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  1. #41
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enochroot View Post
    Yes, it sounds like it, but it's certainly not clear, and I wanted to bash Fenris for supposedly knowing what he's talking about when he couldn't even spot the obvious inconsistency in the OP. The second poster in thread went with restoration scrolls, others went with pots (ie. lesser restoration) - and who really knows. The ignorance of the OP on what exactly is being cast would lead me to believe there were other things wasting the cleric's mana than simply not having restoration pots on hand.

    Your whole point about why if you ask for something you should just say what is ailing your toon - and let others sort out how they should fix it - is made all the more important with all this thread confusion, which still hasn't been clarified as to what the ailment actually was. Preferably as well, type the problem, so people can easily sort who just said what (unless you're running with people that know your voice, obviously, or you're in a non-typing-possible situation, but then at least say "<myname> has con damage").

    I agree about SF necklace/dw clickie - I yell every sub run about SF necklaces - *** are people doing in the sub without them? Ridiculous. There's nothing you can get in the sub that's better than SF necklace - so go run that.

    lol i love hearing, "I need a restore" when on my cleric in a pug. Huh? Who the heck are you? Try a name next time yo.

    Peeps really do need to learn how to be more self sufficent (Like carrying neut poison pots for shroud ) And my melees dont go into the sub with less than 5 charges on their SF Necklace, and most have at least one set of optic nerves.
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
    QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
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  2. #42
    Community Member Sou1Hammer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quikster View Post
    From the way the post sounded I assumed stat damage, and the OP or cleric was talking about a lessor restore. But thats just how I read it, and from seeing the lfm's the OP has had up of late (lowbies IIRC)

    If it was a neg level, "most" peeps say I have 3 negs, or something along those lines. So if he had stat damage from say poison in Necro (DT 4) and was healed with a lesser restore, he might have needed more than one. Thats just how I read it. If it was neg levels I woulda told him to get a DW clickie or a sf necklace
    The original request for the restore was for stat damage, if I remember correctly. I've run several quests since then, so it's a bit hard to remember. But again, all the cleric was saying is that ppl need to start carrying pots and stop relying so heavily on clerics.

    I've noticed alot of players don't carry pots because they figure they've got a cleric in the party so they're not going to was the gold buying pots, OR, they don't want to take up the invaluable backpack space for the almighty loot. No wonder clerics run short on mana at times.

    I know from this point on I'll be telling party members that if they need a spell from me to cure what a pot could do, then they better make sure they have pots to do it. Especially at lower lvls where most things CAN and usually ARE cured by pots. Higher lvls it's a bit different, but still.... carry pots.
    You're going down faster than a fat chick on a greased fire pole. (That's fast!)

    (Sarlona) Thorrynn Earthspyre; Mrgarygygax Lives Through Me; Vicc; Primall Optimus (Khyber) Loskoss

  3. #43
    Founder Solmage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smatt View Post
    Restoration scrolls.........

    I see oh so many threads that melees should be more prepeared with various pots etc.... This goes for clerics as well.....
    From the text, this was stat damage. Ie lesser restore territory. I'd be embarrassed to ask anyone for it, much less the cleric. Drink one of the pots you're supposed to be carrying.

    As for the other ones, hey negative levels can happen.. you can get distracted and forget to put your silverflame amulet or deathward clicky, you can zig instead of zag on a ray. But if you're getting nailed by these every fight, you need to learn to not be a noob, instead of relying on a babysitter to pay in scrolls for your noobness.
    Devs: Thanks for making Druids available to VIPs without the pack. This more than anything, has made me want to buy the pack.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by smatt View Post
    Restoration scrolls.........

    I see oh so many threads that melees should be more prepeared with various pots etc.... This goes for clerics as well.....
    There is nothing that prevents players from providing their own resources for the Cleric to use on them...

    As others mentioned:

    1) Understand how the game works, and carry Lesser Restore pots and drink them if applicable.

    2) Doesn't hurt to carry your own Clerical resources to hand over to a Divine caster or UMD character to use on you.

    I don't understand why everyone is so keen to shuffle off all financial responsibility onto the Cleric.

    Now sure, if a Cleric wants to use material resources instead of spell points to be conservative...well, I'm not going to pay for that...use your **** spell points...but if you legitimately run out and are dipping into financial costs to continue, I'll try to help you out--though even then I'm less inclined to compensate the Cleric for OTHER peoples needs. If I'm requiring resources I'll try to reimburse that, if someone else is being a dumbass...well, it depends, but they need to work that out...
    Last edited by rimble; 08-13-2009 at 11:30 AM.

  5. #45
    Community Member Vileborg's Avatar
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    First of all, if your posting here, your most likely not a problem to the cleric. However, please acknowledge that quite a few people don't bother to spend tons of money on their gear, preferring to wait until it falls in their lap. I spent over a hundred hours camping spawns in EQ1 for my Water Sprinkler, and another 60 or so camping spawns in WoW for my Benediction/Anathema, but I've noticed a lot of people here aren't willing to camp out rares for gear to make them better.

    I pulled my Silver Flame amulet out of the bank the other day and realized it only has one charge on it. Which is something I need to fix, but as a cleric who carries both pots and a wand it hasn't been essential to me. Not to mention I don't put my self in situations in which I would get neg levels or stat damage.

    When I get low on mana I usually start to switch over to wands and scrolls for heals leaving the reserve mana for utility spells and emergency heals.

    There have been a few PuG's as of recently that have gotten on my nerves with the amount of restores needed especially on the way to hound. I accept it though as Necropolis is a hard place to get a group much less get people to go, and the mechanics of a few quests in there require a body to actually stand on plates and such so you can't easily solo it. Also I asked the guy what his fort save was at, and got "Where do I find that?". In my opinion constitution is highly important no matter what class you play, but apparently it wasn't important to him.

    As far as gold spending for clerics. I'd complain more but I've got a good AH routine, and a good set of solo loot routes that keep me well stocked and comfortable.

  6. #46
    Community Member gfunk's Avatar
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    My LFM's now read BYOH, even if there is a cleric in the party already.... prevents alot of misunderstandings later on.

    Also, for those who are too cheap for pots, remember you can get clickies for nearly anything.. some of them are cheap and plentiful, like neut poison clickies which can commonly be found in the vendor. Others are easily farmable (flesh render guards from tangle root.. run it in 30 mins while you are bored).

    If I was on a lowbie and pugging it, and the cleric didn't have enough resources to cast a restoration I would probably just mail him a stack of scrolls after the quest.
    <Sarlona>Leafy - ranger , Ingvild - fighter, Backk - rogue, Dahgnabbit - warlock , Reinheits - cleric, <Lost Legion>

  7. #47
    Community Member Delt's Avatar
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    Pots any melee should carry 100 of:

    CSW, Haste, Restore, Curse Removal, Remove Fear (hey, every once and a while it happens to a party you are in), Remove Disease (unless immune), Poison Immunity (even if immune).

    There are a few others, but they tend to be optional imo. Every melee should carry these pots (even if you can wand, with the exception of poison) and the only excuse you have looking towards someone else (ie: cleric) to fix these issues needs to be "****, sorry, I'm a noob. Can you cast 'xxx' on me, I forgot to restock my pots".

    I don't expect people to have the Necro trinket done, its an obscure and annoying questline. The vendor takes no effort though.

  8. #48


    This was a response I posted in reply to
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark_Uncle72 View Post
    my habit, bring pots for least 50 rmv curse, disease, paralysis, fear, Resto pots for stat damage at lvl 2 on up..(increasing by lvl)....

    If I'm on my barb(wf) I bring scrolls/wands for the caster....(if plat is avail to me..if not I always "steal" from "uncle capped")...if I'm on my caster I always have no less than 50 csw pots..and about 200 cmw pots...(not enuff hp to justify 200 csw pots) I also farmed enuff of those low lvl bracers from korthos to have Aid clickies...

    Since I have never really been one to rely on UMD on a caster I always tend to bring a few heal scrolls on my capped...

    but to be honest there are times I forgot to stock up or bring enuff for myself..let alone anyone else..but that is rare...
    I also have a Cleric who's capped, and speaking from a clerical viewpoint I can agree w/ the op.

    I try (keyword try..if I'm not broke from having to restock) to carry at least 100 of each type of stat "repair" scroll, "Restoration, Greater Restoration" at least 2-3 rvm *insert varied affliction* wands. 100 heal, 100 mass cmw scrolls and 100 ccw scrolls. and I have at one point had an entire back pack tab filled w/ nothing but csw wands (excessive aint' I )

    But there is also no excuse as to why someone should NOT carry such items as SF trinket, resto pots, rmv *insert varied affliction* pots (exception rmv paralysis {can't cast that on yourself}).

    I have had in some cases had members of the party/raid hand me scrolls, pots and wands for that "just in case" scenario.

    that's my two copper
    "I've a suggestion to keep you all occupied...
    Learn to swim..."

    "This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality
    Embrace this moment, remember, we are eternal
    All this pain is an illusion"

  9. #49
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    These are the reasons I never play my cleric.

    I carry wands of the various cure-alls. So that's seldom a problem.

    In general, if someone asks I give it to them. They will just have to do without when I completely run out of mana.
    This may not be the right way to play a cleric, but I don't understand why people can't see my missing blue bar and understand I'm almost OoM.

    People should be aware of the status of every party member IMO.
    It's a pet peave of mine. Everyone can see red and blue bars, everyone can see blue dots on maps (or lack there-of).
    People can see curse and bane effects....etc.

    The only things you should have to ask for is things that need (lesser)restore.
    But like everyone says.....they sell pots.
    And if my chars can afford them, I have them. Maybe not at low lvls, but eventually I'll have enough wealth to buy some.

    Cleric mana is free though.
    But I pride myself on being a professional adventurer, and not needing to sponge off my fellow party members.

    But as a Cleric, I do all I can to help out.

    Actually, I really think everyone should play a cleric.
    It makes you a better player IMO.

    All my chars now pay close attention to the status of everyone in the group.
    And most of my chars will do what they can to heal and cure others if they can.

    Anyway....if the party's carelessness make me run out of cleric still carries heal kits.
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  10. #50


    Quote Originally Posted by Talon_Moonshadow View Post
    Anyway....if the party's carelessness make me run out of cleric still carries heal kits.
    I haven't used a healers kit since like Mod 4
    "I've a suggestion to keep you all occupied...
    Learn to swim..."

    "This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality
    Embrace this moment, remember, we are eternal
    All this pain is an illusion"

  11. #51
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Solmage View Post
    From the text, this was stat damage. Ie lesser restore territory. I'd be embarrassed to ask anyone for it, much less the cleric. Drink one of the pots you're supposed to be carrying.

    As for the other ones, hey negative levels can happen.. you can get distracted and forget to put your silverflame amulet or deathward clicky, you can zig instead of zag on a ray. But if you're getting nailed by these every fight, you need to learn to not be a noob, instead of relying on a babysitter to pay in scrolls for your noobness.
    Obviously things happen. I have had a neg level or two. But if I get em, you have my permission to make a sporting comment. Peeps for the most part shouldnt get neg levels when running to hound, unless they are new.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vileborg View Post
    First of all, if your posting here, your most likely not a problem to the cleric. However, please acknowledge that quite a few people don't bother to spend tons of money on their gear, preferring to wait until it falls in their lap. I spent over a hundred hours camping spawns in EQ1 for my Water Sprinkler, and another 60 or so camping spawns in WoW for my Benediction/Anathema, but I've noticed a lot of people here aren't willing to camp out rares for gear to make them better.

    I pulled my Silver Flame amulet out of the bank the other day and realized it only has one charge on it. Which is something I need to fix, but as a cleric who carries both pots and a wand it hasn't been essential to me. Not to mention I don't put my self in situations in which I would get neg levels or stat damage.

    When I get low on mana I usually start to switch over to wands and scrolls for heals leaving the reserve mana for utility spells and emergency heals.

    There have been a few PuG's as of recently that have gotten on my nerves with the amount of restores needed especially on the way to hound. I accept it though as Necropolis is a hard place to get a group much less get people to go, and the mechanics of a few quests in there require a body to actually stand on plates and such so you can't easily solo it. Also I asked the guy what his fort save was at, and got "Where do I find that?". In my opinion constitution is highly important no matter what class you play, but apparently it wasn't important to him.

    As far as gold spending for clerics. I'd complain more but I've got a good AH routine, and a good set of solo loot routes that keep me well stocked and comfortable.
    IMO there is no excuse not to have protection from negative levels if you are doing end game raids, period. If you dont, dont raid in my groups.

    Quote Originally Posted by gfunk View Post
    My LFM's now read BYOH, even if there is a cleric in the party already.... prevents alot of misunderstandings later on.

    Also, for those who are too cheap for pots, remember you can get clickies for nearly anything.. some of them are cheap and plentiful, like neut poison clickies which can commonly be found in the vendor. Others are easily farmable (flesh render guards from tangle root.. run it in 30 mins while you are bored).

    If I was on a lowbie and pugging it, and the cleric didn't have enough resources to cast a restoration I would probably just mail him a stack of scrolls after the quest.
    Yep if you let peeps know you wont be waiting for a cleric, most likely you can avoid this problem. The few newbs that do join likely will be advanced more than most newbs and are very teachable. Im cool with helping them out till they become established.

    Quote Originally Posted by Delt View Post
    Pots any melee should carry 100 of:

    CSW, Haste, Restore, Curse Removal, Remove Fear (hey, every once and a while it happens to a party you are in), Remove Disease (unless immune), Poison Immunity (even if immune).

    There are a few others, but they tend to be optional imo. Every melee should carry these pots (even if you can wand, with the exception of poison) and the only excuse you have looking towards someone else (ie: cleric) to fix these issues needs to be "****, sorry, I'm a noob. Can you cast 'xxx' on me, I forgot to restock my pots".

    I don't expect people to have the Necro trinket done, its an obscure and annoying questline. The vendor takes no effort though.
    For sure peeps can carry their own pots. I dont expect newbs to have stacks of 100 but you can start with stacks of 10 and go from there. The only reasons someone should be asking for a lessor restore are A they are new, B they have so much stat damage they are helpless, and C they forgot to grab pots.

    I dont expect peeps to have SF necklaces unless they are doing end game raids. Raiding requires a responsibility by the player. If you want to raid, you should take a few min to go get two to three charges on your SF necklace. The Cursed Crypt is not difficult to solo if you have a caster of high level. There is enough loot in there peeps still farm it, and if you dont have an opener, put up an lfm and ask. Many peeps will join your group so you can open the quest or may even run it with you. When you step into end game groups you should have the minimum of gear and supplies. If not you are doing nothing to help the group. Dont join my groups if all you want to do is pike through for a chance at loot you dont deserve
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
    QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
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  12. #52
    Community Member Zenako's Avatar
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    mmm...I can't hear you....soul stones are mute...I can't hear you....

    Seriously if you are so nuked it is gonna take a BUNCH of restores to get you back to full, just go dunk yourself in a pool somewhere. Raise the stone for one spell vs 4 or 5 times the spell point cost (assuming Greater Restoration is not readily available yet.) Von Three is a great spot for this with all them beholders. (Now obviously some playstyles would have a severe problem with this solution...)

    Getting the SF necklace is not that hard. I have it with at least level 2 (5 charges) on like 17 toons.
    Last edited by Zenako; 08-13-2009 at 01:17 PM.
    Sarlona - The Ko Brotherhood :Jareko-Elf Ranger12Rogue8+4E; Hennako-Human Cleric22; Rukio-Human Paladin18; Taellya-Halfling Rogue16; Zenako-Dwarf Fighter10Cleric1; Daniko-Drow Bard20; Kerriganko-Human Cleric18; Buket-WF Fighter6; Xenophilia-Human Wiz20; Zenakotwo-Dwarf Cleric16; Yadnomko-Halfling Ftr12; Gabiko-Human Bard15; lots more

  13. #53
    Community Member Tanka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Delt View Post
    I don't expect people to have the Necro trinket done, its an obscure and annoying questline.
    People do Cursed Crypt runs all the time. When looking for Chokers or DoDs, just grab the trinket, run it thrice, voila, a fully upgraded SF necklace. And while you're in there, you might even get a Choker or a DoD.

    As to pots, on all my non-UMD characters I keep 300 CSW/RSW (depending on race, 'natch). Otherwise 100+100 Heal scrolls is sufficient.
    Person Æ, Sarlona
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  14. #54
    Community Member gfunk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tanka View Post
    People do Cursed Crypt runs all the time. When looking for Chokers or DoDs, just grab the trinket, run it thrice, voila, a fully upgraded SF necklace. And while you're in there, you might even get a Choker or a DoD.
    Alot of the CC runs are total charity anyways.. some caster will put up an lfm as he is soloing it and let you come in and pike. In fact, lots of people would prefer people did just stay at the entrance and pike so that they don't get in the way or die somewhere inconvenient.

    If a player is having trouble getting into a CC run they could try offering up their end loot to a caster who was willing to run it for them... 15 minutes while the caster runs around, and voila: an upgraded talisman...

    piking aint exploiting!
    <Sarlona>Leafy - ranger , Ingvild - fighter, Backk - rogue, Dahgnabbit - warlock , Reinheits - cleric, <Lost Legion>

  15. #55
    Community Member Kalari's Avatar
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    Dont forget blindness pots, I still have a stack of 50 on most of my girls sure they dont get used much but ive had them and have to use them on others who dont think "oh this mob has a blindness attack." Its especially come in handy on Mt Resylon those gnolls sometimes use that spell. Its one of those pots you dont use much but your happy when you have one handy on the oft chance it happens.

    I think soloing helped me even better then playing clerics for what I carry for healing and ailment needs. When you solo you know that you need to have whatever is necessary to keep yourself up and from that I really started stocking up on necessities. You learn what creatures cast what spells and what you can do to get rid of such things.

    As for the silver flame thing embarrassed to say till I joined Lost Legions my trinkets were only at the first tier now any of my girls who are raid ready has it fully done but I went almost 2 years without them. Then again didnt really raid much till recently either. I think speaking up to people who are not prepared without being an arse about it helps to.
    Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic

  16. #56
    Community Member Tanka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gfunk View Post
    Alot of the CC runs are total charity anyways.. some caster will put up an lfm as he is soloing it and let you come in and pike. In fact, lots of people would prefer people did just stay at the entrance and pike so that they don't get in the way or die somewhere inconvenient.

    If a player is having trouble getting into a CC run they could try offering up their end loot to a caster who was willing to run it for them... 15 minutes while the caster runs around, and voila: an upgraded talisman...

    piking aint exploiting!
    What's even funnier are the people who reply to "get a necklace" with "but if I take off my Choker I lose DPS!"

    Uh, no, wearing a Choker in short fights lowers your DPS because then you slow down at the end of the Bloodlust-effect.

    Person Æ, Sarlona
    Tanka (Elf Tempest Trapper) .:. Darani (Aasimar Inquisileric) .:. Raelyth (Elf Artifonk)

  17. #57
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalari View Post
    .... I think speaking up to people who are not prepared without being an arse about it helps to.
    I'm an a$$ what's your point. peeps either get one to shut me up or don't run with me. Either way problem solved
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
    QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
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  18. #58
    Community Member Kalari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quikster View Post
    I'm an a$$ what's your point. peeps either get one to shut me up or don't run with me. Either way problem solved
    lmao I run with ya and still tease you about you thinking I squelched ya. And trust me if I had a problem running with asses id have left the game long ago. In fact if I dont hear a man kal you sure do suck every once in awhile I start feeling neglected

    And I meant that more to new players old players you should know by now I dont give a rats behind about their feelings and love to sing "Reroll" to people specially when they do stupid things during raids. And dont even get me started after ive had a few lol.
    Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic

  19. #59
    Community Member spyderwolf's Avatar
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    whats a cleric? and where can i get one?

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  20. #60
    Community Member Kalari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spyderwolf View Post
    whats a cleric? and where can i get one?
    lol set a snare trap with a bottle of Jack daniels and a shiny pink weapon and you might catch one of my clerics
    Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic

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