that a Paladin can cast Restore from a scroll. 14 levels of Paladin for no failure, less than that and you're looking at caster level checks to succeed. I keep scrolls of Restoration on Yomero for precisely this reason -- people who are too lazy to farm/put on their SF necklace get told to get a SF necklace, then I might scroll them if they aren't belligerent.

    Anyone with UMD only has to pass a UMD32 check to use those scrolls as well. So if you have UMD, it's worthwhile to carry them.

    If you're feeling particularly silly, there's a certain maul that casts it once per rest.
    Yea my bard always carrys greater restore scrolls for use on party as needed.
    Fizban - Avatar of Khyber
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  15. #15
    Community Member Kalari's Avatar
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    I could go on about who should have what but im just gonna put it plainly. Yes my girls specially on Sarlona have scrolls, pots wands and the like to cure the various ailments my party may get on themselves. But I hate when people demand simple things that lesser restore pot can get. So I will graciously heal them with the various things I carry then make note and probably wont run with that player or players again. But this is only at higher levels if im pugging. Low levels I can understand it sometimes your with completely new players who dont yet know and really cannot afford things like that.

    But anyone past 14 that doesnt know that being fatigued can be cured with a simple hit of a lesser restore pot, goes into places like the subterranean unprepared (Ie neg level protection) and the like I dont feel sorry for them. Yes cause they are apart of my team I will make sure they stay alive best I can but after which if they were a real drain I will do everything I can not to group with that person again.
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  16. #16
    Community Member Tanka's Avatar
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    The only time I'll accept not being able to use certain potions (Lesser Restore, Remove Curse, Neutralize Poison, a few others that are clickie-like instead of being potions) are when a Barbarian is raged or when someone is Madstoned (and even then only under certain conditions).

    If you're a Barbarian that just lost his Rage and isn't Madstoned, if you don't use your own Lesser Restore pot to get rid of your fatigue, then that's your own problem.
    Person Æ, Sarlona
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  17. #17
    Community Member Kalari's Avatar
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    Yep I dont even get mad at barbarians period the few that Ive run with I already know im their pocket cleric lol. But I was in a desert group just to kill time and get xp and I swear every time the arcanes threw a ray of exhaustion on someone in the group they whined "need a restore please." You can only imagine how much that got on my nerves.

    As for the OP I do try to mitigate what I use my sp for at low levels darn right healing gets the higher precedence when it comes to me getting low with sp.

    At higher levels specially since by then I am using scrolls to help with healing I like to have enough sp to help with spells and kill stuff as well. But healing is still important dont blame the cleric for thinking about emergencies.
    Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic

  18. #18
    Community Member Sweyn's Avatar
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    Here we go again... another one of those cleric threads..
    Swez Sowan
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  19. #19
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    You were all a bunch of cheap bastages. That is all.

    BTW my melees spend WAY more than my clerics in play. Most clerics that run with us on lowbies dont have to spend much time or sp healing unless they are overhealing. So this notion that clerics cost a lot of money to play or level is silly....
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
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  20. #20
    Community Member Kalari's Avatar
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    No fair quick you play with sober players lol I play with drunks on a regular basis playing a cleric an be expensive in that situation but not on resources

    on Repairs lol

    trust me I aint cheap just hate being a nanny thats why I filled up my character slots with other girls when im not in the mood to cleric but when im on a healer people get know eventually..if im not to drunk..
    Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic

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