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  1. #121
    Community Member Zenako's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDOTalk71 View Post
    But I rarely if ever see this happen. And I think I might go into shock if someone actually scrolled or wanded anaother party member with a heal or restore.
    You just gotta run with a different breed of player then. Fairly common in most skilled runs to find lots of redundant healing and fixing going on. Heck my Ranger fits in Cure Mod in his spell list (and with a Superior Devotion item) does a respectable amount of healing, and has spell points to burn usually. (has around 450 with the shroud item on, and after self buffs, that leaves a whole bunch to buff others or emergency heal).

    Do I spend time in combat healing, not usually, and even then only if I really really need to. (which is not often). Most of the time it is Emergency healing on the cleric to get them up (or raising them if they died). Trick is to get the mobs aggro away from the downed guy, and then help the downed party member, or you just get them up to die again...sad and pointless.

    I've run quests where Rangers, Paladins, or Bards are the only real healer. Even a rogue can fill that role (via supplies) and I've seen that too.
    Sarlona - The Ko Brotherhood :Jareko-Elf Ranger12Rogue8+4E; Hennako-Human Cleric22; Rukio-Human Paladin18; Taellya-Halfling Rogue16; Zenako-Dwarf Fighter10Cleric1; Daniko-Drow Bard20; Kerriganko-Human Cleric18; Buket-WF Fighter6; Xenophilia-Human Wiz20; Zenakotwo-Dwarf Cleric16; Yadnomko-Halfling Ftr12; Gabiko-Human Bard15; lots more

  2. #122
    Community Member Elsbet's Avatar
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    With the right mix, clerics are often optional in a party (and I say this as someone who runs two capped clerics as primary toons). I've three-manned Enter the Kobold with two rangers and my bard, who is not specced for healing. No one took the "healer" role. We all just kept ourselves and each other alive.

    ~Anaelsbet~; ~Elsbet~; ~Lilabet~; ~Islabet~; ~Phaeddre~

  3. #123
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lyniaer View Post
    Augh. Battle Clerics.

    I see some Clerics out there with levels of Fighter...Levels of Monk...Levels of Ranger...Levels of Rogue...

    Really, those are the dumb things to do. They're a self-sustaining soloist build and shouldn't be in a party at all.
    The reason I have 2 levels of Paladin (and when Mod 9 comes out, a 3rd) is for the sake of staying ALIVE.
    Too many times I see Clerics get attacked and Nomed so easily it's not even funny.
    3 Levels of Paladin will get you:
    Boost to AC and Saves for you and party members nearby.
    Boost to Saves via your Charisma Modifier.
    Proficiency with Long Swords, which means you can get your hands on better, cheaper, more easily available and useful weaponry to protect yourself.
    Immunity to Fear and Disease.
    Lay On Hands which will give you a minor, very quick to cast, heal on any party member and is not prejudiced against Warforged.
    Smite. Which is practically useless but at least it's there if you're dinking around doing favor missions 1/10th your level.
    Toughness Enhancements so long as you have the Toughness Feat. Honestly, if you're a human cleric, you have plenty of feets to go around. I highly suggest DieHard, Toughness, Spell Points and Maximize.

    The only thing my Cleric doesn't have is Mass Heal. Which I get at Level 14 which I will have once Mod 9 comes out. Take my Cleric to Lv15, add another level of Paladin for Disease/Fear immunity and voila.
    A dead Cleric heals far less than a slightly gimped one who's still alive....
    Huh? This is pretty funny actually. So you're ac is good enough on your cleric to benifit from the paly aura (unless there is a real paly around then its a waste huh ) And youre cha is good enough to give you more saves lol, sounds like youre the gimped one. A monk splash gives evasion (easy to get a decent reflex on a cleric) which you dont have, and boosts ac more than any paly splash could. You also get 2 feats which paly doesnt give you. You can also spend one AP to boost youre wis modifier by one. Pls tell me you dont actually believe this drivel you wrote and are just trying to be funny. Dont get me wrong, if you are a good player you can be an asset in a group even on a gimp, and I dont presume to tell peeps how to spend their money, but to say youre gimp is better than a 14 cleric 2 monk is ludicrous ROTFLMAO!

    Quote Originally Posted by beelzebaba View Post
    It is silly to lump all the battle clerics into one pile. A better way to separate it is to say a good player versus a bad player.

    A good player is good and makes his effectiveness felt regardless of his build. If they are a heal bot, or a battle cleric they will do a good job.
    A bad player whether a heal bot or battle cleric will suck under all circumstances.

    Telling someone how their character should be played is very weak. I know battle clerics who are far better than most heal bots. Tell them to be a heal bot and this is what most of them will tell you about your so called great tanks.... get some AC.

    It is all about party make up and self sufficiency. If im on a mana sponge that puts out sick dps id like a healbot and a bunch of other hard hitting studs around me to tear it up. If im on an AC character i dont even care if there is a healer. Build your chars and parties anyway ya like it, but to expect others to think that way is just plain silly.

    I guess there are many clerics who try to baby everyone in their group... to me thats silly.
    I guess that is fun for some ppl.

    My cleric s not a battle cleric, but if i dont see you self healing at all, your going to die, and dont ask me for anything that comes in a pot if your not raged. Being on a cleric doesnt mean Being a healbot who jumps whenever some cheapo asks for something. Most dont even hit as hard as they think do on their tanks. Conversely when im on a tank i ask for very little if anything at all.

    Its all a perspective thing, not a dig on anyone

    You will build and play your toons the way I tell you........and you will like it !!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by gamblerjoe View Post
    most of what people have said here is intelligent and correct. heres my 2cp...

    curded crypt is not obsure. how can a quick easy quest that many people are keyed for, dropps one of the most mandatory items in the game, and drops multiple pieces of unbound coveted loot be obsure? i had someone in a bad pug tell me they didnt have time to run it. another person in that group told me he was not willing to take his choker off for the sft. ugh. also, i have a monk splash temest pally. thats a 5 stat toon boys and girls. i still managed to make sft a permanant fixture on that toon, without sacrificing any of the nececities, but it wasnt easy.

    clerics and casters are cheap, tanks are expensive. this is a fact. weapons are expensive, and any tank worth their salt carries all the pots that have been previously mentioned in this thread.

    i have 2 capped clerics. my first one was a healbot, and now he never gets played. my new one is my new favorite toon, and is going to be the first toon i "complete." the new one is an OCC, and is ridiculously uber. iv cleric'd it up for many many hours and i know what im doing. i also know what to expect from the rest of my party in any given quest. that said, i cant stand to be told what to do. i have the ability to heal, that does not make me your pocket healer. i have seen people think i am the biggest noob (or jerk) in the world for feeling that way.

    be self sufficient. im not going to put it in my lfms, im going to let u find out the hard way. in fact most of the time i dont have the star, and im sure as hell not going to ask the person with the star to put it in the lfm.

    as far as buffs, i know most of the quests quite well, so i know what buffs to cast. i may not heal u, but i will buff u. buffs are too good to overlook. they save healing and increase dps.

    i dont heal anyone who can heal themself unless they are currently swinging a weapon and i dont want them to stop. this includes bards, rogues, wf casters and sorcs. if your sorc doesnt have UMD, the sooner u reroll the better.
    i dont heal sp sponges more than a couple times. i usually warn them, but sometimes i just let them die and dont rez them.
    i dont fix neg levels.
    i carry 100 heal, mclw, mcmw and restore scrolls. i carry just about every wand a cleric can use. i have them because there are times when they are necessary. i dont carry them to save u from having to use your consumables.
    there are obvious exceptions to what iv said here, but in general thats how it is. in the cases where a players lack of self sufficiency, and my refusal to make up for it, cause them to become completely ineffective, i find the party isnt missing out on much. besides, there arent many problems my blade barriers cant solve anyway

    the most noteworty exception to my playstyle is when i have to go into healbot mode. this is mostly in raids. for the record iv got solo-clericing VOD down to a science.

    /golf clap
    /stands and crys

    Quote Originally Posted by DDOTalk71 View Post
    I've run a capped cleric for a long time and several alt clerics. I've got an issue as well with Rangers, Pallys, UMD builds, and WF Wiz's who seem to be allergic to wands and scrolls. (Not saying all are this way, but...)

    I was running a deleras the other day and there was a WF Wiz who could not seem to manage aggro, was constantly getting smacked to 25% HP or less and not casting repairs or wand whipping or potion guzzling. The toon died like 5 times in part one and the first part of part two before I realized, he's really not going to repair himself. Ever. I don't think he even has the spells memorized or has any wands on him. I don't think he even took the enhancements to help increase healing effectiveness.

    There were two rangers and a UMD capable pure rogue in the group too and none of them seemed to have a wand or scroll between them. All had very weak AC, too. I was running out of mana, even in the shrine rich 3rd part. Part 4 was a nightmare. And the WF Wiz was trying to do all the optionals on part 4...

    Why is it perceived that the Cleric, if one is present, HAS to wand whip heals when out of mana? When 4 of the other 5 party members were fully capable (only the human sorc limited to pots alone) of wand whipping? Once cleric mana is gone, it's everyone's responsibility to self heal as they are capable.

    But I rarely if ever see this happen. And I think I might go into shock if someone actually scrolled or wanded anaother party member with a heal or restore. Why do clerics have the expectation of using scrolls and wands on every other party member as an obligation but no other classes (even when capable) have such an obligation to party members? Unless I'm dead, they don't even try. Then suddenly, the rogue has a ring of the ancestors and the ranger mysteriously found 4 CSW wands in his pack.

    Am I just in some really awful pugs, or is this as common as it seems? Am I mistaken about my expecations/perceptions of the rangers/pallys/UMD's/WF casters? I'm tired of blowing through 3-4 wands on a quest while other party members are sitting on their hands with wands in their pack.

    I'm not even getting into the need for ALL classes to carry a standard pot list and have them on their shortcut bars. How anyone steps into a quest without a sufficient supply of cure pots is beyond me. (Oops...I guess I just did get into it...)
    Start running in my groups bud. We dont wait for clerics, everyone is expected to BYOH and BYOBuffs. Everyone is expected to carry their weight, and if they dont, they better make some jokes and provide some humor, or be new and able to follow directions and communicate or im dropping them.
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
    QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
    Member of Roving Guns

  4. #124
    Community Member Niclos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lyniaer View Post
    Augh. Battle Clerics.

    I see some Clerics out there with levels of Fighter...Levels of Monk...Levels of Ranger...Levels of Rogue...

    Really, those are the dumb things to do. They're a self-sustaining soloist build and shouldn't be in a party at all.
    The reason I have 2 levels of Paladin (and when Mod 9 comes out, a 3rd) is for the sake of staying ALIVE.
    Too many times I see Clerics get attacked and Nomed so easily it's not even funny.
    3 Levels of Paladin will get you:
    Boost to AC and Saves for you and party members nearby.
    Boost to Saves via your Charisma Modifier.
    Proficiency with Long Swords, which means you can get your hands on better, cheaper, more easily available and useful weaponry to protect yourself.
    Immunity to Fear and Disease.
    Lay On Hands which will give you a minor, very quick to cast, heal on any party member and is not prejudiced against Warforged.
    Smite. Which is practically useless but at least it's there if you're dinking around doing favor missions 1/10th your level.
    Toughness Enhancements so long as you have the Toughness Feat. Honestly, if you're a human cleric, you have plenty of feets to go around. I highly suggest DieHard, Toughness, Spell Points and Maximize.

    The only thing my Cleric doesn't have is Mass Heal. Which I get at Level 14 which I will have once Mod 9 comes out. Take my Cleric to Lv15, add another level of Paladin for Disease/Fear immunity and voila.
    A dead Cleric heals far less than a slightly gimped one who's still alive....
    Enough with the nonsense. I have one of those multiclass clerics you talk about. 13 cleric 3 rogue and your telling me I'm a "self sustaining soloist build". I hacked up a perfectly good cleric build to help a party out. IN fact I know I excell at being a team player. Elite VOD no rouge well you have my cleric. Where does my cleric stand in part 4 of the shroud? Any where I want!!! Need a locked door open I can open it. Need a teleport to go somewhere, I can provide that. I also carry hundreds of scrolls, sp potions, and only die to my own stupidity. I don't need toughness because of my high reflex save and the ability "to heal myself". Diehard is for stupid clerics, if you go incapped why didn't you heal yourself??? By the way Mass Heal is a level 9 spell you can get at level 17 not 14 what makes me think you know less about what your talking about than I do.

  5. #125
    Community Member Kalari's Avatar
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    Guys I dont think we should attack him too much im hoping he goes back reads what he wrote and understands that its just not true. I like my pure cleric but I built her to utilize the weapons she could as an elf as well. I really like my monk splash now and I can see the benefits if you know what your doing of multiclassing and enhancing your builds.

    I think people who knock others for adding more to clerics without having done it themselves just need to step back and watch a true splash who took the time to put it together in action then say they can lump all splashes or battle clerics together. I wont knock people for their personal tastes but I do not like people calling stuff useless without evidence of such nor do I take seriously anyone who doesnt try to learn what all classes can bring before spouting off stuff.

    But instead of attacking I invite any of the battle/splash cleric haters to run with me or some of the others who posted on here see if we are just solo builds cause last I checked my splash is doing fine clericing raids.
    Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic

  6. #126
    Community Member soupertc's Avatar
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    well I've run with people who have splashes in thier clerics and they seemed fine to me......most people who multiclass clerics have a pure cleric so it seems to me they know what they are doin in the 1st's the person who just plays a healbot cleric that is the one I worry about.
    No I don't wear a Concordant Opp item on my Barb...but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. Zixx of the FlatBlade(Barb)

  7. #127


    Quote Originally Posted by Lyniaer View Post
    ... I've come from enough MMOs where the Healer was the Healer. The party relied on the Healer to have what they need to sustain the party. If the Healer expels all of his resources and the party still wipes then something besides the Healer needs to be evaluated. (i.e. Mission Level, Character Levels, Difficulty, Party Setup, etc.)
    IMHO 1: Never run a cleric or a caster as your first toon. It's not hard to roll up a winning Fighter or Barbarian without a clue what you're doing. When it comes to MMO's like DDO where you have so much input onto your build where most games you just gotta level up and buy Equipment....
    when a cleric is in a healer role, it has to heal. party setup and leadership/strategy mean a lot to whether the cleric could keep people up.

    i think, in order to perform good, you simply should learn the basics of how melee and casting work. When there is a tank in the party, and your dps barb/ranger rush to fight, you have to speak up to stop them. When there is a caster, you may need to ask him to do some CC if things do not go well or do it yourself (i.e. prioritize CC higher than healing, sound burst, hold person, command are pretty good in low level; cometfall and greater command are simply great spells) No matter which class you start your DDO career with, if you want to be a good player, you need to know a bit in every aspect, especially for clerics.

    the only reason I could support not to roll cleric as the first character is that you won't be a good one as you don't have both experience and cash for resource.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kronik View Post
    In my opinion, the OP was wrong for not be prepared and know that there are no restoration pots. If someone has negative levels, even a shrine will only cure one level, so I stress the importance of greator restoration scrolls for your Cleric.
    i didn't read other threads but the OP. I tend to agree a good cleric should have scrolls for restoration. but the OP didn't mention if the party need restoration for neg level or stats dmg. If it is stats dmg, the party could have their own lessor restoration pots. For neg level, most toons need help from the cleric, but it is also the job of cleric to give DW or stop the flesh melees from rushing to a beholder (if there are better options)

    Quote Originally Posted by Lost_Leader View Post
    ... The party leader.
    You took the responsibility/initiative to put the group together, now take it a step further and:
    leadership means a lot. And putting together a right mix of party affects the performance of a cleric a lot. Take an extreme example (that i just encountered yesterday), when you (the cleric) team with 3 barbs + 1 WF fighter + 1 bard, you need to discuss in advance with them about healing, let them know your healing limitation, make sure they bring their own pots, ask anyone to help out healing etc. If they are all new players, it's not going to work and you should quit before it starts. (for my case, the 4 melees are uber players and they dps fast enough and basically i seldom need to heal them at all, and the bard's displacement help a lot, i believe. It's hard to tell if you don't know the quality your party.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Velexia View Post
    If the stat damage is Constitution, it should be dealt with right away.
    If the stat damage is causing any form of burden or inability to act, it needs to be dealt with right away.
    If the Cleric doesn't have wands and scrolls to cover this sort of thing, they are ill prepared, and need to fix that for the next time.
    If the Cleric is running out of mana, it's usually because they are casting an excess amount of spells that they really don't need to, or someone in the party is being a healing sponge and needs some talking to (or the Cleric is a Battle Cleric, and you need a Healer in your party as well).


    Even with all of this, you should still be making positive cash flow. As a player of a character that uses potions of healing as well, I can tell you that buying 100 cure serious wounds potions (and at least 100 of other various potions) is much more of a money sink that your standard Cleric shopping list.
    if the cleric does want to restore for others, ask them to buy lessor restoration pots themselves for stats dmg before the quest has started! when in quest, other people count on the cleric to do restoration.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vileborg View Post
    Whilst not a fan of battle clerics do not make the assumption that all I do is stand back and heal. ...
    people always say "know your role". when a party has no healer, i suppose the battle cleric could stay behind to heal. it's just like, when a party can't find a cleric, a non-healing bard or any UMD guy may need to act as a healer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kalari View Post
    My monk splash cleric has evasion a wisdom boost and has the ability to fight better then my straight healer does though she isnt the type not to swing a weapon when needed either.
    So try not to knock things unless you have clear concrete stuff backing your claims.
    my cleric/monk agree with this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Elsbet View Post
    With the right mix, clerics are often optional in a party (and I say this as someone who runs two capped clerics as primary toons). I've three-manned Enter the Kobold with two rangers and my bard, who is not specced for healing. No one took the "healer" role. We all just kept ourselves and each other alive.
    this is awesome. ppl can solo Kobold. but i suppose most six-man team doesn't use the 3-man/solo strategy. It will work without any healer, but with a healer, the fight just go faster. timer tracker, completions tracker, search engine, puzzle solver, xp table
    My toons on Argo: Salade TR2 Wiz20, Speedo ESoS Fighter, MangoSalade TR2 Wiz18/Mnk2, EvaHealer Clr18/Mnk2

  8. #128
    Founder William_the_Bat's Avatar
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    I don't really get it.

    Yes, it would be nice if all the new players would read up on useful things to be prepared with.

    Yes, it would be nice if everyone respected each other's play styles, and if non-healing clerics would not respond to "need healer" LFMs.

    I generally do anything I can with a given character to help a party succeed. If I'm playing a caster, knowing when to nuke and when to CC is important. If I'm on a cleric, knowing when to heal and when to CC is also important. On just about any character, I'll do what I can to neutralize the most important enemies in the most time and resource effective way.

    Sometimes, that means wading in with my TWF khopesh no-AC fighter and make things dead as fast as possible, secure in the knowledge that a healer has my back. In a group without a healer, I tend to play him as if he were a rogue, i.e. let someone with AC go first, then take them down. If nobody in the group has AC, and there's no body healing, then it's back to kill things fast and hope to run out of opponents before running out of HP.

    But here's the thing.. almost everyone has a different idea of what they want their character to do. The cool thing about DDO is you can make a character that can do just about anything, though a character that can do everything won't do all of them as well as specialists. When we run into trouble is when the "I don't heal" cleric is in the same party with the "DPS and only DPS" melee and they both expect different things from the party.

  9. #129
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    Thanks for the support. As a Cleric, I see too many times that people just want to run in and smash stuff and not use much sense as to what they are getting themselves into, especially in PUGs. And people wonder why they can't get "good" clerics in their groups, it's because the "good" clerics have tired of babying their PUGs and having to pony up scrolls and wands without any (or much) compensation. I fully understand that I have to be stocked with scrolls/wands/pots so that I can keep everything going, but it's gets very tiring when, say a warforged sorc, keeps relying on the Cleric for Heal instead of ponying up their own Repair items. Or perhaps a rogue with very little HP zergs in and keeps getting the **** beat out of them, and expects the Cleric to keep them alive while they continue running ahead and banging on everything. Unfortunately, the mechanics of this game allow most people to cap toons with little to no strategy involved in their questing, just beat the snot out of everything and the healer will come through or else be called a sucky healer.
    I will still continue to heal idiots in my PUGs just so we can continue but you can bet they get put on my list (Friends list is so handy for this). Everyone wants to blame the healer for a wipe, but it takes everyone in the group/raid to fail. Sure there are some HORRIBLE Clerics out there that couldn't keep their groups up, and they should probably consider re-rolling.
    /end rant
    Anyway, throwing a few heals on your own, carrying your own gear, and playing sensibly should be the way of PUGs. My 2 cents.


    Quote Originally Posted by szaijan View Post
    Good for the Cleric. If players are going to play in such a fashion that the Cleric needs to use scrolls and wand charges to keep them up, then the non-Clerics should provide said scrolls and wands. or carry potions. Self sufficiency is key in pugging. Putting more financial burden on the Cleric is foolhardy, given the dearth of them already in DDO. To me, that's just common sense.

    BTW, I play a melee in PUGs and a Bard who is well taken care of in our static group, so I am in no way biased towards Clerics; I am biased toward making the least popular role in groups (healer) as attractive to perspective Clerics as possible. Support your local healer!

  10. #130
    Community Member baflin_haverstaff's Avatar
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    My only cleric is Noughtyous Maximus and he carries 1490 sp with no +3 tome or shroud gear. I don't normally worry about running out of mana that often even on most shrouds or whatever. I'm in take care of the group mode all the time and overheal a good bit. Only thing that I have a gripe with is going through a **** load of heal scrolls. I switch inbetween the 2 on raids to keep sp handy, as I think most clerics would or should. Having a cleric have to resort to that because of mana is nuts. Thats the last thing I want to hear when I'm on any of my toons. Think most of that is because of you Warforge bastiches that tank but don't even consider healers friend as an enhancement. I pretty much gave up healing wf with my caster a long time ago. I'm getting broke buying heal scrolls just to get into a raid and often when I am broke, I'm not going to get into a shroud or vod. Whats the mentality going to be?? A cleric with only 37 heal scroll? man you suck!! I thought you were going to heal me. (forget the rest of the group). Players need to be more self suffiecent to be sure. On raplin, I carry couple goggles and a belt of lesser resto quickes, try to cure my own stuff when i can. Cant afford the heal pots but oh well. Jungle cloak helps when we are waiting on something. Anyhoo. see yall tommorow. Hope the servers stay up till the 9th when I'm sure everything will catch fire and they'll have to find a new datacenter.

  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by baflin_haverstaff View Post
    My only cleric is Noughtyous Maximus and he carries 1490 sp with no +3 tome or shroud gear. I don't normally worry about running out of mana that often even on most shrouds or whatever. I'm in take care of the group mode all the time and overheal a good bit. Only thing that I have a gripe with is going through a **** load of heal scrolls. I switch inbetween the 2 on raids to keep sp handy, as I think most clerics would or should. Having a cleric have to resort to that because of mana is nuts. Thats the last thing I want to hear when I'm on any of my toons. Think most of that is because of you Warforge bastiches that tank but don't even consider healers friend as an enhancement. I pretty much gave up healing wf with my caster a long time ago. I'm getting broke buying heal scrolls just to get into a raid and often when I am broke, I'm not going to get into a shroud or vod. Whats the mentality going to be?? A cleric with only 37 heal scroll? man you suck!! I thought you were going to heal me. (forget the rest of the group). Players need to be more self suffiecent to be sure. On raplin, I carry couple goggles and a belt of lesser resto quickes, try to cure my own stuff when i can. Cant afford the heal pots but oh well. Jungle cloak helps when we are waiting on something. Anyhoo. see yall tommorow. Hope the servers stay up till the 9th when I'm sure everything will catch fire and they'll have to find a new datacenter.

    Wow - my vote for most meandering self-disagreeing post ever. Nice.

    My cleric doesn't run out of mana.
    I overheal much of the time.
    I use too many heal scrolls, by choice.
    Most clerics should use too many heal scrolls.
    Use too many heal scrolls is nuts.
    I'm broke now from buying heal scrolls.
    Players need to be more self-sufficient.


    Quote Originally Posted by Tumarek View Post
    Enochroot does know what he is talking about but even a knowledgeable Troll is still a Troll.

  12. #132
    Community Member gallantian's Avatar
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    I enjoy playing my cleric and do try to keep enough stock on hand to cure various ailments even after running out of mana. I think the primary function of the cleric is the safeguard the party. While sword are swing and firewalls are crackling the cleric is primarily there to keep everyone alive then throw a few swats at the bad guys here and there when you can. There is a 'but' here however. If I as a cleric run into a nasty trap should I curse our rogue for not finding and disabling it? We all have our part to play, but you do have to use your head and that way we all have fun.

  13. #133
    Community Member Armitage's Avatar
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    so, im in this shroud run one night, fairly typical run with a few folks i know well.

    around portal number 3 im trying to heal a ranger whos out of range. i go looking
    for him and find him on a portal all alone just a swinging away. i watch this guy
    for a few seconds and realize hes using atleast 1 viscious weapon so i return to the
    rest of the party and about 5 mins later, and another portal later he drops dead.

    i left him that way. sorry, but first off, your on the wrong portal. secondly you
    chose to use a weapon that would kill you eventually. third, you could have stopped
    swinging and rejoined the rest of the party before you died.

    my only conclusion was he wanted to commit suicide and i learned along time ago,
    not to chase idiots with a deathwish.

    if you cause harm to yourself, heal yourself.
    if you run off into the unknown unprepared, expect to stay awhile.
    if you feel you dont need to wait for your healer, dont. ill find your copse eventually.
    if you dont know clerics are slower then a rusty warforged swimming in molassas....

    common sense says, "Hi im your cleric for the evening. if you do stupid things, you
    will be treated as stupid. now, where we going?"

  14. #134
    Community Member
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    Sep 2006


    Clerics are SOOOOOOO over rated.....

  15. #135
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
    so, im in this shroud run one night, fairly typical run with a few folks i know well.

    around portal number 3 im trying to heal a ranger whos out of range. i go looking
    for him and find him on a portal all alone just a swinging away. i watch this guy
    for a few seconds and realize hes using atleast 1 viscious weapon so i return to the
    rest of the party and about 5 mins later, and another portal later he drops dead.

    i left him that way. sorry, but first off, your on the wrong portal. secondly you
    chose to use a weapon that would kill you eventually. third, you could have stopped
    swinging and rejoined the rest of the party before you died.

    my only conclusion was he wanted to commit suicide and i learned along time ago,
    not to chase idiots with a deathwish.

    if you cause harm to yourself, heal yourself.
    if you run off into the unknown unprepared, expect to stay awhile.
    if you feel you dont need to wait for your healer, dont. ill find your copse eventually.
    if you dont know clerics are slower then a rusty warforged swimming in molassas....

    common sense says, "Hi im your cleric for the evening. if you do stupid things, you
    will be treated as stupid. now, where we going?"
    Thats funny. Did he go afk at a portal and forget he was using viscious?
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
    QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
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  16. #136
    Community Member Weslok's Avatar
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    I play a Cleric once in a while, my wife plays a cleric alot more. WE both play the same way. If a character is played in a stupid way his stone goes into the pocket until the next shrine regardless of spell points we have left. We carry 100 heal scrolls and 50 raise dead scrolls as a rule. I am more of a CC cleric than she is, A well placed soundburst will mitigate alot of extra damage to our party. Its all about play style. I don't expect players to bring their own healing, but I do expect them to use common sense. Fight in a doorway, or back to the wall. shield block for the casters, just be useful. If you are a wiz who rushes in as the door opens I expect to hear a ding and you can expect to sit in a pocket till we get to shrine. If you expect healing I expect you to act in the best interests of the party. they are my spell points and I will use them as I see fit for the best of the party.
    Now having said all that, I am one of those idiots who runs in all squishy when I am not playing cleric, I spend alot of time in my wifes pocket.
    Raven opened the clamshell and out came the people. The granfathers and the grandmothers all.

  17. #137
    Community Member odontia's Avatar
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    Okay - this can be summed up with the old addages: LEAVE YOURSELF A WAY OUT, DON"T PAINT YOURSELF IN A CORNER, and for you girl and boy scout alumni :BE PREPARED.

    Every melee should be equipped with:
    3-400 CMW / RMW potions (better buy)
    50 poison removal potions /wand charges* (if not immune/covered by an item)
    50 Blindness removal potions / wand charges*
    50 curse removal potions / wand charges*
    100 lesser restore potions / wand charges*
    100 restoration scrolls (if useable)
    A silver flame trinket ( if you don't have one, throw up an LFM)
    A fear immunity item / planar gird (again if you dont have one, throw up an LFM)

    If you don't have the cash for these items- start saving up!!
    If you are new or returning F2P - use one slot for a haggle character (pref. bard)
    Use your shared bank slot (no transfer fee) and broker your items at appropriate vendors.
    If you have to sell items for room, sell them at the bar, use the "buy back" (will be the same price you received earlier) and then broker them.
    Sell useful items on the AH for reasonable amounts.. surprise people will actually buy them!

    Any questions - throw them up on /advice where ever you are - people will help you get your tunes geared up, but people will hate your guts if you join and drag the whole party down by being totally unprepared!
    Peace! pOg
    Last edited by odontia; 09-18-2009 at 09:52 AM.
    "What's up? Hard work and noooo money, that's what's up!"

  18. #138
    Community Member Kalari's Avatar
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    I think it comes down to feeling burdened.

    Honestly after going back to read this again I realize that not everyone can afford to constantly stock up and get themselves if they get into trouble. I just know that if I start to feel burdened as a healer to fix every ache and boo boo it makes me less inclined to pull my clerics out. A smooth run for a party can also be a nightmare for a cleric who keeps it together, so while your all high fiving yoru dps think about that when you got feared who threw that removal, or got your curse while your madstoned, or dropped that buff to keep your butt from being poisoned or got rid of your devil's chills because it was too much for you to swap out your disease immunity item for that last part of the shroud.

    I speak as someone who enjoys playing a healer to a certain extent, but would rather utilize all my ablities as a cleric as well. Sure I know my class is the one who should keep the party going, but tossing heals and clearing up boo boos is not the only way to do that, and if you believe thats all a cleric has to offer dont be surprise to find many of us running guild/friend only.
    Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic

  19. #139
    Community Member Pallol_One-Eye's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Kalari View Post
    I think it comes down to feeling burdened.

    Honestly after going back to read this again I realize that not everyone can afford to constantly stock up and get themselves if they get into trouble. I just know that if I start to feel burdened as a healer to fix every ache and boo boo it makes me less inclined to pull my clerics out. A smooth run for a party can also be a nightmare for a cleric who keeps it together, so while your all high fiving yoru dps think about that when you got feared who threw that removal, or got your curse while your madstoned, or dropped that buff to keep your butt from being poisoned or got rid of your devil's chills because it was too much for you to swap out your disease immunity item for that last part of the shroud.

    I speak as someone who enjoys playing a healer to a certain extent, but would rather utilize all my ablities as a cleric as well. Sure I know my class is the one who should keep the party going, but tossing heals and clearing up boo boos is not the only way to do that, and if you believe thats all a cleric has to offer dont be surprise to find many of us running guild/friend only.

    Preach it Kal...give em what for!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by EustaceTrevelyan View Post
    A team-killing f-tard is a team-killing f-tard, no matter how long they've played.

  20. #140
    Community Member Kalari's Avatar
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    hehe hiya Pallol *hugs* this thread caught me in ranty mode
    Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic

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