How many have been in a party/quest where you cleric was running low on mana? I was in a group where the cleric was low and was conserving the rest that he had for hp recovery (healing hitpoints). Another member in the party needed some restores cast on him, as did I. The cleric gave us each 1 restore. 1 was enough for me, the other member mentioned needed more and asked for another. The cleric replied that he was saving the rest of him mana for healing hit points and that maybe said member should start carrying pots of restore on him. This member got all bent out of shape because the cleric "refused" to give him another restoration. We weren't all that far from the shrine, so he could have (and did) waited.
Granted the member in question is a friend of mine, but I had to side with the cleric on this one. Being that my primary toon is a cleric, I know what it's like to run low on mana and have to be choosy as to who get what spell until I can shrine.
What are your thoughts on the situation? Rep points would be nice as well, but not expected.